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What do YOU look for before calling a psychic?

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From Keen..I really read their profile and see what they have to say. If they post a thoughtful, intelligent advertisement...I read their feedback.

Sometimes, I just read with people on a whim..and I've found a few good psychics this way..especially LadyP.

Ha ha. I forgot that one about being famous decibel. Omg , so true.  Loops, I think you are right about that. There is something about the sensibility of what they say about themselves. I agree.  Thank you guys for contributing. Very useful information .


--- Quote from: decibel.diva on July 06, 2012, 03:57:35 AM ---I use many of the guidelines you all have shared here so not sure what I can add.

1. I generally avoid "featured" readers.

2. I always read their lowest ratings first to a) see how many bad reviews they have vs. good reviews and b) see if the bad reviews seem genuine or are just disgruntled reviewers that weren't told what they wanted to hear.

3. I usually avoid readers that are over $3/min. I think it's ridiculous to charge more per minute than a professional therapist but I have read with a few readers over this rate based on recommendations.

4. Word of mouth. Through forum reviews and friends I have found some good people. This is obviously not fail proof considering not everyone connects with certain readers but I think it's a good place to start.

5. With the exception of a few, I have considered avoiding readers on network sites and only go to independent readers with their own sites. I think the likeliness of them sharing info is much lower and I've been concerned about this for a while. That being said, I also worry if the independent readers have time to Google me ahead of time since the appointments are made in advance. I guess it's all a risk. I'm not singling out KEEN either, I think it's possible that many of the other networks have readers that do this and it's not all readers that engage in this activity. Just a precaution I'm considering taking with my time and money.

6. The 99% accuracy claim and reuniting claim are also red flags for me.

7. Being available day and night is also a red flag for a few reasons: if they are real then why aren't they taking time to recharge between readings? If they are that good they shouldn't need to be on 24/7.

8. If they are "famous", read for the stars, or any other master claim. No.

9. If they go by different names on the different network sites.

10. When all of their good reviews echo how great of a friend they are and how great their advice is. With the exception of one or two that I read with that I actually want their guidance in a situation, for the most part I'm not looking for a friend I pay per min. I want a psychic not "advice". Advice to me = personal opinion. No thanks.

Anyway, those are a some of the things I look out for.

--- End quote ---

This list needs to be featured on EVERY page!!  To avoid "featured" readers would be overlooking the business these readers are in.  Apparently, readers feature their listings so that other sites that Keen advertises on can bring new callers to those featured.  They apparently pay a lot for being featured - it os their way of advertising.  All those not featured but sitting at the top of the pile are not necessarily the best I learned - they have just been around the longest, or have racked up points based on calls received due to very low rates. 

That said, I would like to add a few of my own nuggets:
1. Avoid readers who have changed their names, or at least, be suspicious of them.  I have found that they were badly written about under their old names (see Ripoff reports and blogs besides this forum), and so, did a name change over time.

2.  Readers who block you on Keen:  They are driving you to their personal websites because they will accept you there, and/or you show up on their basher lists.  If you get a bad reading, you are better off not leaving them bad feedback, than having your call turned away by Keen's other readers - even the good ones.  Bottom line, every buyer needs to beware, proceed with caution, and assume their own risk.  So, I figure that bad feedback on Keen at least, has not done anybody any good.

3.  See their bad feedback first:   Good move!  I went a step further and actually matched up the bad feedback with the basher list that I read about here.  I then found it on the web!!  If the feedback was from a "basher", I did not hold it against the reader.

4.  decibel.diva already said something about this.  Further ensuring you do not get blindsided: NO READER should give guarantees.  You should FEEL that faith in their reading grow within you.  Do not let readers tell you how good they are.  The best of them DO NOT MAKE CLAIMS, DO NOT BRAG, and DO NOT BRING GOD AND ANGELS AND ARCHANGELS INTO THEIR READINGS.  We all have our guides, reader as well as clients.  Good readers happen to be more highly attuned to listening to their Guides (their Higher Self, intuition, the different clairs -) PERIOD!  The good ones know they have an ability and are just as cautious as you the client, about whether what they see is accurate or not.  They will INTERPRET their messages for you based on their understanding of it with you the client in mind, not just offer up something and let you retro-fit the numbers and names they uttered into something that transpires for you down the road.  Did you know our brains have a way of tracking and filtering out events based on what we have seen or heard before?  Folks, this is just an example.  Let us say you decide you are going to buy yourself the latest breakthru anti-aging serum out there with meadowfoam seed oil in it. Your attention will be drawn to any mention of meadowfoam seed oil from now because your antenna has been primed to pay attention to that ingredient.  That does not make the first person you heard it from, psychic.  However, if that was a psychic who told you that, he or she will tell you how/why/where you will hear about meadow foam seed oil, what it will do for YOUR skin, and in how much time.  They will also tell you the outcome of your ignoring it should it get presented.  Not many readers will take the risk of going down that road unless they are are for real, and at that, they may only be able to tell you approx. when that will happen, or why or how.  I am yet to meet one who gets ALL of it!

5.  I see the prudence behind engaging only those readers who are 3 bucks or less.  I used to go by that rule and then changed after I read with a few expensive ones to see what I had missed.  I now go by how often I may have to keep calling a reader back (outside of my own temptation to get a reading.)  Feedback frequency left by their clients is a reasonable indication of that, keeping in mind that the reader might not be the reason for the frequent calls from the same client.  There are some really good ones in the $4-6 range, and I found that one reading with them saved me money and kept me from needing to check around.  They delivered the whole package, the readings were short and tightly delivered, and they read fast. At least I got the sense that they were honest, talented, not fishing for info based on my questions, or were not keeping me on the phone on my dime.  One even said "If you do not have any further questions, your reading is done..." and invited me to email if any clarifications were required.  Made me feel I was in responsible hands!  That said, if calling readers is for therapeutic value, by all means don't spend more than $.99/minute - I would not recommend higher. 

Those are my impressions so far.  I will surely add if there is more, while I continue to eagerly gather all your impressions as well :)

1) I read every single page of feedback on all of their listings. Reason being, they could have crap feedback on one listing, then open up another listing;
2) Referral from friends;
3) I google every single reader I'm thinking about reading with, that's how I found this forum, research, research and more research. Oh wait, then I do more research after I've talked with them;
4) if I find one I like, I wait for if anything comes to fruition, and I'll call one more time from another user name to see if they give me the same predictions, if nothing pans out, I give it another three months, and then I never go back and as far as I'm concerned, they aren't psychic and I will post accordingly.
5) I never read with new people on keen, even if their feedback is incredible. I watch for dates on their feedback and watch for different users writing styles on that feedback. One I got burned on was the sorceress on keen. Something about her feedback sat very strangely with me. After I read with her, I waited a week and called her from another user, she have me a very similar reading but final outcome was complete opposite of other reading. Big red flag for me. I went back and took a look at all the feedback. I found exact duplicates feedback from two different users. Pissed me right off when I noticed that;
6) the dates of feedback. Keen users will become friends with other psychics and have them call at a lower rate with a 1 minute call in order to help each other with their feedback and help them get callers. I have a GF who is a reader on keen, and she actually had another reader, suggest that she do this and she would help her out that way. My friend who is very ethical, denied the offer and had a very sour taste in her mouth after that about this reader, and just reading on keen in general. But she likes helping people, so she stays on keen, even though it pissed her off how readers will screw with the system so badly. And yes guys, the keen system is terrible, in my opinion and it's better to get a referral from someone on here vs. even reading any of the feedback on keen. I'm not saying every reader has this type of fake feedback, I'm just saying that it does happen and it happens more than you and I know. It's corrupt. I understand that it's really hard for readers on keen to get clients, but hell at least be ethical about it! Yeesh!
7) the readers that are over $5-, Cookie being the exception, are way over charging for their services, could be that they live in the UK like sincerity, who has helped many people and has some talent, but never worked for me, and keen takes a big chunk from them so they have to have higher rates to sustain their business, but other than these two, I think it's gross what some of them charge. I may look at their feedback, but I wouldn't ever read with them unless I was referred by someone I trust. I have found two exceptional readers, NSJulie at $3.98/minute and cookie at $5.59/ minute. Both to me are the cat's meow for readers and have blown me away with what they do.
8) you have to remember guys, these readers are business people, they have to place bids on keen and PAY for their listings to be shown on the featured listings. There are a few I know did this when they started out to try to get clientele, now they don't need to because they have proven accuracy and loyal client base. The features listings is a bit deceitful, because we the user don't always know how they system works. The readers that have been on there and are good don't need to pay for this advertising, and in my opinion, those who have been on there for years and still need to use the featured listings, well, I think this says a lot for how good they are. But, that's just an opinion;
9) I have received a lot of readings from people on keen. I've also wondered why they block people on keen. I've never had the answer, that they blocked someone because they are trying to drive you to their personal website. I have had the answer that the reader got a really weird/off feeling about the caller and trusted their gut with that. Can you imagine getting a call from a hostile client? Talk about the shits for a reading you'll have! Anyways, I also think some won't take new callers on keen because they can afford not too. Some readers aren't in it for the money, plain and simple. They are in it to help people by using their gifts and really connect to others. Must be nice... I wish I could make money that way!
10) I pay no heed to their pictures, what they say in their listings or whatever they have on their listings. It's all art and a matter of opinion. Visionsbyvicky has beautiful listings, very nicely done, and she has extremely amazing feedback. But she was the shits of a reader for me and absolutely nothing came to fruition for me.

Anyways, there's my two cents.

CFisher: Like you, I did not put much stock into featured readers initially.  Now I believe featured listings should not be overlooked and here is why.  I think on Keen, they are set up to work something like Adwords on Google.  It goes a bit deeper than only establishing a client base I am told.  A webby pal who knows Keen's platform business explains that a reader's ability to get new clients earns them extra points, and the higher their points and ability to get new traffic, the more Keen lowers their ad fees and uses them to direct new callers to Keen. Makes sense. In the end, Keen does not care if the reader is good or bad, as long as they are able to attract new clients to Keen and generate rev.  Not all readers want to spend on advertising on Keen.  For many, especially if they have been around a long time, a small collection of shills, friends, bogus feedback, psychic addicts and long fluffy readings keeps them in business just enough to meet their needs.  Those are the ones that give Lazy Readings. They get a feel for the client's situation, and can can keep the client pegged for long time, cycling and recycling info with new timelines, scenarios and a few thrills.  They don't care to be featured, accurate, or conscientious about their work - just exist somewhere on Keen and have their daily feed.  Some others are truly "working" in this profession, and trying to put their abilities to work to help clients through.  A good sense of what to expect from one's reading will be posted shortly.  It is an impressive piece by a researcher, and I was recently sent. 


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