Author Topic: Bitwine  (Read 342243 times)

Offline glinda

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« on: June 27, 2012, 04:51:48 PM »
I thought Bitwine deserved it's own thread.  I've been using it and a lot of expensive readers from other sites are cheaper here in order to build up reviews.   That's how to get the best value I think.

My favorite is Aboutagirl.  I've also tried Jamey, Brazilianstar1, Rebecca, Spirit Messages, Psychic Eve, Robin Bluedragon, Sufi and some others.   I can't vouch for anyone other than Aboutagirl in terms of predictions yet but most of them seemed on about the current situation. 

Spirit Messages and Psychic Eve both have amazing reviews on Liveperson.  They both seemed really connected but at the same time as it was what I wanted to hear (sorta) I wasn't sure if I should believe it...   Has anyone read with them?



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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2012, 05:00:03 PM »
Spirit messages is real..her timing is non existant...I've had her bring up stuff that I know is into the far future. Didnt go to her for relationships though. Bluedrugon is definitely a crap reader though, in my experience.

Offline glinda

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2012, 05:14:13 PM »
Thanks!  I just randomly tried Spirit Messages once.  I actually asked her during the reading if she says that to everybody...  lol   It wasn't a fairytale but the outcome was what I wanted.  What is your experience with her if you don't mind sharing?



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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2012, 05:25:44 PM »
She gave me information about a legal matter with a former friend. She saw it as never being resolved , even though the person was in the wrong. She died a few months after. She also spontaneously brings up stuff..which is something I like. Shes good with getting people down pat.

Offline Purple-Haze

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2012, 11:49:53 PM »
I've spoken with some of the readers that were mentioned here such as: Robin Bluedragon, Sufi and Brazilianstar1. They aren't particularly my favorite readers but they were indeed very kind!  :)

As far as predictions go, Sufi, as nice as she was--her predictions for April didn't come to pass. Brazilianstar1 predicted something back in May for June and that didn't happen either. When I came back to her (I went back a week before the prediction's date) she told me that if they didn't come true then I needed to simply move on. That was VERY disheartening but at least it prepared me.
Robin Bluedragon predicted something but didn't give me an actual date.

I've also tried many others (wasted money unfortunately...sigh). Has anyone tried a reading with Samantha Aura?


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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2012, 12:53:25 AM »
I just tried Brazillianstar..she wanted my full name, DOB and other information. I clicked out. I'm pretty sure shes a scammer.

Offline Zee

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2012, 01:07:15 AM »
Well, what gives? How do you know? Was it the 'other information' she asked about?  I've never heard of the full name crap because I would think they know people use aliases and you were using chat right? (not that it matters).


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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2012, 02:10:17 AM »
Bitwine is chat base. Don't trust anyone that wants my full them an opportunity to google me. Also, she asked too many fishing questions upfront.

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2012, 04:24:42 AM »
Ah, yea that seems fishy. I haven't run across too many personal questions, because then it makes me do a double take, since they are the psychic.  I've seen comments about bitwine elsewhere and one lady claims she paid 2k for a spell removal. I was like oh man, poor woman.  I like bitwine so far. The rates are so affordable.  CP is so outrageous, not over the top, just high.  Don't they know the economy is in a downturn?

Offline Purple-Haze

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2012, 02:24:13 AM »
Hmm, that's strange. Brazilianstar1 didn't ask for anything from me; in fact, she was able to state exactly why I had shown up in chat--not the 'oh you're looking for love' crap--but she went really into detail to the point where I was amazed. But I seriously felt that she could've told me that I needed to move on and simply wait in the second reading for free, instead of making me feel like everything was on track before I hired her. Dumb mistake on MY part.

Offline toknow

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2012, 05:28:51 PM »
I recently tried Bitwine for the first time.  I can type extremely fast with high accuracy and I found it very hard to type in their chat.  I"ve used other chat services before and never noticed that.  It makes me wonder if they purposely do something to make your reading take longer and suck more money out of your wallet?  Anyone else notice that? 

It's great to have your whole reading in black and white afterwards tho!!!


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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2012, 05:49:32 PM »
with bitwine, you have to press enter after typing. on liveperson, what you are typing automatically shows on the screen. I think it makes a difference in how long a reading takes. There are some readers that will be typing for like 2 minutes and then press enter.

Offline Zee

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2012, 12:04:38 AM »
I just had to post this as comic relief or a warning perhaps? At least I thought it was funny. He types a little slow and I corrected some spelling errors. Chat started at 12 Aug 2012 04:40PM. I honestly don't see what the hell any of what he said had to do with my question.
My Response                   Hello    04:40PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    hello how are you doing?    04:40PM
My Response                   Hey Andrew. I'm Great.    04:41PM
My Response                   I wanted to know about a job.    04:41PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    wonderful and how may i help you    04:41PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    okay well can i have your name and dob please and is there anyone around you for love btw?    04:41PM
My Response                   Is one on its way like soon?  No love.    04:41PM
My Response                   As in this month soon.    04:41PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    okay well let me tune in    04:42PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    i do feel that you are a good person with a big heart you have a lot of goals and idea's in life you know what you would like but that you wonder if what you want will be able to happen    04:42PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    is this correct?    04:42PM
My Response                   well some what. this could apply to anyone    04:43PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    i am so sorry but i dot think i have the best connection thank you and by bye    04:43PM

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2012, 08:56:00 AM »
@Zee - That is friggin hilarious!!!! "i am so sorry but i dot think i have the best connection thank you and by bye" = oh shit she's on to me...I'm out!!! Ahahahaha

Here's an excerpt from a reading I got from him:

XXXXX    so do you see us reuniting?    08:55PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    well i feel that yes he does care's for you and he does want to be with you and he does not want to hurt you or lose you witch is good you and him both do share a strong connection with each other and see this connection that you to share is only going to get stronger and i do feel that you will see some improvment from him from now and 3months he is going to tell you more about ho his feeling's are for you and also tell you more about how his life was when he was a kid okay so you are on the right track and as of right now you just got to sit back and relax and just slowly watch how he is going to open up to and come closer to you and express his feeling's for you and he does not want to hurt you or lose you, witch is good i do feel that as of right now if you just sit back and relac and watch how this is going to work out:0    08:57PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    :-)    08:57PM
Psychic Andrew Angel    i know that as of right now he does not open up to you or express his feeling's for you and that is what confused you and stressing you out but i do feel that as of right not it strongler it just a matter of time and things are going to change and you both are going to come closer together    08:57PM

Oh man, it's soooooo bad!!!!

Offline Zee

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Re: Bitwine
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2012, 09:24:20 AM »
Well, which part was so bad, his inaccuracies or his spelling because man that sucked a big one.  He never really seems to answer the question. I mean, reuniting could mean he cares for you but he can care for you separated, just the same.  I'm just glad it was the free introduction.  If you think he is bad I spoke to two more lame assers.

Love Specialist (a_love_specialist) She was a little arrogant in her capabilities.  I asked her was she good with timing and she said, just look at all my reviews with a little smiley face. What has her reviews got to do with timing?  People place reviews way before any predictions manifest. I was like is she for real?  Also, during the introduction, she only gave yes/no answers, nothing specific so I ended the chat, then sent her an email: Love Specialist I just wanted to let you know I had to end the chat. I don't feel that within the introduction period there was a connection.  Yes/No answers aren't definitive responses that lead me to believe you are wanting to help.  I was fully prepared to continue for another 10 minutes since your special was great, but I wasn't getting any answers.  I felt it would have been pretty much the same after I paid. Thank you so much for your time.

Ladykathrynlive (ladykathryn) She seem like another reader who is all about the money. It was a three minute introduction and I almost always dive in with a hello and then my question. She said, Hello, thank you for your call.. Please give me a few to get a connection for you.  I said sure. After two minutes she then asked me, Have we met before under a different screen name?  I said no and then she said thank you. Very nice to meet you and your first name is? I told her and at two minutes in a half she says again, Give me a few to get a connection for you. thank you.

At this point the introduction was almost out because it is during this time if you know you want to continue with the call.  At one sec to go she then says, I have your connection. Do you not want to pay for the reading? I closed the chat then sent her an email: Sorry LadyK. It took you three full minutes to connect and in that time, I use that to determine if I am going to continue the reading with you. I've talked to others on bitwine who were at least able to get the first question answered during the introduction. That is what it is for, to see if a connection was established, not after the time ended. Regardless, thank you for your time.

Who do these people think they are kidding?