Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

The energy they're picking up...

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amazing we all want to go to her! lol

hmmm now that your putting things into a diff perspective what do you think? bc when i speak to psychics ab my story half the time i know nothing ab what the other person is thinking or what theyre relationship is with someone if my spirit doesnt know they must be getting it from somewhere

I know, it's those true outcomes that make you want to trust someone -the reason we all met here really!  All I know is her name was Betsy and she read cards at a cafe in the east village in NYC...that was probably 2001/2.

So, I don't know, I'm trying to get my head around how I feel about it all.  It's crazy, I've been drawn to the occult and spiritualism for my entire life (I'm almost 39 now), I grew up with a grandmother who had a history of knowing things and she fostered me rather than telling me I was crazy, although I didn't tell her everything that happened to me (with regard to communicating with spirits).
Ugh, I wish I knew!! This latest guy, I honestly had only one date with him and know literally NOTHING about his lovelife aside from his online profile details.  I don't know if the recent readers planted the idea in me that he is "scattered" and "opening his options" or if I planted it in them (because I've tried to tap into him on my own)!  If they didn't get it from me, yes, where did it come from?!  I would venture to say maybe just info from a realm of perspective outside ours, that sees ours, yes, guides?  But I'm seriously not sure if I didn't "know" it first and they got it from the depths of my own heart/mind. I pulled cards just last night that fully support my rationalization of him blowing me off... that he's in transition, unsettled, having difficulty making decisions, possibly regret, etc.  Dammit! I am gonna figure something out!!!!! 

what cafe..I live in NY!

Oh man... I think it was Ave A, but it was so long ago!  It may not even exist anymore and who knows where she is... I did a quick google, but the one that came up, that's not her picture...


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