Author Topic: CURE for PSYCHIC ADDICTION  (Read 1213 times)

Offline Need2knownow

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« on: February 08, 2025, 01:29:17 AM »
I sensed that I need to write this:  because we are all intuitive - ok, maybe some are just gifted but they are not to be used as something to worship for.  anyway.....Reading, studying and believing the Bible will help you stop your addiction.  OMG i've called for over 30 years and so much bad stuff would happen including $$$$$ i stopped counting but God is right with us,  that's how I stopped.  Now i have to disagree that reading your astrology or tarot are bad because I don't worship planets nor the stars nor tarot.  Actually there is alot of symbols from the Bible in the tarot cards.  Creators of AE Riderswaithe was a Christian Mystic and Pamela Waithe was a Catholic. Also, Tarot was created in 1500s, Bible existed way before that but the concept here is that we have to go to God FIRST!!  thAT'S WHY WE MUST KEEP GOD #1.  Torah and the Bible.

 THe problem is not to get addicted, which is worshipping or doing something religiously for other things because we are supposed to be addicted to GOD AND THAT'S WITH HIS WORD, THE BIBLE.   because at times of sorrow, defeat, or just the worst times of your life when you are all alone lonely and scared, we're supposed to talk to God.  I think the problem here is how to stop, and what helped me was Matthew 6:6  "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." becuase we will end in a trap of believing something someone says when it is GOD that knows everything, not other humans because God himself gave them their gifts.  its a mystery we may never know but for sure, it is a test of how much we believe and worship his word in the Bible.   .  For me, it led me to the bible and omg, many of psychic predictions - sure a few were true like day or time poi called/texted but outcome is not set in stone.  and it becomes FALSE - PSYCHCS JUST WASTED OUR MONIES!!!    Only God knows what is for us and what is not, and that is the word of the Lord.  Psalms 1:2 where is says that we will find happiness if we read, do, breathe, absorb the Bible - I prayed and God led me to Bible study, actually someone approached me twice from the same church so I sensed that was a message from God.  God communicates all the time.  and Deuteronomy 17:19-20 says to read the bible daily, (even if its a verse a day but amazingly studying and absorbing the Bible and journalize and praying about it to God about the addiction - or confessing to God (talking to GOd having a relationship with him who is by our side at all times) God will help cure your addiction.  but you have to want to - by giving your love to GOD, because he LOVED US FIRST!! 1John 4:19. We love each other because he loved us first.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 02:20:37 AM by Need2knownow »

Offline th3awakened11

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« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2025, 04:57:53 PM »
Respectfully, there are far other more effective ways to heal from psychic addiction that turning to religion or "god" to save you from it.

If you truly believe that you only need God to save you from it, then you might need more than just religion for your so-called "cure" psychic addiction.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do or what to believe. Rather I want to call out the reality and fact that religious persecution and extreme christian nationalist belief systems have plagued humans for millennia. They can be as unhealthy and toxic as new age spirituality can also be. YouTube is filled with ex-new age spiritualist types that share their testimonials on their "come to Jesus/God" moments. I'm sorry, but it's for the view right now more than anything. I could spend 10 minutes typing out the realities of massive misrepresentations of the Bible throughout history, but there is no point in convincing others. This is where I will just drop one of my favorite quote that really needs to sink in for everyone religion or not...

"Witches call it spells.
Christians call it prayer.
Spiritualists call it manifestation.
Atheist call it the placebo effect.
Scientists call it quantum physics.

Everyone is arguing over the same thing and what it's called.
Yet no one is denying its existence."

If you really want to know how to break the cycle of addiction to psychics, here are some other alternative ways without religious or trad undertones:

1. Get banned from psychic platforms (yes I have done this myself, on purpose).
2. Report charges as credit card fraud to your creditors if there is an issue or ask for a refund from customer service if and when you have a bad experience (this can lead to #1 on big platform and will forcibly break the cycle)
3. Join support groups or other online/IRL communities (like here) to help overcome this addiction.
4. Go to rehab or get addiction support. And yes, they have rehab groups for nearly everything.
5. Stop trying to feel the need to control situations and scenarios in your life through psychics. Let life start to surprise you. It's more fun that way anyway. Overt control tendencies can lead to you to actually lose your grip on reality and control of your life throwing you into a tailspin. Sometimes we are the reason for those proverbial "tower moments" that come up in tarot.
6. Go to therapy, get a counselor, etc. I literally started on in early 2021 with therapy. It's a process, but it proved within at least 2 or 3 sessions that this was a better place to spend my money than on psychics.
7. Go do something for yourself that you used to or still enjoy. For me I doubled down on online gaming again like I had in my teens to help get me out of the cycle. It allowed me to relive good memories and support finding "me" again.
8. Challenge yourself to help break the patterns and cycles. Want to make new friends this year? Challenge yourself to put yourself out there to meet new people. I did this and expanded/doubled my friend group in 6 months.

Breaking cycles will always only began and end with you. There is no god coming to save anyone. There is no psychic that knows it all. There is only the present moment and learning to be better than the you of yesterday.

**Edited for more clarity.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2025, 04:40:44 AM by th3awakened11 »

Offline serenejoy

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« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2025, 10:01:53 PM »
I sensed that I need to write this:  because we are all intuitive - ok, maybe some are just gifted but they are not to be used as something to worship for.  anyway.....Reading, studying and believing the Bible will help you stop your addiction.  OMG i've called for over 30 years and so much bad stuff would happen including $$$$$ i stopped counting but God is right with us,  that's how I stopped.  Now i have to disagree that reading your astrology or tarot are bad because I don't worship planets nor the stars nor tarot.  Actually there is alot of symbols from the Bible in the tarot cards.  Creators of AE Riderswaithe was a Christian Mystic and Pamela Waithe was a Catholic. Also, Tarot was created in 1500s, Bible existed way before that but the concept here is that we have to go to God FIRST!!  thAT'S WHY WE MUST KEEP GOD #1.  Torah and the Bible.

 THe problem is not to get addicted, which is worshipping or doing something religiously for other things because we are supposed to be addicted to GOD AND THAT'S WITH HIS WORD, THE BIBLE.   because at times of sorrow, defeat, or just the worst times of your life when you are all alone lonely and scared, we're supposed to talk to God.  I think the problem here is how to stop, and what helped me was Matthew 6:6  "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." becuase we will end in a trap of believing something someone says when it is GOD that knows everything, not other humans because God himself gave them their gifts.  its a mystery we may never know but for sure, it is a test of how much we believe and worship his word in the Bible.   .  For me, it led me to the bible and omg, many of psychic predictions - sure a few were true like day or time poi called/texted but outcome is not set in stone.  and it becomes FALSE - PSYCHCS JUST WASTED OUR MONIES!!!    Only God knows what is for us and what is not, and that is the word of the Lord.  Psalms 1:2 where is says that we will find happiness if we read, do, breathe, absorb the Bible - I prayed and God led me to Bible study, actually someone approached me twice from the same church so I sensed that was a message from God.  God communicates all the time.  and Deuteronomy 17:19-20 says to read the bible daily, (even if its a verse a day but amazingly studying and absorbing the Bible and journalize and praying about it to God about the addiction - or confessing to God (talking to GOd having a relationship with him who is by our side at all times) God will help cure your addiction.  but you have to want to - by giving your love to GOD, because he LOVED US FIRST!! 1John 4:19. We love each other because he loved us first.

Hey Need2know, thanks for sharing this. I completely agree that building a closer relationship with God is a sure way to rid yourself of psychic obsession. It certainly worked for me. In the past, I tried therapy, and while it helped immensely with my inner self and self-worth issues, it never fully addressed the psychic aspect. However, when I started surrounding myself with true Christians (those who genuinely honor God, not just claim to be Christian) and reading the Bible, all desire for readings vanished. It’s one of those things that's hard to explain to others because, until you’re ready for it and walking that path, it can sound a little nuts. I know this because I was that person for a long time.

I'm happy to hear you've found your way back to God. I pray that you continue walking in faith and growing with Him. I'm only sticking around here because I plan on providing a full final update on my situation in the next month or two.

Offline bemily

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« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2025, 10:12:17 PM »
Respectfully, there are far other more effective ways to heal from psychic addiction that turning to religion or "god" to save you from it.

If you truly believe that you only need God to save you from it, then you might need more than just religion for your so-called "cure" psychic addiction.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do or what to believe. Rather I want to call out the reality and fact that religious persecution and extreme christian nationalist belief systems have plagued humans for millennia. They can be as unhealthy and toxic as new age spirituality can also be. YouTube is filled with ex-new age spiritualist types that share their testimonials on their "come to Jesus/God" moments. I'm sorry, but it's for the view right now more than anything. I could spend 10 minutes typing out the realities of massive misrepresentations of the Bible throughout history, but there is no point in convincing others. This is where I will just drop one of my favorite quote that really needs to sink in for everyone religion or not...

"Witches call it spells.
Christians call it prayer.
Spiritualists call it manifestation.
Atheist call it the placebo effect.
Scientists call it quantum physics.

Everyone is arguing over the same thing and what it's called.
Yet no one is denying its existence."

If you really want to know how to break the cycle of addiction to psychics, here are some other alternative ways without religious or trad undertones:

1. Get banned from psychic platforms (yes I have done this myself, on purpose).
2. Report charges as credit card fraud to your creditors (this can lead to #1 and forcibly breaking the cycle)
3. Join support groups or other online/IRL communities (like here) to help overcome this addiction.
4. Go to rehab or get addiction support. And yes, they have rehab groups for nearly everything.
5. Stop trying to feel the need to control situations and scenarios in your life through psychics. Let life start to surprise you. It's more fun that way anyway. Overt control tendencies can lead to you to actually lose your grip on reality and control of your life throwing you into a tailspin. Sometimes we are the reason for those proverbial "tower moments" that come up in tarot.
6. Go to therapy, get a counselor, etc. I literally started on in early 2021 with therapy. It's a process, but it proved within at least 2 or 3 sessions that this was a better place to spend my money than on psychics.
7. Go do something for yourself that you used to or still enjoy. For me I doubled down on online gaming again like I had in my teens to help get me out of the cycle. It allowed me to relive good memories and support finding "me" again.
8. Challenge yourself to help break the patterns and cycles. Want to make new friends this year? Challenge yourself to put yourself out there to meet new people. I did this and expanded/doubled my friend group in 6 months.

Breaking cycles will always only began and end with you. There is no god coming to save anyone. There is no psychic that knows it all. There is only the present moment and learning to be better than the you of yesterday.

I just deleted my Keen account because of this - number 5 in particular was like a lightning bolt. Thank you for posting it ♡

Offline th3awakened11

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« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2025, 01:06:32 AM »
I am glad I was able to help anyone at all with my post. Some of them are extreme but whatever works for others to break the cycle is key. The biggest goal is to starve that beast completely. Otherwise things will continue to stay the same with very, very marginal improvements here and there.

Breaking the cycle is monumental to healing yourself and your need to rely on psychics.

#5 was a very challenging and harsh reality to face myself. It required me to get very, very real with therapist about why I really was paying for psychic readings up until early 2021 even after I left an abusive and toxic marriage several years prior (my ex would not let me seek out therapy for myself).

It boiled down to my need to regain control of my life. I thought the psychics could tell me what I needed to do to get back to a healthier place. The reality was I had to do all the inner work myself. No psychic was going to fully help with that. That was a hard wake up call to have myself. The whole, "no one is coming to save you, you have to save yourself" mentality.

I just deleted my Keen account because of this - number 5 in particular was like a lightning bolt. Thank you for posting it ♡

Offline dragonflyer

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« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2025, 01:56:03 AM »
Thanks for sharing!
Sorry a bit confused about #2 - is it to stop those platforms from charging you or to get all your money back? I hope it's the latter, LOL.

Respectfully, there are far other more effective ways to heal from psychic addiction that turning to religion or "god" to save you from it.

If you truly believe that you only need God to save you from it, then you might need more than just religion for your so-called "cure" psychic addiction.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do or what to believe. Rather I want to call out the reality and fact that religious persecution and extreme christian nationalist belief systems have plagued humans for millennia. They can be as unhealthy and toxic as new age spirituality can also be. YouTube is filled with ex-new age spiritualist types that share their testimonials on their "come to Jesus/God" moments. I'm sorry, but it's for the view right now more than anything. I could spend 10 minutes typing out the realities of massive misrepresentations of the Bible throughout history, but there is no point in convincing others. This is where I will just drop one of my favorite quote that really needs to sink in for everyone religion or not...

"Witches call it spells.
Christians call it prayer.
Spiritualists call it manifestation.
Atheist call it the placebo effect.
Scientists call it quantum physics.

Everyone is arguing over the same thing and what it's called.
Yet no one is denying its existence."

If you really want to know how to break the cycle of addiction to psychics, here are some other alternative ways without religious or trad undertones:

1. Get banned from psychic platforms (yes I have done this myself, on purpose).
2. Report charges as credit card fraud to your creditors (this can lead to #1 and forcibly breaking the cycle)
3. Join support groups or other online/IRL communities (like here) to help overcome this addiction.
4. Go to rehab or get addiction support. And yes, they have rehab groups for nearly everything.
5. Stop trying to feel the need to control situations and scenarios in your life through psychics. Let life start to surprise you. It's more fun that way anyway. Overt control tendencies can lead to you to actually lose your grip on reality and control of your life throwing you into a tailspin. Sometimes we are the reason for those proverbial "tower moments" that come up in tarot.
6. Go to therapy, get a counselor, etc. I literally started on in early 2021 with therapy. It's a process, but it proved within at least 2 or 3 sessions that this was a better place to spend my money than on psychics.
7. Go do something for yourself that you used to or still enjoy. For me I doubled down on online gaming again like I had in my teens to help get me out of the cycle. It allowed me to relive good memories and support finding "me" again.
8. Challenge yourself to help break the patterns and cycles. Want to make new friends this year? Challenge yourself to put yourself out there to meet new people. I did this and expanded/doubled my friend group in 6 months.

Breaking cycles will always only began and end with you. There is no god coming to save anyone. There is no psychic that knows it all. There is only the present moment and learning to be better than the you of yesterday.

Offline starempress

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« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2025, 04:01:35 AM »
#2 is fraud on your behalf, some readers are genuine and this is their job.  You would be taking food off their table and putting them in strife, just because you cannot control your addiction.

Offline th3awakened11

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« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2025, 04:19:13 AM »
Let me just clarify my list before more people want to run to the comments about #2.

Yes, I am aware #2 is fraud on your own accord. It's just an idea. I am not saying anyone should actually do this and take from those working in this domain. It's just an avenue to break the cycle. Normally you will get banned from the big platforms for excessive customer service issues or charge back issues. The only reason I know this is because I had issues with 2 different hateful and rude readers on California Psychics and when I went to customer service about it, I was banned from using the platform for whatever reason. That is the only reason I suggested it.

I often deter others who want readings from using the big platforms for this very reason. It puts the power into their hands (the business) and not the individual readers on them. It doesn't give the individual readers control over their working hours, schedule, clientele, etc.  Using places like Etsy or other creative service platforms gives far more control to the readers than big psychic sites do.

The psychics will still be paid for the time though. At least they used to be from those I knew who read on them once upon a time. I cannot speak for anything in the last 5 or so years though. This not to deter actual genuine readers from making a living, but it is just an option in extreme circumstances where the addiction to it has taken hold and it's nearly impossible to quit abruptly. If anyone gets to this extreme of a point, I really hope you're already scheduled to meet with a mental health professional or researching/booking one soon. Because by that point, it can turn into a life ruining addiction very quickly.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2025, 04:21:16 AM by th3awakened11 »

Offline th3awakened11

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« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2025, 04:31:51 AM »
Typically, it should be so you can block them from continuing to charge you. I know that many of big ones offer subscription services or often give deals for top-ups. If you block them or freeze your cards, then they cannot continue to charge for the subscription service or allow you to top-up credits. I typically run all of my cards through That way I can better control the charges on my card. I know one or two of them were notorious for suckering you into a month to month subscription when I used to get readings. Overall, I recommend just staying away from the big platforms, they reel you in with them marketing and promos. It feeds the addiction to readings and will keep people in a toxic loop.

I commented below some other options for getting good readers and clarified the whole fraud aspect as well. I don't condone reporting your readings as fraud unless there is a true issue with it. Moving off psychic platforms can open you up to other liabilities though if you go to someone privately. Only because I read with someone (who will remain nameless) that I met on a platform who went independent and then I read with them. They charged me twice for the same reading and then ghosted me when I wanted half my money back for being charged twice. Now, that I did have to report the second one as an overcharge issue to get my money back. So that is the caution on working with readers who are independent from psychic platforms.

Thanks for sharing!
Sorry a bit confused about #2 - is it to stop those platforms from charging you or to get all your money back? I hope it's the latter, LOL.

Respectfully, there are far other more effective ways to heal from psychic addiction that turning to religion or "god" to save you from it.

If you truly believe that you only need God to save you from it, then you might need more than just religion for your so-called "cure" psychic addiction.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do or what to believe. Rather I want to call out the reality and fact that religious persecution and extreme christian nationalist belief systems have plagued humans for millennia. They can be as unhealthy and toxic as new age spirituality can also be. YouTube is filled with ex-new age spiritualist types that share their testimonials on their "come to Jesus/God" moments. I'm sorry, but it's for the view right now more than anything. I could spend 10 minutes typing out the realities of massive misrepresentations of the Bible throughout history, but there is no point in convincing others. This is where I will just drop one of my favorite quote that really needs to sink in for everyone religion or not...

"Witches call it spells.
Christians call it prayer.
Spiritualists call it manifestation.
Atheist call it the placebo effect.
Scientists call it quantum physics.

Everyone is arguing over the same thing and what it's called.
Yet no one is denying its existence."

If you really want to know how to break the cycle of addiction to psychics, here are some other alternative ways without religious or trad undertones:

1. Get banned from psychic platforms (yes I have done this myself, on purpose).
2. Report charges as credit card fraud to your creditors (this can lead to #1 and forcibly breaking the cycle)
3. Join support groups or other online/IRL communities (like here) to help overcome this addiction.
4. Go to rehab or get addiction support. And yes, they have rehab groups for nearly everything.
5. Stop trying to feel the need to control situations and scenarios in your life through psychics. Let life start to surprise you. It's more fun that way anyway. Overt control tendencies can lead to you to actually lose your grip on reality and control of your life throwing you into a tailspin. Sometimes we are the reason for those proverbial "tower moments" that come up in tarot.
6. Go to therapy, get a counselor, etc. I literally started on in early 2021 with therapy. It's a process, but it proved within at least 2 or 3 sessions that this was a better place to spend my money than on psychics.
7. Go do something for yourself that you used to or still enjoy. For me I doubled down on online gaming again like I had in my teens to help get me out of the cycle. It allowed me to relive good memories and support finding "me" again.
8. Challenge yourself to help break the patterns and cycles. Want to make new friends this year? Challenge yourself to put yourself out there to meet new people. I did this and expanded/doubled my friend group in 6 months.

Breaking cycles will always only began and end with you. There is no god coming to save anyone. There is no psychic that knows it all. There is only the present moment and learning to be better than the you of yesterday.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2025, 07:31:49 PM »
#2 is fraud on your behalf, some readers are genuine and this is their job.  You would be taking food off their table and putting them in strife, just because you cannot control your addiction.


Now if this isn't the picture of mental and emotional health, I don't know what is!