I am in a state of confusion.

I have read reviews, on here and other sites about Psychic Source, Keen, California Psychics and many others. There is a lot of bad mouthing about Keen but I must say that some of the people that I have spoken with have been pretty accurate if not scarily accurate. Then after all of the positive reviews about Psychic Source I decided to give them a try. The first psychic I spoke with gave me details that were correct and she gave me a prediction with a date of contact (the end of November) and described the person I was inquiring about and our situation accurately. I then proceeded to call her again either the next day or a few days later and got a TOTALLY different prediction! This time she said he would never call me again but that we would cross paths and he would say hello and just keep walking by. I called her again and she said the same exact thing. I was mortified and confused at how within days the prediction would suddenly change. Well, luckily for me her first prediction was the one that was correct. He did call me again at the end of November. Other people that I spoke with on Psychic Source have been so off and wrong that I hung up while they were in mid sentence. Then there is Dr. Ginny who I spoke with last month after reading reviews on here, who accurately described what I do for a living. She said I see that you are in a creative field are you an artist? Yes, I told her I am a Fashion Designer. I was ecstatic after hearing this because I felt that this lady must really be psychic. She then told me I wouldn't hear from my ex again for 7 to 8 months. I was devastated! After a long conversation about how he is no good for me she then said "so in about 4 weeks when he calls you again you should then say such and such to him". And I was thinking 4 weeks? I thought she just said 7 or 8 months. So I asked her "I'm going to hear from him in 4 weeks and not 7 or 8 months?" And she says to me "yes, you will hear from him in 4 weeks, where did you get 7 or 8 months from?" At this point I am very confused and I don't want to offend her so I say " oh I thought you said 7 or 8 months for the date of contact but maybe I heard you wrong", even though I know exactly what I heard. By the way I think Dr. Ginny is a very nice lady and I'm sure she meant no harm and wasn't trying to be deceitful. Has this happened to any one else where they are given one prediction and then it changes? I was shocked when the prediction changed with Psychic Source in a matter of days. But imagine my shock when the prediction with Dr. Ginny changed in a matter of minutes!! And I know that some psychics connect better with some more than others but I just don't understand why the same people who everyone praises are the very people that I don't feel are that accurate and the ones that every one has complaints with are the ones who I've had predictions manifest. I find this very unsettling.