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Flora from CP now working on Keen

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I really enjoyed Abbie and felt connected to her! Predictions are TBD, but for the present she understood me, POI, and situation. Thank you for the recommendation, Kate! Appreciate it from longstanding members like yourself!


64 readings on Keen and only 18 reviews....FAKE REVIEWS.  THE NEGATIVE ones deleted.!!!!!
And the one recommending this so called reader is copying pasting the fake stupid reviews from Keen.

64 readings... 18 reviews....ask the other 46 people who read with her....FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, SCAMMER

For my friend she said the below:

1. Meditate
2. Walk
3. Use some shoes you have not used
4. Talked to my friend abou her current work (mind you my friend is not working currently)
5. Told her that her POI has a restaurant. No, he doesn´t
6. My friend told her she lives next to "X" country so this scammer told her that my friend goes to this "X" country often. Untrue, as my friend never goes there
7. Told her that she plays instruments and piano. Not at all
8. Brought her grandmother!!! It seems she always brings granparents!!!! she is more safe doing that because grandparents are likely to be dead. Nothing she told my friend about her grandmother resonated one bit.
9. Told her that if she wants to find a job she needs to be willing to travel to work. ::) ::)

I can´t remember more shit she uttered. And she charges 60 pounds an hour.
I think I will start doing readings too.


Thanks so much for sharing! Might give her a try.

--- Quote from: Kate on February 26, 2025, 08:15:03 AM ---Hi All,

If any of you remember Flora on CP (?) just a heads up that she is now working for Keen
"Spiritual Guidance by Abbie"

Abbie is a great psychic - I read with her quite a bit when she joined CP. We maintained a friendship when she left, and I still get private readings from her periodically.

She is a no tools reader - can tune in immediately.
She can see, hear, and feel spirit.
She has made accurate predictions for me over the years. In fact something she saw happening to me in 2022, occurred this year.

She has only just joined Keen - so I said I would post this for those that may want to call her and leave a review. :)

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Sorry to learn about your Mom! Wish her a speedy recovery.

--- Quote from: Novachild1018 on February 27, 2025, 04:49:25 PM ---Well some validations she did pick up on was when she channeled my great grandma. During the call she mentioned apples and nice deep full apple pies. I told her I didn’t know and would have to ask my mom when I saw her. I ended up asking my mom and my great grandma did make these apple pies and my mom started telling me stories about how they were etc.

She also mentioned something specific about my grandmothers attire.

My mom is in the hospital right now for something acute but she knew my mom needed more calcium and her blood test results came back this AM and her calcium was abnormal (low).

She picked up that I lost my keys (which was months ago btw) and I’ve been using my mom’s set of keys since lol which is true.

These are things she picked up on her own throughout the reading as I came asking about my POI and she answered that but then the reading kept on because she kept picking up on things that I could validate.

Now I will keep you posted on POI predictions as well. Usually when I get a good reading like this I don’t want to keep constantly coming back to the reader for updates etc or everything because I don’t like them to get too used to my energy. But I feel like she hit on so many points, I don’t really need to read too often. But I will read with her again ina couple of months when predictions are supposed to happen.

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