Author Topic: newbie on site but veteran psychic junkie  (Read 4363 times)

Offline glinda

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newbie on site but veteran psychic junkie
« on: June 24, 2012, 08:31:54 PM »
Hi all! 

I feel old reading all these posts. lol  I've been going through the psychic mill on and off for over 10 years.  I used to be totally addicted to Keen.  I stopped getting readings for a long time and recently because of a break up (of course) recently got hooked on Bitwine. 

I also have a close girlfriend who reads cards for me and she's actually the best psychic I've come across and she doesn't charge me!  :)
I feel as though I could write a master thesis on psychic readings, predictions et al. 

Here are some things I have learned- the hard way-

I used to be on the quest for the best psychic.  In the past I got a lot of fairytales and false hopes and crashed really hard lots of $$$ spent later.  More recently I've found my readings to be more accurate and have had many predictions come true.  I've come to the conclusion that we are told what is going to help us on our path.  EVEN if that means we are given the WRONG information in order to kick our ass into gear.

It's messed up but I really believe that's what happens.  I read tarot cards for myself and have found this to be true.  I really believe our "guides" sometimes give us wrong info on purpose. 

If you get too many readings about the same subject the information starts getting confused and inaccurate.  Probably because you're meant to stop fixating on getting readings and start living your life. 

Some things we are absolutely NOT meant to know ahead of time.  Recently I had some really amazing readers get all kinds of things right about my situation with my boyfriend.   None of them saw our breakups.  (yes more than one breakup...)  Yet the breakups did show in my own tarot cards.  They were so accurate about other stuff but did not see either breakup happening.  In fact they told me that everything was going to be just fine.  So why were they right about everything else?  And this includes my friend who I'm not paying and cares about my wellbeing...   Because my knowing about the breakups ahead of time would NOT HAVE HELPED ME!  I couldn't avoid them. 

It really does become an addiction.  Sometimes I beg my friend for a reading and she tells me she's not feeling that connected.  I tell her - I don't care I just need a fix.  It's so crazy...

Anyway- I have had experiences with several readers that have been mentioned on this board going back years ago.  People like Julie Northstar who I LOVED back in the day and thought she was amazing.  And she was right about certain things but was SO WRONG about others. (like telling me I was going to have some grand love affair with this guy who was such bad news- meth addict)   Same thing with Eli Casey.  Really right and really wrong. 

In my latest bout of getting readings I've found Aboutagirl on Bitwine to be really good and reasonably priced.  She actually predicted specifically how my bf and I were going to get back together the last time.  She's really nice too.  She's been wrong about stuff as well- such as not seeing the subsequent breakup but then in all fairness to her it might be because I've had way too many readings with her.  When I look at older transcripts she did allude to trouble ahead...  Anyway- overall I've found her to be the best.  I've also tried Jamey who I really like the first time- less so the second.  Brazilianstar and Psychic Eve- I cannot figure out if they're just really good script readers or if they are totally connected...   Their readings were super accurate for current situation but I felt that the readings could very well apply to the majority of people getting readings. 

Anyway- I look forward to sharing my experiences on this board. 

Oh and this really does become an addiction.  What has helped me in the past to quit was joining a support group on Google.   Psychic Junkie.  You can't name psychics there so you don't get tempted to get readings like on here. 



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Re: newbie on site but veteran psychic junkie
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2012, 09:16:48 PM »
Welcome to the board.I'm glad others have had good experiences with aboutagirl. I discovered her some months back and I really liked her style. This is the first time that I have heard of northstar being totally wrong for someone. Good to know that as well.

I too think that sometimes guides give us wrong information on purpose. I think other guides just like having fun with us..and those arnt really guides. I've become more wary of people that work with guides because you just don't know who they are talking to. Not everyone in the spirit world has out best interest at heart. I've even had my grandmother come through in a reading and she didnt warn me about some key things ahead for me. Other times I think that that is all that the psychic was able to tune into at the time...or they just suck as a reader.

But you know what? One of the first readings I got was the most accurate reading I ever had. The thing was I thought she was talking about things that would manifest that year..she was talking about things down the road. All of her stuff happpened or are happening and I think that reader was God sent. I was dissapointed a few days ago because there was a monkey wrench in a career move. I remembered her reading today and realized that this was predicted years ago..and she gave a specific why reason. So, I do think there are those that are just 100 percent right about things no matter what. It is just expensive finding out where they are.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 09:22:24 PM by loops77 »

Offline glinda

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Re: newbie on site but veteran psychic junkie
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2012, 09:43:42 PM »
This was years ago perhaps Northstar is more accurate now.  But I really liked her back then- it's just that she was very wrong about important stuff.  In the end you'll find that most of them are.  Right sometimes.  Wrong sometimes.  Future predictions are just hit or miss. 

I have to say that I disagree about someone being 100% accurate.  The example I always think of is my friend who got a reading with a psychic (she only got them once in a blue moon) and everything came true.  So she went back a year later and everything was wrong. 

Trust me.  I've been getting readings for 20 years.  I've had 100s of readings by tons of different readers.  No one is 100%.  Save your money.  (and your sanity)


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Re: newbie on site but veteran psychic junkie
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2012, 10:00:35 PM »
I don't get as many readings as I used I'm not particularly looking for the 100 percent reader anymore. I more read for fun now.

But seriously, that reader told me about things down the line..keywords about situations, people, location changes etc. She just didn't tell me in the way that I wanted to hear it. She told me the big picture why reasons for those situations. But she was very specific as well. Looking back, she was right..and a lot of stuff is still unfolding.

Did she tell me step by step what Mark would be doing that month? No, but she got to the bottom of things in relationships and other stuff that I wasn't in a place to totally accept then. She was right. Of course, she stopped reading a few months after and I havent found her again.

Offline glinda

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Re: newbie on site but veteran psychic junkie
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2012, 10:18:08 PM »
Oh I didn't mean I didn't believe you that she was 100%  I just meant that if you got more readings with her the accuracy level would drop.  :)

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Re: newbie on site but veteran psychic junkie
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2012, 03:45:45 AM »
I went to Bitwine for the first time and started a chat reading with Aboutagirl.  We chatted for maybe a minute and then I was transferred to the paypal section.  It had been a very long time since I had actually used paypal and I couldn't remember my password.  I had to set up a new account.
When I tried to connect with Aboutagirl again she had me blocked.  I have sent her messages telling her my situation.  I even spoke to customer service yesterday and wrote her has they suggested and she still has me blocked.
This is frustrating!!  I think it is just annoying me more than anything.  I wasn't trying to get a free reading.  I have a feeling they run into people taking advantage of the free introductory period on this particular site quite often.

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Re: newbie on site but veteran psychic junkie
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2012, 02:44:53 AM »
Yikes. I left a msg for her and told her to notify me when she logged on.  When we connected, I got right through and we talked for a few minutes, then on to paypal.  I shop the internet a lot so I didn't have a problem.

I initially wanted to use the $10 special, since I only had one question but she mentioned the $1.85 special and it was pretty much the same cost, since I already knew how much I was going to spend.  I spoke to her this past Tuesday and I'm just waiting for results.  I should have copy/pasted the chat. The only problem with some of the chats is that some of the readers don't type fast, from what I've read.  It's bizarre why they would even get on a site that requires them to type, if they can't. I mean that eats up minutes like a sponge.   Aboutagirl actually went over our time, but that's because she wasn't as fast a typist as I, so she let her final response go through.  I thought it was pretty cool and way cute, to do a reading that way.

Is there a feedback page for just bitwine readers?  I'd like to see who else on there is good.