Author Topic: The energy they're picking up...  (Read 13145 times)


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The energy they're picking up...
« on: February 16, 2011, 12:49:12 AM »
So here's a thought I'd love feedback about from you all. 
When I was having my big crisis, I felt I connected with some of the psychics who told me I'd be with the guy in the end, even though they were totally wrong about what was actually going on.  I wondered then if they are picking up MY thoughts about where it or he stands, if they pick up MY hopes and wishes about the outcome.  They seemed to genuinely get it at the time, but was what they were getting JUST ME?  I've heard before you have to have someone's permission to ask spirits about them, and that makes sense regarding speaking to someone's own guides.  We can okay them to look at us and speak to our spirits, but what about the other people we ask about?  How can that be ok?  There's no permission granted there.  So I just wonder, maybe they can truly only feel us and our feelings for the others involved.
My recent questions have concerned a new guy, and again, it goes like this- The first couple, I was super psyched and believed I had met a really great match for myself, and the readings said he was my soulmate, we were at the start of a healthy relationship, etc.  Then I started to worry after not hearing from him, and got readings that made an excuse for that, which pretty confirmed what I was thinking, that he was busy but thinking of me.  The most recent ones reflect my most recent thoughts about the situation, a week later with no word from him, that he's exploring options, maybe in a transition/rebound, figuring it out, maybe even a little depressed -all fine excuses for no contact, but I'm giving up and realizing he's not that into me!  So... anybody?  This seems very logically sound to me...that they (the psychics) get what we give out really. ?? ???


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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 01:00:15 AM »
I have to kindly disagree...I have read with a psychic, outside of CP, and I asked her the same question.  She said I am reading energy and by reading your energy I can tell that you are ___, ____, ____, etc (she described my thoughts, feelings, characteristics, how other people saw me, etc.) She then said now here is what I'm reading from his energy ____, ______, ____etc (she described him, what he's like, how he feels, what he thinks, what kind of person he is).  Both of her descriptions were very accurate (and I'm not talking about how he feels for me but him in general) and completely different from each other; his energy "reading" was completely different than mine.  She said this is how I can tell what he's thinking by reading energy.

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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2011, 01:06:53 AM »
I agree with u cm...the energy theyre picking up about the other person is the energy that is around you. They need you to get to the other persons energy but once theyve tapped into that then thats where they stick..But I can understand why you feel that way Kira...bc Ive had a psychic tell me exactly the thoughts I was feeling ab my guy using the same exact words!

But the person your asking about is all around you so thats how they get their energy. Als keep in mind that your spirit guides also work together with other spirit guides. And your spirit guides can see things as well about someone else. Just like the spirit guides the psychics use see our situation.

Offline ilovelola32

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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2011, 01:07:53 AM »
I always wonder if they are picking up on my energy as well...I almost think tat Natalie is telepathic not empathic...because she will tell me something that my ex was telling me(lies, usually) and since I had that in the back of my head I wondered if thats what she picks up on.  I dont think she does it intentionally....but it could be...Samadi asks for the guides permission...but she was wrong...


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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2011, 01:10:19 AM »
What I'm trying to understand is how can they get an accurate picture of what this person's intentions are if the only link to them is you?  You know what I mean?  I can understand reading their energy based on how you hold the person in your heart and mind, but as far as what events will transpire for someone who isn't giving permission to be looked at this way...?
I never made any statements, only questions, so no need to disagree cm, I'm just wondering what everyone thinks, I don't know what I think!  That's why I'm asking!  :P

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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2011, 02:58:01 AM »
idk who samadi speaks to lol. She was off for me too lmao~

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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2011, 02:59:14 AM »
but they dont ALWAYS speak to our guides remember..they sometimes speak or get information from theirs...

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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2011, 03:13:15 AM »
i think a lot of them do give "probable outcomes"


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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2011, 03:58:46 AM »
I just remembered something from ten years ago...
Two friends and I went to a card reader we had heard was amazing.
None of us had specific people in question, just general life questions for ourselves. 
She told one friend that she was going to have a daughter, and she did within two years.  She told the other friend her true love was overseas, and sure enough, she met her man on vacation, eventually he moved to the States and they are currently married with a kid.  When it was my turn, she said I was psychically blocking her.  She re-shuffled the cards, saying she didn't want me to touch them because maybe my energy was too strong.  Then she basically apologized saying she couldn't get through my psychic wall or something like that.  She had a little talk with me about my own abilities, which I pretty much forgot the advice she gave me by now.  It was so weird.
ANYWAY, there's been no question in my life that I have had foretelling dreams of serious events and other intuitive experiences and spiritual communications... this said, now I'm trying to piece together how we may very well transmit our thoughts/feelings to our readers.  I'm not saying a powerful psychic can't tell the difference between that info and what is actually happening/likely to happen. 
This whole recent dive into calling CP and getting readings elsewhere has really awakened my curiosity about the workings of it (in a more scientific kind of way than ever before).  I don't believe any one set of rules is gonna be absolute, but I am loving discussing all of it with all of you!!  :-*

Offline ilovelola32

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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2011, 04:05:00 AM »
LOL yeha Samadi is speaking to her own world of crazyness...What do you think CSK of probable outcomes?

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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2011, 04:11:00 AM »
amazing we all want to go to her! lol

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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2011, 04:12:20 AM »
hmmm now that your putting things into a diff perspective what do you think? bc when i speak to psychics ab my story half the time i know nothing ab what the other person is thinking or what theyre relationship is with someone if my spirit doesnt know they must be getting it from somewhere


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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2011, 04:27:06 AM »
I know, it's those true outcomes that make you want to trust someone -the reason we all met here really!  All I know is her name was Betsy and she read cards at a cafe in the east village in NYC...that was probably 2001/2.

So, I don't know, I'm trying to get my head around how I feel about it all.  It's crazy, I've been drawn to the occult and spiritualism for my entire life (I'm almost 39 now), I grew up with a grandmother who had a history of knowing things and she fostered me rather than telling me I was crazy, although I didn't tell her everything that happened to me (with regard to communicating with spirits).
Ugh, I wish I knew!! This latest guy, I honestly had only one date with him and know literally NOTHING about his lovelife aside from his online profile details.  I don't know if the recent readers planted the idea in me that he is "scattered" and "opening his options" or if I planted it in them (because I've tried to tap into him on my own)!  If they didn't get it from me, yes, where did it come from?!  I would venture to say maybe just info from a realm of perspective outside ours, that sees ours, yes, guides?  But I'm seriously not sure if I didn't "know" it first and they got it from the depths of my own heart/mind. I pulled cards just last night that fully support my rationalization of him blowing me off... that he's in transition, unsettled, having difficulty making decisions, possibly regret, etc.  Dammit! I am gonna figure something out!!!!! 

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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2011, 04:33:16 AM »
what cafe..I live in NY!


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Re: The energy they're picking up...
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2011, 04:43:36 AM »
Oh man... I think it was Ave A, but it was so long ago!  It may not even exist anymore and who knows where she is... I did a quick google, but the one that came up, that's not her picture...

