Author Topic: Sunhee Parks  (Read 18148 times)

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Sunhee Parks
« on: July 02, 2012, 01:27:51 PM »
I am not sure where to start this thread, but thought I would start it here.  I have read with Sunhee Parks and liked her, but am interested in those that have read with her or Chinhee.  What are your feelings on either of these two ladies?  I am often skeptical when a reader has your information way before hand, it is easy to google names and email address prior to a reading.  However, with that said she was good for me. 

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 02:38:16 PM »
I read with Sunhee back in May.  I felt that I connected with her pretty well.  She kept telling me to pull my energy back from my friend.  That my energy was enabling him to stay the same.  She told me to pull away from him.  I wrote a post earlier this weekend that discusses this stage I am in now.  I am finally ready to do this. 
She is nice and blunt at the same time.  She saw very positive things for me and my friend, but only if I take charge first.  She literally said to "unplug" from him.
She spent a lot of the reading discussing my being an empath.  How I pick up all of his anxiety and treat it as my own.  Actually, she said I do this with many people around me.  This is true, and it doesn't make me a happy person.  Now I don't know if I am actually an empath, but I have had several readers tell me this.
She didn't give me any timelines during the reading.  She said I wouldn't lose this man and that he is the "one". 
How did your reading go with Sunhee?  Did she discuss current emotions and situations with you also, or more future predictions?  Have you read with Chinhee.  If I remember correctly, Chinhee is the more empathtic one of the two.

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 03:12:56 PM »
I read w/Sunhee and I liked her a lot. I felt she picked up definitely on a lot of not so easy to guess things, both for me and the other person in question.

She told me similar things as she told you, Wishful. And I know she told a couple of other members similar things as well in regards to their romantic situations.

I don't doubt she's gifted. She totally 100% is, I believe. I just wonder if we ALL really have romantic situations that are THAT similar or if she is overly positive. But I do feel she is an exceptional reader and person. Totally hilarious as well.

I will say I asked her a job question and she was wishy washy on it and it turned out counter to what she did say...but that might not be her forte.

She was awesome on medical stuff and feelings though. And I would LOVE to read with Chinhee sometime.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 03:14:35 PM by SomethingBetter »

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2012, 03:55:50 PM »
Hi Wishful,

« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:07:35 AM by Nottakingthebait »

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2012, 08:44:35 PM »
I have only read with Sunhee but Chinhee always in the background so I have been lucky she chimes in at times and Sunhee will say what Chinhee has to say.  I feel they're very very real and they have a special going on right now and it says I can share in the email there's a place to share but I'll copy and paste here. The special is only until July 12th.  $35 for 15 minutes to try anyone is a fabulous rate so for psychics of their caliber its really awesome.  They love to help people I find them both very very genuine.  I would give the 15 minutes a try if you are interested in a reading.  And I agree Sunhee is hysterical but very very blunt lol lookout!

15 min. Readings are $35.00
30 min. Readings are $70.00

We are going to be traveling, so we are having a
4th of July sale beginning NOW till July 12th ONLY.

The sale prices are not on our website, so you will
have to send payment directly to paypal to

If you would like to set up live sessions or private
parties, some of the states we are heading to are
July 14th, Las Vegas, Nevada
July 16th, Austin, Texas
July 19th, Atlanta, Georgia
July 25th, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Let us know as we would love to meet you in person

must give us a week notice! Have a safe and happy

Love you all,

Chinhee & Sunhee Park

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2012, 09:52:21 PM »
Thanks AEF2929 !


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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2012, 07:19:37 PM »
I understand your view, green. I remember reading a rip off report a while ago. An anon reader on Liveperson tried to explain what most psychics were doing. She gave an example. She met a person at the beach and had a great conversation with him. She immediately saw a vision of him, in the sea suffocating, even though he had an oxygen tank. He was a diver. She immediately thought to warn him about diving and to make sure that everything was up to snuff before getting into the water...or that he could have a fatal accident. But she wasnt sure what it meant.

A few minutes into the conversation...he revealed how diving can be dangerous and that he almost died because the oxygen tank he had somehow ran out while he was diving. So, she was correct on picking something accurate...but she didnt know if it meant he would die, or if it  already happen..or even if it could be prevented. She was basically saying, psychics know things...but they don't know where it might all lead and resort to guessing or using tools...and that if psychics were upfront about this, they would not get any clients and make money. Bottom line. I think essentially  it is like seeing one 10 minute scene in a movie and guessing the whole story and what the final ending is.


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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2012, 10:20:45 PM »
Is his site monetized or does he sell books?

Of course, the free will speil. I hope to read the reply of your last email to him. What is the point of calling if they can't see where you are likely to turn or why things may change?

And what about those hard and fast predictions where you have already done all that you can do and are simply waiting on a your job situation?

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2012, 08:17:44 PM »
I got a reading from Sunhee in July and wanted to post my experience and here is your spoiler alert: it's not a good one. I don't think I've posted this somewhere least I hope I'm not duplicating.

Sunhee was just horrible. As great as her reviews are, I have to lump her with the "for entertainment purposes only," psychics. It's almost like she's just starting out.  I mean she was so general, so very general that she could have been reading for my dog.  It was that bad.  After the first question it was so evident that she was just giving advice, even when she said she felt blah, blah, blah. I had about five good solid questions and only asked her two, since it was going downhill.  I had already paid, so figured I'd try to fill the remainder of the 15 minutes, but we were kinda done in 5.  She talked about stuff I didn’t ask about, which was really irritating and irrelevant to the call. She had even asked if I had specific questions and I told her yes, so to go outside of this was a waste of my time, in my opinion.  In the beginning of the call she interspersed that she and her sis were packing for their trip, so maybe she wasn't focused enough, idk???  She also asked who referred me and I mentioned this site and she was like really, I've gotten a couple of referrals from there.

I even asked her what else did she see around me, to see if eventually she'd pinpoint something, but for the love of god, nothing, nothing, nothing.  Just a whole lot of positiviness, (I know this is not a word), but I don’t need to pay someone to get this crap, I can call the prayer line.

From her reviews/site I was looking for a wow and got psychic indigestion or maybe I should say psychic diarrhea.  I can't vent enough about how this woman was so unreal and so lame.  Maybe I read her site wrong about her capabilities, so I just need to chalk another one up as a learning experience and be thankful it didn't cost a lot.  I remained pleasant, overly thanked her and rang off.

Later, I did send her an email tellling her how much she profoundly sucked and of course she didn’t respond, nor was I expecting one. She had the nerve to put me on her email distribution because the very next day I got a promo about a special.  I'm so glad at least some others got something out of her readings.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2012, 08:46:44 PM »
Hi Zee, I am not pushing CP,...just hoping to help...but have you tried Megan, or Leslie, they are the cheapest @ 4.00/per min....and I know that is not cheap, but lowest on CP, I do not know what your questions are but when I call mine are about relationships/old/and new....they both hit on the ex guy to a T....also gave some nice prediction for a new comer. ...if they give time frames I try not to get hung on times.

Btw.....Phoenix lady (July) from kenn gave me same predictions.....only 1.99 per min....hope this helps!

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2012, 09:11:30 PM »
Perhaps that's the problem maybe? I don't call psychics about men.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2012, 09:13:02 PM » you are probably smarter..... :)

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2012, 09:29:57 PM »
Psychics think you are calling about relationships anyway and a 'love' issue is almost always brought up.  Dr. G. talked about a guy and I never asked her as well as Psychic Andrew tried to wrangle it into the conversation. One huge thing about all this psychictry stuff is that free will, especially concerning someone of the heart is just too hard or nearly impossible to solidify.

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2012, 09:42:29 PM »
Oh Bella, I meant to state too that I had an account about three, maybe weeks ago with CP.  They were running that 75% off special, so I wanted to take advantage of that.  Well, when you pay, CP gives you a handful of psychics to choose from, based on how much you have in your account. Basically you don't get to choose.  I had not realized how different they are from Keen in that respect.  Even during the special if a reader lowered their price, you still could not get a reading from them, based on their initial rate.  So, I called them and immediately closed my account and had my funds refunded.  NO ONE tells me how to spend my money.

The pool of people they gave me wasn't even anyone I recognized. I went there with hopes of getting a reading from one of the CP recommendations from here, but no dice.  So it's their loss.

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Re: Sunhee Parks
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2012, 10:29:24 PM »
I'm in the same boat on what you're saying GC, but did you ever post your experience about her. It would have really given me pause about calling her.  She even got rave reviews here and I was so excited about the call, buzzing on having a wow moment.  Of course this didn't happen but one can always dream, right?

Sometimes I believe the ratings are from people inexperienced about readings.  Recently someone emailed me about a psychic I recommended and after she had the reading, then asked me questions about what the reader could have meant about such and such. I told her these were good questions, so why didn't she ask the reader?  How can I possibly know what she meant about her situation?

Even when a psychic tells me something simple I still ask them to be more specific, just so I can get an understanding of their perspective.  I also think that those of us who have gotten reads with many psychics have a higher expectation level than say finding out about our horoscopes...just an observation.