Author Topic: MY EXPERIENCE WITH PSYCHICS  (Read 10921 times)

Offline kyw1021

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« on: August 01, 2012, 07:13:57 PM »
I am in a state of confusion.   ??? I have read reviews, on here and other sites about Psychic Source, Keen, California Psychics and many others.  There is a lot of bad mouthing about Keen but I must say that some of the people that I have spoken with have been pretty accurate if not scarily accurate.  Then after all of the positive reviews about Psychic Source I decided to give them a try.  The first psychic I spoke with gave me details that were correct and she gave me a prediction with a date of contact (the end of November) and described the person I was inquiring about and our situation accurately.  I then proceeded to call her again either the next day or a few days later and got a TOTALLY different prediction!  This time she said he would never call me again but that we would cross paths and he would say hello and just keep walking by.  I called her again and she said the same exact thing.  I was mortified and confused at how within days the prediction would suddenly change.  Well, luckily for me her first prediction was the one that was correct.  He did call me again at the end of November.  Other people that I spoke with on Psychic Source have been so off and wrong that I hung up while they were in mid sentence.  Then there is Dr. Ginny who I spoke with last month after reading reviews on here, who accurately described what I do for a living.  She said I see that you are in a creative field are you an artist?  Yes, I told her I am a Fashion Designer.  I was ecstatic after hearing this because I felt that this lady must really be psychic.  She then told me I wouldn't hear from my ex again for 7 to 8 months.  I was devastated!  After a long conversation about how he is no good for me she then said "so in about 4 weeks when he calls you again you should then say such and such to him".  And I was thinking 4 weeks?  I thought she just said 7 or 8 months. So I asked  her "I'm going to hear from him in 4 weeks and not 7 or 8 months?"  And she says to me "yes, you will hear from him in 4 weeks, where did you get 7 or 8 months from?"  At this point I am very confused and I don't want to offend her so I say " oh I thought you said 7 or 8 months for the date of contact but maybe I heard you wrong", even though I know exactly what I heard.  By the way I think Dr. Ginny is a very nice lady and I'm sure she meant no harm and wasn't trying to be deceitful.  Has this happened to any one else where they are given one  prediction and then it changes?  I was shocked when the prediction changed  with Psychic Source in a matter of days. But imagine my shock when the prediction with Dr. Ginny changed in a matter of minutes!!  And I know that some psychics connect better with some more than others but I just don't understand why the same people who everyone praises are the very people that I don't feel are that accurate and the ones that every one has complaints with are the ones who I've had predictions manifest.  I find this very unsettling. :(

Offline lightme

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« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2012, 07:47:13 PM »
my opinion is our mind set is the answer. if you take these readers so seriously, this change in predictions will be unsettling. for me, I call them for entertainment , I give them a lot of space for mistakes. please don't let them run your life, we really don't know how real they are.

Offline scorpiogirl

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« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2012, 09:58:49 PM »
True lightme.

Yes kyw...what I've also done is looked at my situation for what it was and took my own feelings into consideration. I've made a move before with my guy that some psychics said was not good to the end - well a month later, I can say it was the best decision for me because I'm now not hanging on by a thread and being strung along.

I'm a lot better emotionally and I called Kisha to get the truth because I was ready for the truth. The only way I became ready to hear the truth was because of a decision I MADE that allowed me to recover emotionally and step back to look at the situation more clearly.

I think this last paragraph sums it up with Kisha. I have had readings with her and still don't feel blown away like many but she gIves a realistic viewpoint on the situation.  She helps with a kick in the butt when you're ready too see the the thing for what it is.
I still can't deal with that" I get a 4 and 7" thing that everyone seems to do. Shoot that could be in 10 years at 3:44 and I have to connect that? I did call her about work so I'm trying to figure out how to use what she told me. We'll see how that goes.

Offline kyw1021

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« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 05:06:50 AM »
When I call a psychic, I want to be blown away.  I want them to make my mouth drop without me giving them any information.  The only one who has done that is Jane Wilcox.  I had 5 readings today (yes I was on a binge, something devastating happened and I needed clarification).  I decided to get readings from someone knew so that I can get a different perspective.  The first was Camille from Psychic Source.  I really felt like she was just giving her opinion. She gave no details about why I haven't heard from my ex besides the standard "he isn't ready for a relationship, he got scared and ran away".  When I then informed her that he may have seen some text messages from another guy in my phone she then says "yeah that's why you haven't heard from him". Well 30 seconds ago you said that it's because he wasn't ready, now that I fed you more info your saying it's because of something he saw".  UNBELIEVABLE!  Needless to say I asked for a refund.  I then called 2 more people and then went to 2 different people in person, ( one of which interviewed me and asked a ton of questions).  Aren't you supposed to know what type of relationship this is and the dynamics of it?  She then went on to give me her opinion off of the info that I told her, so of course what she said went in one ear and out the other.  I think from now on I am just going to stick with Jane since she has been so accurate with me in the past.  Maybe her timing is off this time but atleast I don't have to feed her any info and she gives mind blowing details. 

Offline kyw1021

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« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 05:16:30 AM »
By the way,  I am TOTALLY done with Psychic Source!  God bless you if you can find someone on there that is truly gifted.  I have tried several and have been totally underwhelmed by all of them.  If you go back far enough and read alot of their feedback, you will see alot of complaints from people saying that the various advisors aren't "psychic" at all and asked a ton of questions and basically gave advice.  Also their money back guarantee is VERY deceptive.  I had a terrible reading and requested a refund a few months ago.  The customer service guy begrudgingly refunded my money.  Today after my horrible reading with Camille I requested a refund and was informed that since I had a previous refund a few months ago, they can now only refund me 3 minutes!!  3 minutes!!  Where does it say that in the satisfaction guarantee agreement. It doesn't say that at all!!  Very misleading.  Adios Psychic Source!!!

Offline patzi

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« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2013, 08:24:34 AM »
dangerous and addictive sites to invest in. learn from me who has spent a lot of money going through  a bad time. advice from all advisors ive tried in relation to ex is very generic ie commitment phobe, being stubborn, play it hard to get back with him is the safe prediction for an ex. none of the many advisors i spoke to on psychic source said anythig to make me believe they were psychic. some were emphatic and nice to talk to but didnt feel any were truly psychic