Author Topic: Bitwine  (Read 342667 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #615 on: March 04, 2019, 01:02:36 PM »
Honestly if you can't review on actual prediction or the fact that they are picking up the past/present accurately its almost better not to leave feedback.

Offline Serendipity

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #616 on: March 04, 2019, 03:36:01 PM »
Agreed! I usually wait awhile until predictions pass and things stabilize before I post a review. There are times I post right after the session if the reader picked up really specific details or just wow'ed me with their abilities, like things I've never mentioned and they couldn't have possibly known.

Offline applecheeks

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #617 on: March 04, 2019, 08:36:55 PM »
right it does get to be confusing  ??? that's why i want to read with reputable readers. But i know who is accurate for one person may not be for another. Readings are confusing in general.  :-\

i wish i knew who people recommended on bitwine  :'( everyone's experience is different I know. But i read good things about one reader, and then people say 'she's not accurate', 'her predictions didnt happen', she fairy tale // sugar coat.  :(

You say you want the reputable readers, but the big problem here is, you are leaving bad ratings and frown faces for the readers who are honest with you. You have also stated in other threads that you often don't pay them. You are going to get yourself blocked, and likely reported by all those who were honest, and only have the fairytale scammers left open to you.

Offline unicornlove

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #618 on: March 04, 2019, 10:11:32 PM »
Autumn rivers was negative  :( golden oracle was confusing.

Yes I give satisfactory because i appreciate readers being honest with what they see, dont see. But it doesnt make it any easier to hear.

Some readers all they need is the three min intro to tell me no they dont see POI coming back. They have an intro chat for a reason, to see if you connect or not. Some readers just tell me right off the bat no they do not see target coming back. If they dont see him returning why would i continue to read with them, ask more q's ? They already do not see us being together. You know.

Offline applecheeks

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #619 on: March 04, 2019, 10:28:10 PM »
Autumn rivers was negative  :( golden oracle was confusing.

Yes I give satisfactory because i appreciate readers being honest with what they see, dont see. But it doesnt make it any easier to hear.

Some readers all they need is the three min intro to tell me no they dont see POI coming back. They have an intro chat for a reason, to see if you connect or not. Some readers just tell me right off the bat no they do not see target coming back. If they dont see him returning why would i continue to read with them, ask more q's ? They already do not see us being together. You know.

You are punishing people for being honest with you, and rewarding people who feed you the fairytales. You are not basing your reviews on whether a person was honest or accurate, but whether or not they tell you what you want to hear.....regardless if it is even the truth. You are willing to pay someone who blows fairy dust at you, but not someone who is honest. Can you see how backwards that is? It is also abusive towards the readers and likely will get you banned/ cut off from the site eventually. It also makes the rest of us clients look bad. It feeds into the belief that negative ratings are just because someone didn't hear what they wanted to....especially when someone like you is actually doing just that to a lot of them. You also skew the reviews for the rest of us shopping for psychics when you leave unfair/ untrue ratings like that.

All those honest readers you are not paying or leaving bad feedback for will block you, some will likely report you and bring you to the attention of the staff for your repeat behaviors. When you leave even a neutral rating for a reader it hurts their like ranking and status of sorts on the site, which is why it is seen to them as a punishment, and they won't want the risk of taking you again and letting you leave another low rating, or stealing unpaid time from them. Try calling back some of those readers you have done that to, or not paid. i bet most have blocked you to protect themselves from more damage from you.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 10:44:58 PM by applecheeks »

Offline nancy

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #620 on: March 04, 2019, 10:44:56 PM »
Autumn rivers was negative  :( golden oracle was confusing.

Yes I give satisfactory because i appreciate readers being honest with what they see, dont see. But it doesnt make it any easier to hear.

Some readers all they need is the three min intro to tell me no they dont see POI coming back. They have an intro chat for a reason, to see if you connect or not. Some readers just tell me right off the bat no they do not see target coming back. If they dont see him returning why would i continue to read with them, ask more q's ? They already do not see us being together. You know.

The honest reader already gave you the answer that they don't see you guy being together then why don't you move on with your life.  From what I read it's obviously he don't have feeling you, if he have feeling for you he won't ignored you at the party. It's time for you to move on if you value yourself enough.  there's absolutely nothing you can do you change his mind.  i know that's the last thing  you want to hear it, but you need to hear it.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 10:47:43 PM by nancy »


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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #621 on: March 04, 2019, 10:51:33 PM »
Autumn rivers was negative  :( golden oracle was confusing.

Yes I give satisfactory because i appreciate readers being honest with what they see, dont see. But it doesnt make it any easier to hear.

Some readers all they need is the three min intro to tell me no they dont see POI coming back. They have an intro chat for a reason, to see if you connect or not. Some readers just tell me right off the bat no they do not see target coming back. If they dont see him returning why would i continue to read with them, ask more q's ? They already do not see us being together. You know.

You appreciate them being honest but punish them for it lol? That's like having a really good server and leaving them a crappy tip.

Offline applecheeks

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #622 on: March 04, 2019, 10:53:01 PM »
Autumn rivers was negative  :( golden oracle was confusing.

Yes I give satisfactory because i appreciate readers being honest with what they see, dont see. But it doesnt make it any easier to hear.

Some readers all they need is the three min intro to tell me no they dont see POI coming back. They have an intro chat for a reason, to see if you connect or not. Some readers just tell me right off the bat no they do not see target coming back. If they dont see him returning why would i continue to read with them, ask more q's ? They already do not see us being together. You know.

One of the reasons I have not shared readers who have been wonderful and accurate for me on these forums is because I have seen some people like you posting stuff like this. I would feel horrible if you went to one of the good honest ones because of me, and stole from them, or left them a bad rating because you are in denial of your situation and taking it out on others.

Offline nancy

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #623 on: March 04, 2019, 11:06:05 PM »
Autumn rivers was negative  :( golden oracle was confusing.

Yes I give satisfactory because i appreciate readers being honest with what they see, dont see. But it doesnt make it any easier to hear.

Some readers all they need is the three min intro to tell me no they dont see POI coming back. They have an intro chat for a reason, to see if you connect or not. Some readers just tell me right off the bat no they do not see target coming back. If they dont see him returning why would i continue to read with them, ask more q's ? They already do not see us being together. You know.

One of the reasons I have not shared readers who have been wonderful and accurate for me on these forums is because I have seen some people like you posting stuff like this. I would feel horrible if you went to one of the good honest ones because of me, and stole from them, or left them a bad rating because you are in denial of your situation and taking it out on others.

Totally agree with applecheeks.

Offline unicornlove

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #624 on: March 04, 2019, 11:38:35 PM »
how am i stealing from them when I PAID them ??  >:( and i guess it makes more sense for me to read with fairy tale than accuate readers right? keep wasting more money.

And I did not give them thumbs down. Only time will tell if they are accurate or not. Because i have other readers who are telling me the opposite outcome as the ' negative ' readers.

if doesnt matter what rating you give. what matters is who is right on the outcome. I have given facebook readers five stars and they turned out to be wrong {and yes they are reputable readers} or changed their reading. I have given people FIVE stars on etsy and they turn out to be wrong.

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #625 on: March 04, 2019, 11:38:53 PM »
Unicorn maybe its time to let go and let time tell you whos dont know who is right,  your review is based off wat u wish to hear.  Youre going to get banned and no one is goin to read for you. You make ppl on this forum or real clients look bad
..all jokes aside why is it hard to believe he may have moved on? And its the end.....rather then spending more and more money

Offline unicornlove

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #626 on: March 04, 2019, 11:40:22 PM »
Unicorn maybe its time to let go and let time tell you whos dont know who is right,  your review is based off wat u wish to hear.  Youre going to get banned and no one is goin to read for you. You make ppl on this forum or real clients look bad
..all jokes aside why is it hard to believe he may have moved on? And its the end.....rather then spending more and more money

it is hard to believe when you have other readers STILL telling you this person is going to contact you, be your boyfriend, talk to you etc. And it's more than one reader. And people give you more and more upcoming timeframes.

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #627 on: March 04, 2019, 11:44:46 PM »
Unicorn maybe its time to let go and let time tell you whos dont know who is right,  your review is based off wat u wish to hear.  Youre going to get banned and no one is goin to read for you. You make ppl on this forum or real clients look bad
..all jokes aside why is it hard to believe he may have moved on? And its the end.....rather then spending more and more money

it is hard to believe when you have other readers STILL telling you this person is going to contact you, be your boyfriend, talk to you etc. And it's more than one reader. And people give you more and more upcoming timeframes.

Forget them readings im asking u based on the mans actions why don't you move on...why do u think he has not moved on. Its not impossible so dont say those advisors are wrong.  The man has SHOWN YOU whats goin on. You need to move on and get out and date. Maybe he will come around when u have quick worrying about it. 

Offline applecheeks

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #628 on: March 05, 2019, 02:45:27 AM »
how am i stealing from them when I PAID them ??  >:( and i guess it makes more sense for me to read with fairy tale than accuate readers right? keep wasting more money.

And I did not give them thumbs down. Only time will tell if they are accurate or not. Because i have other readers who are telling me the opposite outcome as the ' negative ' readers.

if doesnt matter what rating you give. what matters is who is right on the outcome. I have given facebook readers five stars and they turned out to be wrong {and yes they are reputable readers} or changed their reading. I have given people FIVE stars on etsy and they turn out to be wrong.

You have said multiple times that you don't pay a lot of the readers, in particular the ones who don't tell you what you want to hear. Bitwine offers three free minutes yes, but those minutes are not supposed to be used for entirely free readings and to bounce reader to reader without paying. Readers see it as you stealing/wasting their time, keeping them from paying clients.... and even call people like you "freebie abusers". They likely block you so you can't come back and steal their time, and some will report you. Excessive abuse of the three minutes might get you blocked from the site as well. I have heard bitwine readers mention they can see some kind of payment reputation status, and if you have a lot of unpaid calls and you show as being poor in payment (it is either poor or low, not sure the exact label), many won't want to take you. So though those three minutes are there, if you abuse that offer, and forget that you are talking to real people behind the screen, it will backfire on you. However, I think at this point it would be a good thing if you get banned, you obviously are not in a healthy pattern or mindset.

As for the ratings. Even when you give the satisfactory ratings it brings down the ranking and rating of the readers on the site and makes them less appealing to other clients, so it hurts their business reputation. So yes, you are punishing them. You also are clearly leaving thumbs up for the readers who tell you what you want to hear, and the satisfactory feedbacks for all those who don't tell you what you want to hear.... so you are clearly biased and punishing the readers, and abusing the rating system due to your self-denial. If you truly wanted to be non-biased and base ratings purely off if what they tell you turns out to be true, then you would not leave a rating at all and wait for the outcomes. It is obvious you just want readers who will feed into your obsession rather than tell you something true.

Here is the thing. There are many "readers" who tell people what they think they want to hear, regardless of the real circumstances. They tell people the man is your twin flame, soulmate,  is in love with you but too scared to face it yet, will magically reappear and marry you etc.....they feed you that fantasy because some people (like you) eat it up regardless if it at all relates to the real situation, and also because it protects them against negative ratings from people who don't want to hear anything but what they want to hear (again like you). By going around rewarding the ones who tell you glitter fluff, and punishing those who are honest, you are just further feeding into all of that.

You keep saying you can't tell who is right. All of us who have seen your posts can tell, even without being psychic. You have stated the guy broke up with you years ago, blocked you, has not contacted you, and then recently there was an event that he had the opportunity to talk to you, but avoided you. It is very clear he made his choice a long time ago and has stuck by it. Thus it is obvious which readers are being honest, and which are feeding you what you want to hear. This isn't a case of someone who is going back and forth on you, stalling, who is confused....again, he obviously has solidly made a choice, and you still have not accepted it years later. You now are taking it out on other people. Yes, those readers you are taking time from and giving bad ratings to are real people.  I would recommend investing in therapy instead, to help you process and accept the circumstances so that you can move forward with your life and be open to new relationships. This is very unhealthy and damaging... not just to you, but to others as well.

Offline Johanna317

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #629 on: March 05, 2019, 07:22:02 AM »
Anyone used Zella tarot ?

Seemed to pick up a lot about certain things in my life right now. Reviews seen good - says she’s a new reader but reviews say they’ve read with her for years .

Waiting for prediction to occur over weekend

Did your predictions pan out for Zella Tarot?  When I read with her she told me she doesnt like to give timelines.  She told me in the end, everything would be my decision and i will have the upper hand. Overall I liked her and I felt like we connected but when she was describing POI's feelings for me, there wasnt really anything I could validate..

