Author Topic: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic  (Read 56380 times)

Offline Synergy

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2012, 09:13:23 PM »
Liz!  I'm so glad you've given us an update.  Although it seems that no one got the entire prediction, you did have a couple of readers who were right about certain elements of the situation.  I think that's really promising.  Hopefully, predictions will continue to manifest for you! 

Not really sure where to post this, but since I have stayed consistent with readers, this can be a follow up on my tally from before.

I just had something significant happen after a few months of not really being sure where anything was going. It involved a couple elements - one of which was travel. My ex and I were traveling to the East Coast at the same time. The readers who saw this travel without being prompted were LadyPersephone, Cookie, and Abudant Visions (Gaylene).

Now, I asked the following readers what would happen on the trip, if I would see him, etc.

Aries Intution (Kisha) - I read with her about 6 weeks ago and she said I would see him in 5-6 weeks. There would be an invitation somewhere. He would invite me when we were out locally and it would be a social event. This would be a breakthrough for us. This is all true. Although she didn't go into great detail she got the timing right, that he would invite me somewhere, and that it would be a breakthrough for us. All of this happened. She even knew he'd invite me with something with a "3" and he invited me on the 13th.

LadyPersephone - She said that things would change after his trip, which is partially correct so far. I called her the night before I saw him and she said I would see him, but it wouldn't be significant emotionally. She was wrong about that, but right about the travleing. I feel like she is a really good empath and would probably pick up more now that more has happened.

Abudant Visions (Gaylene) - Brought up the travleing on her own for both of us. Said I would see him. Knew that he would come to me as well and it would be for rest, etc (He and his friends stayed with me for the night). She did not pick up any emotional breakthroughs and also said something wouldn't happen that did happen. She got interesting details, knew the travel was coming up, but missed the "breakthrough" as Kisha put it.

Cookie - Cookie knew he was getting ready for a trip with 4 other guys. This is true. She also said "I see he's shared his feelings with you", but that hadn't happened yet and she said it must be right around the corner if so. It happened about a week later. She did not pick up us seeing one another or give me details regarding what she "saw" coming up, but she was right about sharing feelings and that he would be traveling.

LadyAshley15 - Totally wrong. I really like her for present and feel like she picks up on a lot, however, I called her a couple days before I left and she said that it may be hard to connect with him while we were traveling and that I shouldn't see him. So glad I didn't take her advice. Also, he checked in on me coming to see them twice a day for 3 days leading up to the day we saw eachother, so she was incorrect about that. I think she said we would "get our wires crossed". I realize that Mercury is in retrograde - but we didn't have any issues with communication at all. 

Hope this helps and I will post as things unfold going forward.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2012, 09:18:14 PM »
Thanks for posting this Liz. I agree with Syn that even though not everyone got "everything", they got the fundamentals down. Anyone can say "Oh don't worry he'll call...he likes you" or whatever....very few can nail the things that have been going on in your situation. Nice to k.ow there are a select few readers who are honest and not out to con people...and accurate to boot.

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2012, 09:50:48 PM »
Yes!! Thank you!!

 It's nice to be able to have predictions happen and ask about something that I can provide feedback for right away. I hope this is helpful to everyone moving forward who get readings.

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2012, 11:18:10 PM »
Congrats Liz!  It looks like a few readers picked up on some key things.  At least this gives you some validation that they are truly connecting with you.  :)


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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2012, 12:08:44 AM »
After checking around here for several weeks, I tried Sapphire21, Sincerity – call cut off as she was speaking, Cookie – who did not wait for me to add $$, Louise Helen, and finally, SourcePower – saw no comments on her here.  I learned about SourcePower from another caller, and also from a blog that shortlisted her on the list of whom to call on Keen.  Having had a really good experience with this reader, I felt she deserves mention.   I admit I was taken up by her impressive feedback and the solid validations callers had left for her.

Without going into details, I need to know about a relationship ;).  Such compelling feedback was too tempting to not give her a shot.  She was a bit difficult to get a hold of.   Then I later understood that she signs on only when she is highly tuned in.  She wowed me.  She reads fast, and right away picked up on what was going on, and asked me if she had the right person I was asking about.  Once I confirmed, she ran with the reading, and got into the past, what is going on with my guy now, his intentions, and about some characters around him as well.  She did not hold back from telling me some not so uplifting things that confirmed what I already knew to be true. This reader definitely has a gift.  She even nailed his birthday month and when we began dating.  So, her page says she does not do timing.  I stayed away from any timing question - and bingo!  She gave me timeframes herself, for contact from my guy and for making some progress, and explained why those timeframes.  I got a lot of validations within the reading itself, but now its about the predictions.  I can't wait - am so anxious as you can imagine, because I have had nothing to go on, for months now!!!  I came away feeling I did not need to call anybody else because she gave me a well-rounded and clear overview with no games like guessing, asking me leading questions, and giving me vague answers like "I get 2s and 3s, which could mean 2-3 hours, weeks or months."  Have any of you had that told to you???  Nothing frustrates me more than to hear that clever line that I don't know what to do with...  Gimme a break!!  Source (as she asked to be called) covered a lot of ground in a very short reading, and so it turned out that I did not spend that much after all.  ANYbody read with her at all, please share how her predictions worked out for you.  BTW, she has a less expensive line, which my friend explained are for those that Source invites to be called on if they are existing clients needing very long readings.


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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2012, 01:10:25 AM »
Hi, I've fully decided to quit consulting psychics and so I decided to post my last recommendation. The last couple of months have been a long and uncertain road with my husband (seperated) but I've decided to let God and my faith lead me. I've appreciated all the help from everyone and I want to thank you all for your support. I may have not spoken to you but your honesty, opinions, and reviews showed me that we are all here to help each other through our individual struggles. One kind word from a stranger can give hope when hope is lost in all the tears.

I've made recommendations on psychics I loved to call... ie. Sincerity, Kisha, etc. However, I have gone through all my notes and the absolute 2 who have been correct in how my situation has been playing out are: Lady Fontaine (email reading in Dec.) and Cookie (reading in March) they have been able to both predict events/situations that happened from May and June. The final outcome is still pending but their predictions areI quite similar. But it is time for me to live my life ... Do I still want him home? Heck... YES! But I need to step forward and count the blessings I do have and not what I don't.

Faith...believe that ultimately we struggle in order that we can grow. Thank you all so very much and God bless.


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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2012, 05:19:28 PM »
After checking around here for several weeks, I tried Sapphire21, Sincerity – call cut off as she was speaking, Cookie – who did not wait for me to add $$, Louise Helen, and finally, SourcePower – saw no comments on her here.  I learned about SourcePower from another caller, and also from a blog that shortlisted her on the list of whom to call on Keen.  Having had a really good experience with this reader, I felt she deserves mention.   I admit I was taken up by her impressive feedback and the solid validations callers had left for her.

Without going into details, I need to know about a relationship ;).  Such compelling feedback was too tempting to not give her a shot.  She was a bit difficult to get a hold of.   Then I later understood that she signs on only when she is highly tuned in.  She wowed me.  She reads fast, and right away picked up on what was going on, and asked me if she had the right person I was asking about.  Once I confirmed, she ran with the reading, and got into the past, what is going on with my guy now, his intentions, and about some characters around him as well.  She did not hold back from telling me some not so uplifting things that confirmed what I already knew to be true. This reader definitely has a gift.  She even nailed his birthday month and when we began dating.  So, her page says she does not do timing.  I stayed away from any timing question - and bingo!  She gave me timeframes herself, for contact from my guy and for making some progress, and explained why those timeframes.  I got a lot of validations within the reading itself, but now its about the predictions.  I can't wait - am so anxious as you can imagine, because I have had nothing to go on, for months now!!!  I came away feeling I did not need to call anybody else because she gave me a well-rounded and clear overview with no games like guessing, asking me leading questions, and giving me vague answers like "I get 2s and 3s, which could mean 2-3 hours, weeks or months."  Have any of you had that told to you???  Nothing frustrates me more than to hear that clever line that I don't know what to do with...  Gimme a break!!  Source (as she asked to be called) covered a lot of ground in a very short reading, and so it turned out that I did not spend that much after all.  ANYbody read with her at all, please share how her predictions worked out for you.  BTW, she has a less expensive line, which my friend explained are for those that Source invites to be called on if they are existing clients needing very long readings.

I have a couple of validations to report, following my reading with Source, folks!  She had seen contact from the individual I got her to look at.  She predicted that the call would arrive no later than Aug 2, and the reason for the silence had been due to the individual being caught up with visitors, and some setbacks in the health of a family member.  She also predicted travel and a visit from this individual at the end of Aug.   The call arrived just as Source mentioned.  On top of that, I got confirmation from my friend, of his visitors, poor family health, AND, plans for a visit later this month. Good, eh!  She predicted these events as she described various points along the way to her main prediction, which is still a couple of months away.  She had also mentioned exactly how I approach these communications going forward.  Though it is difficult to remember any advice when a much awaited contact breaks through, I managed to pull it off as I had only recently read with her.  I must say I did notice a positive shift in the vibe, to the point of even an email after the calls - howzzat!  For a newbie here, I am thrilled with my find!  I know it will be some time before I read others' experiences with her, as her rate is high.  However, for having taken that plunge ( I had a 12-15 min reading), I already feel quite rewarded with these early wins.  Most importantly, it is fantastic to have such early proof of her main prediction.  Needless to say ,  it has done a world of good for my inner peace, and left a deep knowing within me that things are will go well.  I do not feel the need to get another reading with her or anybody else anytime soon - that reading with her has me covered for a good while.  Some things have been predicted for during the visit, which if true, will be noteworthy.  I shall check back on that.  Fingers crossed until then ;)

Offline Estrellita

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2012, 05:58:55 PM »
Was this from Psychic Source? Who was your reader?


Offline BellaLife

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2012, 06:15:39 PM »
Hi Canary....could u tell us what psychic gave you this reading and where. I tried to find Source Power...but could not find.



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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2012, 06:18:27 PM »
Hi Canary....could u tell us what psychic gave you this reading and where. I tried to find Source Power...but could not find.


Sorry for not being clear. Here is the name of the psychic I spoke to.  SourcePower from

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2012, 06:19:34 PM »
Thank you..... :D

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2012, 12:21:57 AM »
@canary... Jealous over here... She gave me a decent description of the person I was asking about, but nothing that she said panned out. She has some pretty decent reviews that's why I called her the first place. So glad she worked out for you like she has for others. I love it when you connect with a good one :)


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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2012, 01:38:40 AM »
@canary... Jealous over here... She gave me a decent description of the person I was asking about, but nothing that she said panned out. She has some pretty decent reviews that's why I called her the first place. So glad she worked out for you like she has for others. I love it when you connect with a good one :)

LOL CFisher! I was envying your hits with Cookie, and that you had found yourself a keeper!  I just posted a question for you about that as Cookie was way off for me.  I guess chemistry must be a huge factor with readers after all.  Source has checked out accurately so far - points of contact, description, and picking up on the situation without my help - with just my name and his.  I am not ready to give away the prize to her yet, because the major prediction is still out there.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 01:41:57 AM by canary »

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2012, 05:05:56 AM »
I am completely new to this forum having signed up only a few days ago.  Well, until a few days ago I had no idea this site existed, until I did a search for psychic sites.  I have been rummaging through these various postings,  when, I found a thread by “Canary” about a Keen adviser.  There seems to be literally thousands of advisers on that site.  I should know.  I have had HUNDREDS of reading with many of those characters.  Admittedly,  I have little trust in their “featured readers” section.   But, there  are a few, a very few, that are quite good. 

One day, I happened to come across Source Power (SP).  THEN,  I had no idea how hard it can be to get hold of her.  But there she was, nonetheless.   ( This is really akin to the idiot stumbling upon an extremely rare jewel, without any understanding as to the significance of the discovery, whatsoever).   Can I make it any plainer ...a really rare moment!  Source Power ... she comes ...she goes ... and I could not agree more with Canary's experience more profoundly. 

After a series of  intense and insightful reading, the richness of which I had never before experienced,  I attempted to contact her once again.  Her absence from reading was distressful.  I had so much to tell her about how right she had been.  Not only in fact but in measure, depth and scope.  The observations, the fruitions, the outcome.  In an earlier reading, I  had asked her how “she knew”.  She told me, that “if it is told, then it is spoken” , nothing more, nothing less.   But my intentions were not totally honorable.  I wanted to know more.  I needed to know more and would not be stop by her long absence.

I started to go “psychic shopping”, first on Keen, then on other sites.  Tell me that you haven't done the same.  If you are reading this site, you darn well have.  You know how wrong so many of those readers can be and the intense harm they can cause. 

With my first reading with SP, I knew that this was something totally different.  Her reading was like nothing to which I had become accustomed.  Speaking strictly for myself, I felt the connection to this reader was intense.   This information is unrefined, it's pure...and potentially dangerous.  SP does not refine or process ... she is pure and inconvertible.  Mind you, she is not unkind or insensitive, but honest to the bone.  YOU will have to deal with what the truth of the matter really is. 

Here and now, I have taken my time to give back to whatever source from which I have received my peace.  SP was the conduit.  She is true, she is the power FROM the source..  Canary, if SP has spoken it, you have the awareness that you sought and your validation.  You have been enriched, now, its up to you to  MANIFEST! 

Offline marybell

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Re: Keen/Opinions for most accurate psychic
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2012, 02:19:26 PM »
I am completely new to this forum having signed up only a few days ago.  Well, until a few days ago I had no idea this site existed, until I did a search for psychic sites.  I have been rummaging through these various postings,  when, I found a thread by “Canary” about a Keen adviser.  There seems to be literally thousands of advisers on that site.  I should know.  I have had HUNDREDS of reading with many of those characters.  Admittedly,  I have little trust in their “featured readers” section.   But, there  are a few, a very few, that are quite good. 

One day, I happened to come across Source Power (SP).  THEN,  I had no idea how hard it can be to get hold of her.  But there she was, nonetheless.   ( This is really akin to the idiot stumbling upon an extremely rare jewel, without any understanding as to the significance of the discovery, whatsoever).   Can I make it any plainer ...a really rare moment!  Source Power ... she comes ...she goes ... and I could not agree more with Canary's experience more profoundly. 

After a series of  intense and insightful reading, the richness of which I had never before experienced,  I attempted to contact her once again.  Her absence from reading was distressful.  I had so much to tell her about how right she had been.  Not only in fact but in measure, depth and scope.  The observations, the fruitions, the outcome.  In an earlier reading, I  had asked her how “she knew”.  She told me, that “if it is told, then it is spoken” , nothing more, nothing less.   But my intentions were not totally honorable.  I wanted to know more.  I needed to know more and would not be stop by her long absence.

I started to go “psychic shopping”, first on Keen, then on other sites.  Tell me that you haven't done the same.  If you are reading this site, you darn well have.  You know how wrong so many of those readers can be and the intense harm they can cause. 

With my first reading with SP, I knew that this was something totally different.  Her reading was like nothing to which I had become accustomed.  Speaking strictly for myself, I felt the connection to this reader was intense.   This information is unrefined, it's pure...and potentially dangerous.  SP does not refine or process ... she is pure and inconvertible.  Mind you, she is not unkind or insensitive, but honest to the bone.  YOU will have to deal with what the truth of the matter really is. 

Here and now, I have taken my time to give back to whatever source from which I have received my peace.  SP was the conduit.  She is true, she is the power FROM the source..  Canary, if SP has spoken it, you have the awareness that you sought and your validation.  You have been enriched, now, its up to you to  MANIFEST!

Hi SP sounds pretty amazing , I am tempted to give him/her a try.  Little pricey, but has great feedback.   The feedback sometimes describes this reader as a she and then as a he.. which one is it?