Author Topic: NorthstarJulie  (Read 65225 times)

Offline Luckystar

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #165 on: January 09, 2025, 09:46:39 PM »
Just had my call with Julie. (Even though I’m somewhat over readings)
She said the opposite of Yona and a few others but she stated that she only sees a year out, and I believe Yona sees years out so they could both be technically right and Julie’s only seeing the closer current.
She did say some things that resonated such as … I’ll have multiple people interested in me but I won’t be interested back. This has always been the hold up with my love live, plenty of suitors but I take interest in none. (Even though I do have some interest currently, but that could die off knowing me)

What I did get confused with is that when I asked about a POI she said he’d be back around but I wouldn’t be interested in what he says so there’s no relationship energy.
I asked if I’d be meeting anyone new for a relationship. Then she Stated that the person I’d be dealing with in some months is someone I already had a past connection with and that it won’t be anyone new. That he’d come to me and I’d give him a second chance. 
I told her it could only be POI as I have no interest in anyone else from the past. She stated that she then saw that it could be POI? So I was a bit confused.

Honestly I’m losing interest in the POI discussed and would like to meet someone new so I’m not sure how things will be in the future if she’s accurate about him returning.

Guess I will have to wait and see if she’s as great as a few have stated.

Hmm. That does seem confusing. Keep us posted on her prediction. She got a big short term thing for me right (which broken down was actually a few predicitons), however she did say a relationship would end, but now they are engaged? I guess only time will tell.......

Offline sai07

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #166 on: January 09, 2025, 09:51:24 PM »
Just had my call with Julie. (Even though I’m somewhat over readings)
She said the opposite of Yona and a few others but she stated that she only sees a year out, and I believe Yona sees years out so they could both be technically right and Julie’s only seeing the closer current.
She did say some things that resonated such as … I’ll have multiple people interested in me but I won’t be interested back. This has always been the hold up with my love live, plenty of suitors but I take interest in none. (Even though I do have some interest currently, but that could die off knowing me)

What I did get confused with is that when I asked about a POI she said he’d be back around but I wouldn’t be interested in what he says so there’s no relationship energy.
I asked if I’d be meeting anyone new for a relationship. Then she Stated that the person I’d be dealing with in some months is someone I already had a past connection with and that it won’t be anyone new. That he’d come to me and I’d give him a second chance. 
I told her it could only be POI as I have no interest in anyone else from the past. She stated that she then saw that it could be POI? So I was a bit confused.

Honestly I’m losing interest in the POI discussed and would like to meet someone new so I’m not sure how things will be in the future if she’s accurate about him returning.

Guess I will have to wait and see if she’s as great as a few have stated.

Hmm. That does seem confusing. Keep us posted on her prediction. She got a big short term thing for me right (which broken down was actually a few predicitons), however she did say a relationship would end, but now they are engaged? I guess only time will tell.......

I liked her straightforward style but I must admit I found my reading confusing too. Is she better with short term predictions?

Offline dragonflyer

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #167 on: January 18, 2025, 01:18:55 PM »
She has been on Keen a lot lately, but increased her rate. Anyone read with her on Click4advisor lately?

Offline serenejoy

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #168 on: January 20, 2025, 05:36:06 PM »
Any updates on this reader?

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #169 on: January 21, 2025, 08:41:26 PM »
I haven't read with her for a while again and am on a self pause with the psychic readings for now but I'm also curious as I see that she's been online on Keen a lot lately and always busy so I'm sure people on here are reading with her. I still stand by the things she has told me in the past but for now I'm giving life time to evolve. I'll update if/when I can with regard to what she has told me that is still unfolding.

Offline midwest60

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #170 on: January 22, 2025, 01:04:49 AM »
Any updates on this reader?

I was on callback on Click4Advisor for her for many weeks. One day my phone rang but I think she just let the call ring through. I was disappointed she did not pick up.  I think someone mentioned that she primarily uses text on Click 4 Advisor.  I may be wrong.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 01:17:04 AM by midwest60 »

Offline sai07

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #171 on: January 24, 2025, 09:24:58 PM »
Hey all, I'm going to leave my review based on last year's readings with her. I've sat with it for a while and I have spoken to a few ladies here b/c I couldn't wrap my head around my readings. However, knowing what I know now and as things currently stand, here is my final review.

NSJ and I did not connect.

She provided me 5-6 predictions, majority of which did not make sense. Said I would reconnect with a friend and I am 100% sure I will not, way too much time has passed and I'm kinda over it. Said POI would be around me, that is not the case + she did not see the 'no contact' coming up. I fed her what I was feeling atm and how I wanted to handle POI and she just restated what I said as a prediction - I don't count that as a prediction, it was more common sense/relationship psychology than anything. Additionally, she said she could read a year out but then she said something to me about being in a relationship years later - it was confusing. There's more but that's enough context + all I am willing to provide atm.

She's popular here and seems like people have had success with her, I am glad for those that have found success with her. She's a straight shooter and she's pleasant and a part of me was hanging onto what she said because of her reputation. Unfortunately, she was not for me and I cannot put much stock into the couple remaining predictions - they're more common sense/relationship psychology than anything.

Anyways, wanted to share my two cents + provide a fair and balanced view.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #172 on: January 28, 2025, 05:01:55 PM »
Sai, appreciate your honest feedback. I will do the same sort of post soon...hopefully. Hoping to wrap things up on my end in the next few months.

Offline serenejoy

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #173 on: January 28, 2025, 05:43:01 PM »
Same here, Chi. I’ll give an update by mid-March at the latest. Whatever happens with the situation I’ve been reading about for years will be paused by me then.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #174 on: January 28, 2025, 07:05:13 PM »
Same here, Chi. I’ll give an update by mid-March at the latest. Whatever happens with the situation I’ve been reading about for years will be paused by me then.

 :D Hoping for good outcomes for both of us!

Offline sai07

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #175 on: January 28, 2025, 08:50:28 PM »
Sai, appreciate your honest feedback. I will do the same sort of post soon...hopefully. Hoping to wrap things up on my end in the next few months.

No worries! I was really disappointed tbh in general, but I have chatted to a few ladies that she has worked for. I may just be an outlier. Hope you have more luck than I did!

« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 08:55:45 PM by sai07 »

