Author Topic: Manifestation  (Read 821 times)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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« on: January 12, 2025, 07:46:40 AM »
I've been a member of this forum for at least 8 years now (maybe more, can't remember exactly). I continue to read people's comments about manifesting. I wanted to write my own theory/experiences on the matter because I think many people leave out some key points when attempting to do this.

1. Manifesting an ex back - This is not possible because it would violate the universal law of free will. You cannot impede on someone else's free will. YOU may be wanting your ex back but they may not want to reconcile. Therefore, you're not going to be able to "manifest" them back unless they are "manifesting" to come back by their own free will. This is precisely why "spells" don't work on people either. I can't violate someone else's free will. Imagine if you had some ex trying to "manifest" you back. It wouldn't work because that isn't what you wanted. The only time an ex returns is because, for whatever reason, they WANT to return. NOTHING ELSE.

2. Frequency - In order to manifest ANYTHING, your frequency must match that which you are trying to manifest. You will always only attract people, careers, situations, places, that match your current frequency. So if you continue to attract, let's say, unhealthy people into your life, it's because your frequency is too low, and you need to raise it. Same thing with money. If you're broke or barely making it, it's because you're vibrating at a lower frequency and need to raise it.

3. "Manifestation" is really just the law of attraction at play. Again, you will always only attract people/things/situations that match the frequency YOU are on. Once you raise your frequency, you will start to attract things of like frequency.

4. "Manifestation" will always require ACTION on your part. Once you raise your frequency, you will need to put in the effort to obtain the things you want, or else it is just "positive thinking" in vain. It's almost like sitting there praying to lose weight but continuing the same bad habits that caused the weight gain in the first place without any change. Remember, if nothing changes, then nothing changes.

5. Be careful not to bury your head in the sand with overly positive thinking. One must also be a realist.

6. Learn when it's time to let go. Letting go doesn't mean things won't turn around for the better at some point. It just means that we are making space in the energy field to allow new energy to enter, whether it be a new restart with someone or a brand new person or just new opportunities in general. Many times, it turns out much better either way than it was before. (I still struggle with the knowing when to let go part as well so I'm not trying to sound like a hypocrite. But once I do, things start happening much faster.)

7. Study the Universal laws, learn them, absorb them, live by them and that will help raise your frequency. One of my favorite books is The Kybalion. Not to be confused with the Kybala. They are different. The Kybalion is my "bible". You can read it for free online here:

There are so many grey areas of how things work in this dimension and the spiritual, but we can learn as much as possible, implement them into practice, and live much better lives.

Love and blessings to everyone!