Author Topic: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)  (Read 8034 times)

Offline little_miss_sunshine

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LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« on: June 19, 2012, 03:15:07 AM »
Hello Ladies (and the few gents), FINALLY, after months of lurking, I figure it's time to share. :) I'm a newb compared to most when it comes to calling psychics, I've been to a few local ones throughout the years, but in a short time (since Dec 2011), i've called enough and spent a lil fortune calling all over the place.  This forum was "helpful" lol, in narrowing which ones to call, but likely got me calling more than I should, not that i'm complaining or anything.

Before I divulge my tally, I'd also like to mention that I don't call psychics to get contact predictions or even final outcomes. I believe in cause and effect, I believe in my control over my fate, I believe that having certain expectations can and will end up altering my fate, and could set myself up for disappointment. And predictions (good or bad), once known can change my expectation, my behavior, my energy, and potentially the outcome. At that point, whatever prediction made (assuming that it was even accurate at the time) can already be changed.

I call asking mostly for clarity, insight, and guidance. Some of the psychics have still given me outcomes and they range from all over the spectrum, with most of them being favorable (of course). I try to disregard them. To me, a good psychic is one that tells me what I need to know, provides clarity, and helps me decipher my confusion, so that I can realize my full potential. Remember scene from Matrix - The oracle didn't tell Neo he was the one, but told Neo what he needed to hear for him to learn and step up to the plate. :P

As such, I can't confirm the validity or accuracy of predictions which is what most of you look for, but I can comment on which readers gave me the most peace of mind, who seemed to be able to read my soul with most accuracy, who saw my complex situation with clarity, who were the most insightful for me, and gave me the guidance i needed to move forward with courage, which is what I want and look for.

My fave: These were the ones who did all the above for me.
(Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated to any organization or adviser, I am not aiming to promote, but to share. And please use any recommendations here at your own discretion.)

Sapphire21 - No surprise here, many of you already seem to love her, and I totally agree. I love that she doesn't give predictions, I love that she just points me to the right direction, and helps me break free from the obstacles in front of me.

Samantha Wild -  She REALLY connected. She didn't ask questions, no fishing whatsoever and gave me such details on my situation. Things really cleared up for me after speaking to her. She described my complex feelings as if she lived in my heart and brain.

SunHee Park - She seems to be hit or miss with you guys. BUT, for me, she read me ver well. She knew of my anxieties and the roots of them. I loved how (without me saying anything) she guided me how to deal with the situation, how to deal with the other person, how to rid myself of my own insecurities, what I needed to do to rid of my anxiety. And all of it made a lot of sense and were highly applicable to my situation. She also gave me a favorable outcome, although that is not why I like her. In fact, I sometimes wished she didnt.

Here's a list of those I thought were definitely gifted, but didn't connect to me to the same level. They knew stuff, but at the same time, didn't tell me anything new, or didn't provide the depth to convince me to follow their advice.

Aries Intuition - Many of you like her very much for her predictions, and given i don't look for that, i didn't think she helped me that much. Although I do feel that she was gifted.

Lisa Dianne - I really liked her too. She didn't give me a prediction, but her advice was sound and wises, although they were more vague than those given by my faves.

Your Message from Above - Iiked her, especially her prayers. But I do have a hard time with her accent and I found myself asking her to repeat too many times.

Queen of Cups18 - Don't know how I felt. She felt cold and short. I am not usually bought in by the touchy feely motherly type, but she seemed too cut and dry for my taste, which made me feel less connected. Although I do still feel he is gifted.

And the below are the first ones I started calling, when I actually did ask for outcomes.   (If the outcomes of any of these do come to pass, I will come back and update.)

Sandy Esther - She seemed to read the current well, and she did throw out some predictions which did not end up panning out.

Raven Star - I find her very pleasant to talk to. She did give me a favorable outcome, but that's not why I like her. She has a calming effect about her, and so far her advice has been good. But also a bit too high level. I still really enjoy chatting with her though.

Ellen Hartwell - She seems gifted, and I liked my call to her, but like most of you, I wonder if it's too goo to be true. She made it sound very easy, which it i most definitely not.

Silver Faery Hawk - Similar to above. I liked my call, cause the outcome was VERY good, but not taking it to heart cause also too good to be true.

Avalon Star - Similar to her sister. I like both equally.

Allison - My call was perhaps too short to fully gage (CP is soooo expensive), but in the 10 minutes that I spoke to her, she seemed to know things, and she gave me a very favorable prediction.

Seha - I liked her too, but again, also too short to get into details, the review was very favorable, i felt connected to her.

The ones I didn't connect with at all and I wish i hadn't called: 
Prophetess Darlene
Syd Saeed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 10:30:05 PM by Healer »

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2012, 03:42:38 AM »
I LOVE this post little miss! It's so comprehensive and organized...yet succinct! Lol

I love your thoughts and opinions on readings's refreshing!

Thanks ;)


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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2012, 04:16:50 AM »
After keep hearing about Sapphire21, I feel I want to try her. Just when I decided to wait for some outcome. So, does this forum really help us or does it feed the addiction?  :-\

Offline little_miss_sunshine

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2012, 04:26:44 AM »
@SB - Thanks lady. :) Just trying to be helpful as most of you have been great support.

@ eleonora - I KNOW RIGHT. LOL. every time i hear a new name, I want to call again. But I really don't have any more questions to ask, and after my last reading which was really good, I think I'm gonna sit on it for a while as well and hold off. Maybe hold off until you feel in a bind again? She'll always be there. :)

Offline skyline

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2012, 04:31:29 AM »
I believe that having certain expectations can and will end up altering my fate, and could set myself up for disappointment. And predictions (good or bad), once known can change my expectation, my behavior, my energy, and potentially the outcome. At that point, whatever prediction made (assuming that it was even accurate at the time) can already be changed.

I agree, that if a psychic tells you you're going to meet someone at a particular Starbucks, on the corner of 5th and Sunset, during the month of July, this could seriously throw a monkey wrench in the outcome if you start camping out there every day in July.

However, I do believe certain things that are meant to happen, will happen. That's because your free will and universal will are one and the same. They're intertwined. So a good psychic should be able to pick up on what's about to happen.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2012, 04:38:39 AM »
Thanks for sharing! ;)

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2012, 09:04:55 AM »
gr8 compilation :)


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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2012, 01:00:07 PM »

I have yet to meet a psycic who can predict events in such detail as the starbucks situation- and I search psycics to find this. I agree though every action changes an outcome. I was doing absouletly nothing in order to get my bf to propose to me, this weekend however I finally snapped and lashed out. This will change the outcome that was originally predicted. NO reader predicted I'd snap. I chose my own free will to do so. And unfortunately, I probably changed the outcome drastically. This is how free will comes into play!! Cringe.

It simply means that we're in the 21st  century and that two people can openly, mutually, intelligently talk about getting married without waiting for that medieval proposal. If he wants to marry you, he will, no matter what you do or say. If he doesn't, no action or many actions won't change his mind. If you haven't changed the outcome, you may have simply facilitated 'an' outcome. I don't believe that our actions will change any possible outcome, actually quite the opposite. Our destiny is in our hands.

Offline skyline

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2012, 02:16:35 AM »
I have yet to meet a psycic who can predict events in such detail as the starbucks situation- and I search psycics to find this. I agree though every action changes an outcome. I was doing absouletly nothing in order to get my bf to propose to me, this weekend however I finally snapped and lashed out. This will change the outcome that was originally predicted. NO reader predicted I'd snap.

They can't predict or see everything, but a good reader should be able to see the ultimate outcome.

Offline little_miss_sunshine

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2012, 03:22:20 AM »
Great points.

I do believe that some outcomes are meant to be, no matter what we do.

I guess for me especially, cause i am stubborn as helllll, I question the usefulness of getting predictions.

2 years ago, i saw a psychic who gave me a prediction, and from my pt of view, it was in line with what I was going to do anyway. But just because she said it, and also because I am a rebel at heart, I set out to prove it wrong. I was determined to beat fate. In the end, I succeeded in proving her wrong. 

Question is, was she really wrong in her prediction? And if she hadn't told me, would I have tried so hard to go against it?

To each their own i guess. But I realize for me, it doesnt work well....

Offline skyline

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2012, 08:30:20 PM »
Well, the only thing you know is that you proved her wrong. She could have been dead wrong in her initial prediction, and you ended up not beating "fate", but "creating" the outcome that was going to happen all along,

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2012, 06:56:52 PM »
I agree with your views here entirely LittleMissSunshine. Since April 2012 I have read with DJ Ownbey, Sunhee/Chinhee , Syd Saeed and now Aries Intuition. Your assessment on Sunhee  and Syd, Aries matches what I got too.
Sunhee seemed to be incredibly empathetic and was pretty accurate with what she told me. Same for Chinhee and I read with her 3 months after reading with Sunhee. Chinhee in fact got a lot of the detail without me saying anything but a hello. That's the closest a psychic has got to blow me away....she is darn good. Im waiting for their predictions to come true as that would truly validate my positive experience with them.

Syd I felt was very general and in a way fishing for info. I thought he would be good..but he kept asking me questions instead which to me means hes looking for info. Not good for such a highly rated psychic. I felt I wasted my money with him.

I read with Aries Intuition(Kisha) last week and she was disappointing to say the least. She was rude and went on talking without letting me confirm or ask questions. Later when I did ask questions she refused to clarify what she meant which was annoying.Overall I probably will not read with her again.

I also read with DJ a while ago and he impressed me too. Again he had details without me saying anything...and he was right. All he asked for was my name and date of birth. He even got personal details of my childhood and early life which was interesting.

Right now Ive decided no more psychics for the rest of the year , these are enough! My confusion though is some of them like Sunhee/Chinhee and DJ got the same predictions and with details down while Syd and Aries were way off and seemed to ramble.

Based on feedback here and on the web all of the above psychics are highly rated , if so then why do they have different predictions.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2012, 08:24:39 PM »
Based on feedback here and on the web all of the above psychics are highly rated , if so then why do they have different predictions.

Not every psychic (even a "highly rated" psychic), is going to be correct on their predictions all the is apparent that people connect with readers differently anyway.

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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2012, 04:05:23 AM »
very true Luckystar!  I"ve had HORRIBLE readings from some that are so accurate for people on here. And I've suggested some of my best readers and they really sucked for other people.
Sadly, I can also say that the same reader that has given me the most mindblowing accurate reading with prediction after prediction that came true, unbelievable details, has at another time also given me the absolute worst reading I've ever had. And I"ve had a LOT! 


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Re: LittleMissSunshine - My Tally :)
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2012, 05:05:18 AM »
Yes, I agree. It makes it all very confusing!!!