Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others

And now for something completely different!

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this is spooky, i was having white chocolate/raspberry ice cream while reading this exact post last nite. what is the chance? and it was my first time to try this favor. yummy!


--- Quote from: loops77 on June 30, 2012, 01:56:17 AM ---You Green and Black...they make high end chocolate bars? They use to make a delicious white chocolate/raspberry ice cream. Organic too. Off the shelves at Whole Foods. Wonder if anyone else has tried it...

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I remember that stuff!  Oh, I want to make a Whole Foods run and see if there's any.  I don't even know if they make the stuff stateside anymore...

I'm eating grape raspberry icecream right now and its almost as good as getting a reading. Also, it only cost me $3.47.


--- Quote from: Sooshi on May 29, 2016, 10:09:11 PM ---I'm eating grape raspberry icecream right now and its almost as good as getting a reading. Also, it only cost me $3.47.

--- End quote ---
;D I haven't gotten a reading in a couple weeks. Feels good!


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