Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent
The energy they're picking up...
KiraKira.....I am sorry to be nosy.....but how much do you know or use your psychic abilities?
Well, the dreams I have zero control over. And they're pretty much always bad (death and miscarriage, mostly) or the ones I remember anyway. The cards I've used for myself for years, not sure that's even a good idea, but I've only tried to read friends, so it's hard to know what's based on what I already know. I mean, the cards are what they are and I can just go by the book, but the intuitive part I am not sure I can trust when reading my friends, ya know. When I was a young teen I studied up on Edgar Cayce and all that. And then I have always had an open channel(?) I guess you could call it, so that can be good or bad. For good, I'd say it manifests as my always being a connector or even conductor between people to make things happen. Like, I'm often a vehicle for other people to make good or needed things occur in their lives, almost as if I help move them toward their destiny. Sounds crazy, but it's true, but I don't do it consciously, it just often happens to people who are in my life. But for bad, it's been really bad, like I've had sad or tormented spirits use or manifest in me too easily, and I know that sounds insane too, but I'm just very receptive and open to energy. I used to live in a neighborhood that happened to have a lot of house fires. I saw more than one home burn up within view of my window. One night one was burning and I was shaking tremendously all night long and crying and couldn't calm down. I found out afterward that an elderly couple died inside during the fire. That was intense. I've had that with certain car accidents and such, I may or may not be feeling that recent death, those spirits crossing plains. I can't say for sure. You could also say I always knew I'd have a daughter, and I made the statement to a friend while pregnant, "I think the Universe will send me an extraordinary being", and now events that are unfolding with my child are really too much to grasp. It's wild.
Here's something really interesting that is just happening today- Back in October I met a guy from online as I was trying desperately to distract myself from the guy I was in love with (who was married and started this whole spiral into calling CP). I only had two dates with the "substitute" guy, we hit it off (enough to get intimate -haha!), but it just kinda faded on both our ends (although he did friend me on fb). But right before I met him, just after we had messaged each other, I had my only thus far clairaudient experience, where I was awake in the middle of the night in my bed, all was quiet and still and black and I heard clear as a bell a voice say, "His name is ___(his name)." I was really shaken by that. Wondered what it could mean!! I've never heard a message before! Well. We never even posted on each other's status or anything. Yesterday I commented on something he wrote and we have been going back and forth all day. I don't know. I have no idea, but I remembered the voice thing tonight because I'm having this discussion over here and that one over there --sooooo strange!
Anyway, that's the basic long rambling answer, lola!
Oh another significant thing that I have no control over is I've had two communications with my grandfather since he died. One while I was asleep and the other during surgery. But I've never tried to do that on purpose.
aef2929 P:
Hi All
I am going to agree with CM here also. Energy is picked up on that person through you to identify that person and the reader can distinguish the energy and read it in that way. They pick up the person as to who it is through you but then read their energy. A good reader can read the surface stuff and then the real stuff that's going on inside that person. Like I recently had a reading and she said to me "you feel this and you feel that and you're afraid of this and in fear of that and none of that is going to happen".....she was totally 100% correct on what she said and I gave no indication of any of this! I was upbeat and happy on the phone...I gave no indication I had all that fear.
Kira it does certainly seem you have psychic/intuitive abilities. If you live in NY there are alot of good classes even at the Kabbalah Center and they are not expensive. You should look into it to try to get some controlbalance over it so you can use it.
Wow KiraKira...that sounds pretty impressive!
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