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I thought Tommy deserved a new thread after his first prediction happened.
I read with Tommy at the end of last year and requested a general reading, I didn’t give him any info and just asked for any information the guides had for me. He predicted my ex bf (former POI from last year) would come back around and he said “definitely before the end of January”. His prediction and timeline were both correct.
Other CP psychics who predicted his return from a general reading were: Christine, Gilda, Zana, and Cohen. However, Tommy nailed the timeline. I hadn’t been in contact with POI since September so this was quite a shock for me.
Did Gilda offer you a time line?
--- Quote from: Ivy on February 15, 2025, 08:23:08 PM ---Did Gilda offer you a time line?
--- End quote ---
Yes, she did. She picked up the same details as the others and gave me a timeline of end of February or early March. If I’m piecing together what I think will happen, it sounds like the ex may come back around again. But we will see, I’ll definitely update if it happens!
Good luck! :)
Just thought I’d update that the second part of my prediction with Tommy just came through along with an accurate timeline, the first prediction being that my ex would contact at the end of January but more for selfish reasons which was 10000% accurate but that he would drop off and pick back up again at the end of Feb/early March which is exactly what happened. He nailed it so far.
Christine and Gilda also predicted this timeline for contact.
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