Author Topic: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening  (Read 1757 times)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« on: January 29, 2025, 02:34:13 AM »
Hi everyone. I was just reflecting on the topic of reading accuracy. I have some thoughts/possibilities as to why some people never have anything come to pass and others seem to have everything come to pass. I'd like to know everyone's thoughts/opinions on this as well.

1. Connection to physics - It's well know that not everyone connects to every psychic. I believe this has to do with frequencies. If we aren't on the same frequency as said psychic  (vice versa), then there won't be a connection. And I'm only referring to REAL psychics/the heavy hitters with proven accuracy by the majority. Not fake readers that sell fairytales. There aren't that many REAL ones out there. It's trial and error for us all.

2. Personal frequencies/vibes - I was thinking that maybe it could also have to do with our own frequencies. Like the lower our own vibe is, the less accurate the reading may be?

3. Spiritual connection - I was also thinking that maybe the less spiritually connected we are, the less accurate the reading may be?

4. Openness - If we're closed down or blocked in our own energetic field for whatever reason(s), then that may also effect the accuracy and how well the connection is made with a psychic.

5. Readiness - Perhaps if we aren't really ready to hear certain spiritual truths, then we'll be unintentionally, subconsciously, attracted to picking readers that mostly give fairytales?

These are just some thoughts. I'll update as more thoughts come. What's everyone else's input?

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2025, 04:31:01 AM »
I definitely agree with #3 for sure. I’ve had several psychics tell me that I have psychic ability, which I have always chosen to ignore (it scares me). When I read with Mattie, she told me that bc of my “ability”, that I was very easy to read for. Even though I felt Mattie’s future predictions were underwhelming, her ability to read me like a book just blew me away. I’ve had a number of other psychics tell me that it is easier to read highly intuitive people, so I think you may be on to something there…

Online sugarsky

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2025, 03:26:09 PM »
The psychics that I have been able to establish a friendly vibe with have always read me the best - for sure a fact

Offline Mina

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2025, 08:48:04 PM »
Here are some things have helped my predictions or turned things around in my favor or things to consider.

1. Gratitude. Appreciation. Amusement. Curious wonder. Outside of predictions and other aspect of my life practicing this has helped me. I know it’s law of attraction, but does also fit in the style law of assumption and vibration. If outside of readings and predictions getting into a HAVING STATE presets the desired outcome. I haven’t done it as much as before but starting my day with gratitude list or writing things out as such: I love that today I get to have coffee the way I want! I have gas in my car! Thank goodness! I get to have today off, to rest. But the state of gratitude/appreciation does set the mood. Versus focusing on what I don’t have and comparing: well my predictions didn’t come in! How come theirs do?! Well they said so and so didn’t work for them well they’re not going to work me now. I don’t have SP calling me, I don’t have a job.

2. Lightness and detachement. Yes, not being so attached to manifestation helps. One aspect of law of vibration is you have to match the energy of desire outcome and when I’ve had things work out for me I was so happy in the now, and fulfilled in the now that I didn’t need my desired prediction/manifestation. The “need” for a prediction to happen is in desperate state. But everyone definition of “need”/lack/“must have” varies. (But I have I had things come in when I didn’t expect them also and in “low” or “lack state” so yes absolutely!) I’ve been listening to attachment therapy plus studying manifesting and a good question is to ask “what am I making this circumstance mean?” Or “what am I making this break up or separation mean?” And so why not apply this question to what you are calling a psychic about. “What am I making this prediction mean?” If it genuinely doesn’t matter, then why write about it, or post about it, or write how to get in someone cue line? To me when I ask these questions I see how much my identity is dependent on needing the outcome. How much value I am putting on the manifesting/prediction to come in. If it is a high value, or fear comes… Then neutralize the fear, the wounded assumption.

3. Neutralize the fear, allow the fear to be ok, give it permission or some kind of acceptance, surrender… I’ve had so many negative outcome from binging, wasting all my paycheck, and for whatever last reading to sit with “enough! Fine.” And genuinely get into this place of “giving up” or some kind of surrender. And to my shock the outcome was better then expected, or did come thru, or maybe not as negative. (But I also don’t encourage binging out and getting to that limit. I think every one has their own threshold to stop and surrender) but then yes  to an extent yeah you will not get what you desire. You will get crappy outcome, so how do you deal with that disappointment or self regulate? Or cope? … I started to respond to thread on how it similar to the question “why do bad things happen to good ppl” and there’s a book called Job that doesn’t even answer this question but at the end how man makes peace and choose to worship God. But it isn’t until last few verses that Job has self regulated himself, whether good or bad, he has an inner wisdom and trust in God. And what I love about the book of Job is he was not “manifesting” or “affirming”. It was a series of genuine emotional breakdowns as human- so I don’t think it’s about trying to control with one’s mind- and I often forget this part - when manifesting. So to me psychic asking is trying to control the “how”. And again with manifesting I often have put my mind in front of the cart thinking if I change my mind then things will come - and it is a common mistake

4. Unconscious/subconscious beliefs: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”- triggers, and learned behavior thru trauma make addictions, and can create some mental illness such as depression, anxiety disorders. Yes I think this affects one’s psychic predictions it kinda of ties into how you choose to respond. Joe Dispenza is pretty good explaining unconscious habits

5. Free will: you are the decider of your life

6. Free will and the power to influence : To me it’s a bit like dungeon and dragons when building a character there is a part on “power of influence”/free will. I think to an extent we are born with this “to influence” gift but I also think we don’t “roll” for it we, we were trained by society norms and at some point we CHOOSE it. And same with other ppl, they CHOOSE it. Ppl in your psychic reads can still CHOOSE to say as predicted or CHOOSE something else. I think many ppl who ask about relationships and significant others are trying to predict someone’s level of impulsivity of choosing their free will. Some ppl are extremely impulsive in certain aspect such as career, love, even their coffee choice.

7. Spirits… there is spirit world. (I mentioned this in another post who- whatever 🙄) but our spirit connection can be ancestral passed down via dna. If my lineage has Native American and Catholicism, or if someone has Jewish ancestors who have been thru the holocaust (which statistically have higher rates in certain cancers) trauma can be passed down and unknown. This one factor. But another is not giving gratitude to our spirit ancestors.  Which I think our ancestral family can affect our predictions and act as protectors. To me saying “Nothing ever works out for me. No one has ever helped me.” I think familial spirits and low level spirits hear this, and they do have influence. But I’ve heard this from several psychics how it is also insults the psychic’s spirits. Why should a psychic spirits/guides continue to help you or give you any more insight if you keep “poo-pooing” their advice, or their prediction, or you have no trust in what they say. This is why I get disgusted by ppl who pre-post a prediction to be bust when they have not allowed enough time to pass. (But perhaps maybe I misread some their post- whatever that’s their choice and yours to make. But I suggest you take what you like and leave the rest, all within a healthy mental mind set)

8. More on spirits- it’s an unregulated wild wild world. I think about Kisha conversion to Christianity is very similar to others popular psychic conversions like Doreen virtue; how they now think they worked demonic influence. I dunno -but I don’t think you can throw out that some psychics do work spirits or demons out to see us suffer, and the psychics thinks they are doing good. I don’t think you can throw this possibility out completely. Some psychic spirit do enjoy to see us suffer. The love n light community isn’t all love and light - we just don’t know

9. What has helped me step away more from readings and ground myself or get my power back is to ask what am I making the prediction mean if I do or don’t get it? Even with feelings and emotions; it’s not that feeling or emotions that are bad or good- but rather asking what am I making my feelings and emotions mean from this experience?

Again take what you like and leave the rest
« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 08:55:43 PM by Mina »

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2025, 10:11:41 PM »
I definitely agree with #3 for sure. I’ve had several psychics tell me that I have psychic ability, which I have always chosen to ignore (it scares me). When I read with Mattie, she told me that bc of my “ability”, that I was very easy to read for. Even though I felt Mattie’s future predictions were underwhelming, her ability to read me like a book just blew me away. I’ve had a number of other psychics tell me that it is easier to read highly intuitive people, so I think you may be on to something there…

Same here , mine comes to me within my dreams. When my childhood friend passed my mother told me I would tell her things about him that his mother said only she would know. When asked she said I’d tell her he told me.
A few years back I had a dream of being with my previous boyfriend and that my ex kept chasing me, asking to get back together. (We hadn’t spoken in years) sure enough about two weeks later he messaged me asking to get back together.
Another time a psychic basically told me that my grandfather was trying to speak to me about an issue but I was ignoring him so she passed the message along for him , she was right. He’d already told me what he wanted but I didn’t want to follow it.
Plenty of psychics have told me I am intuitive and empathic , I know people and who they really are. Even Yona stated it but said psychics typically can’t read for themselves.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2025, 12:41:43 AM »
I definitely agree with #3 for sure. I’ve had several psychics tell me that I have psychic ability, which I have always chosen to ignore (it scares me). When I read with Mattie, she told me that bc of my “ability”, that I was very easy to read for. Even though I felt Mattie’s future predictions were underwhelming, her ability to read me like a book just blew me away. I’ve had a number of other psychics tell me that it is easier to read highly intuitive people, so I think you may be on to something there…

Same here , mine comes to me within my dreams. When my childhood friend passed my mother told me I would tell her things about him that his mother said only she would know. When asked she said I’d tell her he told me.
A few years back I had a dream of being with my previous boyfriend and that my ex kept chasing me, asking to get back together. (We hadn’t spoken in years) sure enough about two weeks later he messaged me asking to get back together.
Another time a psychic basically told me that my grandfather was trying to speak to me about an issue but I was ignoring him so she passed the message along for him , she was right. He’d already told me what he wanted but I didn’t want to follow it.
Plenty of psychics have told me I am intuitive and empathic , I know people and who they really are. Even Yona stated it but said psychics typically can’t read for themselves.

Wow! Well it looks as if you can read for yourself through dreams! Yona told me the same thing, but I am curious, has she told you to develop your intuition? She recommended I work with it, but I have no idea how or where to begin!

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2025, 12:54:41 AM »
@Mina those are all really good points! I definitely think it’s important to have a healthy detachment from manifestation and the readings we receive. I’ve been told by many psychics that we have the power to manifest but it’s important to let it go.

One thing I still have a hard time wrapping my head around is free will. Of course I believe in it, but I do believe there are some things in our life that are set in stone and we may not have the ability to change it. I always question if certain things in life were meant to happen no matter what, and if anyone’s decisions could have swayed the outcome. It sends me into a rabbit hole thinking too hard about it lol

Offline Domichan

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2025, 04:57:30 AM »
I agree with pretty much all of the points everyone mentioned here. I know for me, I can read pretty consistently well with a psychic that my friend doesn't care for and didn't get good predictions from. So many variables to consider.

I try to listen to my gut feeling about something and I'm usually right so I try to go with that for the most part. I do best when I haven't had a bunch of caffeine or lack of sleep or anything else that can alter my perception of things. I've had symbolic dream predictions for myself come true as well here and there. For instance, just a couple of nights ago I had a dream about a guy I've been talking to long distance but haven't yet met. I hadn't heard from him for a few days but he had been talking about coming back to my location for vacation soon. In the dream he suddenly was right in front of me and we were actually meeting for the first time, and it was good. It was a surprise as I didn't expect him at that particular moment. The next day, I received a text from him saying when he would be coming to visit, and that he was mainly coming to meet me. So yeah I think that tracks. (We also were in Halloween costumes which doesn't make sense to me as he's coming at the end of February, but that could represent something else).

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2025, 06:29:54 AM »
Man you guys have some brilliant input on this topic! Where do I start with a reply here lol.

1. I do believe we are all intuitive and have psychic abilities. I do believe some have stronger abilities than others because they are more spiritually tuned in and spiritually evolved.

2. I don't know my exact thoughts/feelings on manifestation. I'm more inclined to believe that it's really the law of attraction than anything else. You will attract what you are on the frequency you're on, not what you want. UNLESS, you already ARE what you want and on that frequency. Like for example, no one can manifest their ex back if their ex doesn't want to be back because then that violates your ex's free will, unless it's predetermined and he/she is meant to return. However, you CAN attract that which you want, if you're already on that frequency, but it may be a totally different person.

3. Free will vs. Predetermined - I believe in both. I do believe we choose our lives prior to incarnation. I believe we make agreements with other souls prior to incarnation. I believe that each and every person we've crossed paths with, whether short term or long term, was already predetermined prior to incarnation. Think about it. Out of 9 billion people on this planet, each of us happened to experience a relationship with a specific person. I don't believe that is left up to chance at all whatsoever. I've experienced this anomaly my own self. Let me share a couple of stories of my own which I feel prove predeterminism. I will then get back to my thoughts on how free will may work or when it comes into play.

Example 1: Back in 2006 I became completely homebound with agoraphobia. Prior to that, I was completely opposite. I was NEVER home. My grandmother had given me a computer so that I could find a work at home job since I could no longer leave the house. I found a job a few months later. My job required I use Skype to communicate with leadership. One day, out of nowhere, this guy who was from Iraq messaged me out of nowhere. I have NO IDEA how he found me on there. It was very odd. Long story short, we began a long distance relationship. He worked as a translator for the U.S. military. He applied for a special immigrants visa. The approval process was long and not guaranteed to all who applied. He gets approved for the visa in 13 months' time and was here at my home in 14 months. We lived together for 8 months then broke up. I consider this a predetermined union, because what the hell are the chances that it all worked out? He went on to become a political figure in my state fighting for immigrant rights and married another political figure who fought for refugee rights. I saw the purpose in all that happened. He had a huge mission to fulfill, and I was the first part of helping that happen. It was meant to be!

Example 2: I met another man online. It was in a chat room that talked about comet ellenin and the end of days. No dating sites. I don't do those. This time he was located in the UK. He came to visit me and stayed with me for about a month the first time and two weeks the second time. He had all kinds of issues, was spiritually lost, depressed, suicidal, and diagnosed bipolar. During our relationship that lasted a total of 13 months. he was exposed to the spiritual side of things from me. He dove deep in and began healing. About 8 months after our break up, he reached out to me and thanked me for all I had taught him and for all healing I provided for him. He met a beautiful woman and they stayed together about 2 years. There was a breakup and unfortunately, he killed himself after that. I was meant to expose him to spirituality in preparation for his cross over. This was a predetermined event, cause again, what are the chances? Out of 9 billion people on this planet, him and I crossed paths for that very purpose.

Example 3: I met another man online. Same chat room as the one mentioned above. We'd been friends. He was married when we first spoke and the topics we spoke about were purely platonic and intellectual in nature. He was having marital problems at that time and would disappear for months and then resurface back into the chat room. After about 14 months of total friendship time, he popped up out of nowhere after having disappeared for 8 months. This time he was living separately from his wife and they were getting a divorce. He lived in Florida at the time. I lived in Colorado. His mother lived in Texas and his father in Arizona. He decided he was going to visit me in person after he went to visit his mother and then his father. We met in person, hit it off to some degree and a relationship began. From the start, I never felt it would last. It was an intuition I already had but went with it anyway. Long story short, we were on and off for the following 6 years until he finally moved back to Florida permanently in 2018. He did me super dirty in the process throughout the years. Cheated, wouldn't hold a job down etc. I'd always lecture him on how to grow up and be a man etc. I cut off all contact so that I could heal for about 6 months. We became friends again after that. He ended up getting married a second time, had the same issues in that marriage. Once that ended two years later, he found himself living in his car alone. I got an apology for everything he did to me and a thank you for everything he learned from me. He is now married for the third time and in a healthy balanced marriage. His wife is a very nice lady. So, the purpose of that union was for his growth AND mine. I learned a lot from him too. Like how to communicate better in a calm way rather than losing my shit all the time etc. I believe that too was predetermined.

Last example 4: I'd been living together with my son in the same 2 bedroom apartment for 15 years. Suddenly, in 2020, I had this giant urge to move into a house. I was so determined to find a way to get a house. I felt like me leaving that apartment would be the beginning of my healing from agoraphobia. My grandma and my mother were living together at the time as well. My grandma passed away in July of 2020. My mother then wanted a change of environment. My stepdad (no longer married to my mother) offers to give us 50,000 bucks to put down on a house so that we could all live together and help each other out. At the same time, my brother and his wife separated so my brother and his two kids needed another place to go. So ALL OF US moved in to that new house in December of 2020. (Talk about timing of events!) I HATED that house. It brought on MAJOR panic attacks morning, noon, and night. I could NOT keep calm ever. I then developed a new fear of being alone. It was a nightmare for me. So I thought. Starting in January of 2021 my brother started bringing this one friend of his around here and there. Nice guy, very handsome, very funny, very fun to be around, but had a drug problem. I kept my distance for the most part. Starting in March of 2021, the fear of being alone was so severe that I started PAYING people to sit with me until someone would get home. Ridiculous I know but it was THAT BAD for me. The panic would NOT go away, even with Ativan. So my brother suggests that I have his friend stay with me and that his friend would do it for free. I was hesitant but his friend offered so I took up the offer. He indeed was there for me every single time without question. We shared our life stories etc. I could feel his pain and I could see it. I was compelled and determined to help him. In the meantime, I kept pushing for the sale of the house cause I couldn't stay there. Finally everone agreed. But it didn't turn out how I wanted. We sold the house and everyone moved out of it at the end of September 2021. My son ended up moving to entirely different state which absolutely CRUSHED my soul. He was sort of all I had left as far as comfort and stability in my life. My brother moved to his own home and my mom to her own apartment. I moved into an apartment with the guy, who is my CURRENT partner. To me, I moved to that house just to meet him, and then leave. What are the chances of buying a home and selling it within 10 months' time? Slim. I'd have never considered getting involved with this guy had it not been for those circumstances. It turns out we'd already met before 20 years ago through my brother but I paid him no attention at the time. I was already with someone. I absolutely see the fate in this event as well.

4. Freewill: I believe freewill can DELAY or SPEED UP already predetermined events. Not everything is predetermined in life, but major things are I feel, such as career, relationships, homes, etc. What we do in between these major events is all free will.

I think I've verbally vomited enough. Love and blessings to you all!

« Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 07:10:14 AM by Miss Philosopher »

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2025, 08:44:23 PM »
Dear lovely catherines, thank you so much for your thoughtful opinion. I can't tell you how much your analysis means to me. Hope you're having a very lovely day!

Online sugarsky

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2025, 08:56:52 PM »
I have to admit both Catherines and Miss Philosopher are pretty hardy ladies in their own ways 😂

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2025, 09:06:56 PM »
I have to admit both Catherines and Miss Philosopher are pretty hardy ladies in their own ways 😂

:p Like attracts like yeah? Somehow catherines and I are alike. I think she admires my level of transparency, openness, and lack of fear of sharing things about my life. She calls it "exposing" myself, as though I was trying to hide something in the first place. I call it intentionally "sharing" things without care of what others think. I think catherines tells on herself through her comments too. What some define as "toxic", I define as "traumatized and damaged". I've learned so much through all of my experiences and its made me who I am today, which I'm happy with. I wouldn't go back and change a thing. Hell, I've seriously been contemplating writing a book about my life experiences. I guess catherines considers all autobiographies as people "exposing" themselves. Sighs. Catherines holds a special place in my heart. :)

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Reading Accuracy/Predictions Happening
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2025, 06:17:20 PM »
I definitely agree with #3 for sure. I’ve had several psychics tell me that I have psychic ability, which I have always chosen to ignore (it scares me). When I read with Mattie, she told me that bc of my “ability”, that I was very easy to read for. Even though I felt Mattie’s future predictions were underwhelming, her ability to read me like a book just blew me away. I’ve had a number of other psychics tell me that it is easier to read highly intuitive people, so I think you may be on to something there…
I have been encouraged by multiple ones to pursue my abilities but I’ve never cared too much, especially after seeing that it might go into mediumship. I’m considering taking up tarot and reading for myself though.
Same here , mine comes to me within my dreams. When my childhood friend passed my mother told me I would tell her things about him that his mother said only she would know. When asked she said I’d tell her he told me.
A few years back I had a dream of being with my previous boyfriend and that my ex kept chasing me, asking to get back together. (We hadn’t spoken in years) sure enough about two weeks later he messaged me asking to get back together.
Another time a psychic basically told me that my grandfather was trying to speak to me about an issue but I was ignoring him so she passed the message along for him , she was right. He’d already told me what he wanted but I didn’t want to follow it.
Plenty of psychics have told me I am intuitive and empathic , I know people and who they really are. Even Yona stated it but said psychics typically can’t read for themselves.

Wow! Well it looks as if you can read for yourself through dreams! Yona told me the same thing, but I am curious, has she told you to develop your intuition? She recommended I work with it, but I have no idea how or where to begin!

Yeah I have been told by multiple psychics that I should invest some time into developing my abilities but I’ve never cared too much to. I’m considering taking up tarot though
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 06:48:51 PM by Dawnlegacy »

