I wasn't really able to follow Mina's commentary on my posts but I got the gist of it. I thought this forum existed for the sole purpose of sharing one's experiences with whatever psychic(s) they had readings with. After all, the very title of this forum is "The Psychic REVIEWS". In order to properly review a psychic, one would need to share some information, of their own choosing, whether it be a lot or a little, in order to provide a proper review. I'm really not sure what people's real problem is with me. If you don't like my posts, you don't have to read them.
Not everyone is going to like or agree with what I, or others post. I just don't get why a random person here or there feels the need to talk shit, berate, judge, and dictate what people can and cannot do on a PUBLIC forum. If I choose to write my ENTIRE LIFE STORY on here, it's MY CHOICE. Some may enjoy it, appreciate it, learn from it, find it interesting, and others may hate it, despise it, loathe it, ignore it, etc. How is what I post effecting your life personally? It's not! Still don't get why some are so bothered.
And for the record, I've never been the kind of person that needed to have the last word. That's for those that are dictators and control freaks. By all means, ladies, have at it. When I mentioned that others were supporting me, it wasn't in the sense of immaturity such as "I'm getting support and you're not haha". It's more along the lines of, if people hated my posts that bad, why was there only one, now two, people complaining about it but others were responsive. And you people wonder why this forum is "dead". People like you chase others away that have real feedback and real stories to share. In fact, there's an entire section titled "MY STORY" dedicated to those that wish to SHARE THEIR STORIES! I've seen many other users post their stories IN DETAIL but they didn't get their heads cut off for it. I then seen that after some attacks took place on others, they'd delete their stories. This place is awful.
Nevertheless, I will definitely stop sharing any kind of details of my readings or anything else for that matter. If I do decide to share anything further, it'll be simply whether or not something predicted happened by whatever psychic I read with without sharing what and how long etc. It's not brown nosing if someone really resonates, connects, and enjoys one particular psychic over others. FFS people. Why all the pettiness?
Lastly, my sending love, blessings, and healing to others is NOT fake. I truly do wish others would heal. I don't like seeing others in pain or so miserable. I've never been a vindictive person, nor will I ever be. Why would I wish bad things to another just because they chose to take their misery out on me? I don't let that effect me like that. Love is the highest frequency.
As the saying goes "You cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it." That said, I WISH YOU ALL LOVE, BLESSINGS, AND HEALING! Bye ladies.
Edit: One more thought to add @Mina @Catherines, if you two really truly think someone has mental health issues and needed some help, why would either of you go about it with belittling, name calling, etc.? Would you not have any compassion for a person you feel needs help? It appears to me as though you both would look down upon someone in need of assistance. For that, shame on you both. What makes you think THAT APPROACH is "healthy"? So, while you're telling me that I need so much mental help, please do look in the mirror at your own behaviors because those aren't exactly the picture of "healthy".
Miss Phil
I remember your posts from several years ago it was either your way or nor way at all. You would also overshare then got offended someone asked “hey why not ummm get mental help.” Then get into a semantic debate about words. There was also oddly someone you kept butting heads with (and yes I see Catherine’s comments I think they’ve attacked me in the past and would delete their comments whatever) . But I have felt and fell shut down every time I comment (and I just haven’t had time to update on your other threads… and they are very long winded - but I know I am too) when I mention some manifesting it’s again “either your way or no way at all.” I mean can’t I share my success as well?
Also miss Phil
My second paragraph was not directed at you but the scary fanatics you’ve attracted these last few months; who have for some reason started to look up to you for your advice. Only the first paragraph but it’s is kind insulting again I will write less and you and your fans just still write oh so much and not just get to the point compared to what you “got the gist off”
What deeply worried me was when you wrote how Sincerity Kisha was now your new replacement…
Yes I’m aware of Catherine bashing on the yona and the sincerity side. I don’t condone it but at the same time she has said some things that many are exactly thinking or have commented in private, and I dare not name who those are.
Again my intention is not to put you down Miss Phil, and if you are reading that way then perhaps ask chatgpt to rephrase it. But I am extremely concerned the things you have suggested please consider what you post is not exactly sane. I’m not bashing you! But again to consider it is a little much. Yes I will and have practice compassion and empathy but these days many ppl are here bots, psychic hustlers, psychic snitches, or new and young… I get annoyed when ppl don’t read the previous post and sadly not much has changed when it comes to psychics
That’s all I say … for now
Thanks for your commentary Mina. I don't recall any posts where I was insinuating that it was my way or the highway. I haven't deleted any posts from the past so if you're able to find those, please do share so that I can remind myself not to be that way if I was. While I do have strong opinions and can be resilient when it comes to my belief systems, I typically do not try to force those on others. Rather, I share my views, they share theirs, we have some dialogue back and forth and that's it. And yes, there was one other person back then that was doing the same to me as catherines and that was because none of her predictions over years' time had happened for her. I'd messaged with her privately, even exchanged emails and tried to help her out and then she turned on me and the attacks began.
Additionally, I'm unsure which posts you're referring to that were, in your opinion and apparently some other people's opinions, "insane". If you're referring to the emotional fluctuations that I happened to share publicly that were back and forth, and you consider that as "insane", then I urge you and whoever else is in agreement, to reflect on your life situations and recall if there was ever a time when you felt completely emotionally confused. I bet your thoughts and emotions fluctuated like the wind blows in different directions. Everyone has experienced that at least once in their lifetime. I don't consider myself insane. I consider myself human, with changing emotions, just like the rest of humans. I just made a choice to share those contrasting emotions at different points in time publicly, apparently to my own demise. I'm ok with however people want to view me. If I lived my life based upon what every person that has crossed my path thought about me, I'd be in trouble. Some people love/like me and some people despise me. Either way, that's life and I'm totally fine with that.
Lastly, there's nothing wrong with me feeling just as connected to Sincerity as I did with Kisha. I'm unsure what's so disturbing about that. Each person on this forum has their personal "go to" so what makes me so different? Like I said, I won't be sharing anything further that contains details of anything on this forum anymore. So, you don't have to worry about my "long-winded" posts of insanity anymore. I genuinely do wish you love, blessings, and healing.