Author Topic: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)  (Read 1658 times)

Offline SkepticOne321

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Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« on: January 25, 2025, 04:10:35 AM »
Unpopular opinion, but this woman was a grade A jerk to me, and 100% wrong to boot! I will leave the chat here, word for word, leaving nothing out (except names) and you all can judge for yourself:

HER: hi how are you ?

HER: anyone there lol

ME:  Hello, my name is ------ and I'm good, thanks. Hope you are as well. My POI is ----- I was wondering how is she emotionally. What's she going thru?

HER: I need something more specific than what is she going through, like what are you really asking

HER: I sent mins to see if we connect and if I can't read on it , I will let you know

ME: How is she in life in general?

HER: you're asking about whether she's interesting in a long term relationship, right ?

ME: Okay let me ask this.....What are her current feelings about me?

HER: there's someone else in the pic

HER: please be more honest in your questions, this is time wasting

And then she ended the chat without warning. I am leaving this info here to counter her raving reviews and to warn others, as I was unable to leave feedback on Keen due to the brievity of the chat. And I am also HOPING she sees this so she can know how rude I found her. Lady, I wasn't being indirect. I was not asking if she was interested in a long term relationship. I was asking you exactly what I was asking you. The best part? You were completely wrong anyway. I don't know who you think you are, but your people skills need some serious work, especially with you being in the trauma business, dealing with people who are usually at their worst when they contact you. Thankfully, Keen refunded me.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2025, 04:39:27 AM »
SkepticOne - I’ve never read with her and I’m not the biggest fan of Keen readers. My first thought after reading what you experienced was that she must not be an empath. I looked up her Keen profile and that’s all she states she reads!!  She’s not a very good empath if she can’t read your POI’s overall feelings! Glad you got a refund!!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2025, 05:21:38 AM »
Keep in mind that every reader may not connect the same or even at all with every person. From what I've learned about frequencies in general is that if you're not on the same frequency as the reader, you will not get an accurate reading or they may not be able to connect at all. You won't really have a way of knowing that until you try the reader out. She does state in her description to be very direct in your questions. To me, your first two questions were general type and not direct, even though to you that may be your definition of direct. Your third question was direct when you asked what her feelings were FOR YOU. The reader may have ended the chat feeling like she couldn't connect and rather than being rude, decided to end the chat and not waste your money. I call that ethical.

All that being said, I've read with her twice. My experience was different than yours. She's definitely very direct and to the point. She was right about what she said about his feelings. Some things she said had actually come out of his mouth before. Other things she said I was later able to confirm from him directly. I'm sorry she didn't work for you and we all appreciate you leaving a review about your experience with her. It'll be helpful for others. 

Offline SkepticOne321

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2025, 06:06:05 AM »
I disagree. Had the reader said what you just said (I cannot connect, so I will be ending the chat) it would have been much better than what actually did happen. In what world is telling someone they're wasting your time and hanging up on them ethical and not rude? How am I wasting her time when I am PAYING for her time? And how about the fact that she was wrong on top of it? Which means (in her mind anyways) she DID make a connection, she just simply decided she didn't want to go further, and in MY mind I believe it's because she knows she is a fraud and was two seconds away from being exposed. It's all about your presentation. There is a way to deliver negative news. Again, being in the trauma business, she should have enough "ethics" to realize people are coming to you in a very vulnerable state. I ended up leaving the chat feeling worse than when I went in. Now that a week has passed, I'm better now and in a better state of mind to go over the transcriot again and realize how rude this woman is. Zadalia can kick rocks.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2025, 08:49:23 AM »
I disagree. Had the reader said what you just said (I cannot connect, so I will be ending the chat) it would have been much better than what actually did happen. In what world is telling someone they're wasting your time and hanging up on them ethical and not rude? How am I wasting her time when I am PAYING for her time? And how about the fact that she was wrong on top of it? Which means (in her mind anyways) she DID make a connection, she just simply decided she didn't want to go further, and in MY mind I believe it's because she knows she is a fraud and was two seconds away from being exposed. It's all about your presentation. There is a way to deliver negative news. Again, being in the trauma business, she should have enough "ethics" to realize people are coming to you in a very vulnerable state. I ended up leaving the chat feeling worse than when I went in. Now that a week has passed, I'm better now and in a better state of mind to go over the transcriot again and realize how rude this woman is. Zadalia can kick rocks.

So I was reading the transcript word for word so I will quote here "HER: please be more honest in your questions, this is time wasting". Nowhere in that sentence did I read "You're wasting MY time". That sentence can be interpreted multiple ways I suppose but the way that I interpreted it is, "This is wasting time in general. Wasting YOUR time and money". That's how I took it. If she were trying to just money grab, she'd not send free minutes to check to make sure she could connect. Obviously she DID NOT make a connection if she was wrong. She could have been picking up someone else's energies etc. It's highly probable she ended the chat in order to avoid further back and forth dialogue between you both, in turn, wasting your money. Even typing one additional sentence takes up time and then reading it takes up more time. She did you a favor. Overall it was bad general energy between you two from the start. There was a disconnect from the start. Therefore, I'm not surprised that she wasn't connecting properly. Anytime a REAL psychic is wrong, it's because they weren't connected to you properly. Anytime a FAKE psychic is wrong, it's because they're frauds. I do agree with you that her presentation could have been softer for sure. I'm not arguing that point with you. Not everyone is built to be "soft and gentle" and that's why her description says she's direct. Just reading her description in the first place, you can tell what her approach is. It isn't soft. I would recommend reading the reader's profile/approach section before selecting said reader. You can get a lot of information by doing that first. I'm sorry your experience was negative and made you feel worse. I'm definitely glad to hear that you're feeling much better.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 08:52:13 AM by Miss Philosopher »

Offline SGVues

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2025, 11:16:39 AM »
I get your frustration with this situation. I faced this with both Zadalia and Samantha Wild. Both these advisors list a set of instructions which new readers have to follow in order to get a reading with them which can come across as rather demanding.

With Zadalia, I think I was required to send her an email with the subject matter of my reading. Zadalia needed this in advance to let me know whether or not she would be able to connect with me. She emailed me back saying she will not be able to read my situation so I did not get a reading with her at all. While it is frustrating, the good side is that this prevented me from wasting money on someone who would not have been able to connect, saving me time as well. In your case it was more frustrating because the reading was in progress (if I got it right). I think it’s best not to read with advisors who provide us with a check list especially when we are distraught ourselves.

I did not mind Zadalia so much as she was so much nicer when compared to Samantha Wild whom I contacted prior to reaching out to Zadalia.
Samantha has a ‘to do list’ for new readers on her page. It is almost like a set of exercise that one needs to complete before being considered as ‘eligible’ to read with her, like a pre screening process. I was crazy enough to follow these instructions, following which she agreed to read for me.

However, there was a glitch and I was not able to top up my payment and the call got connected, leaving less than three mins of talk time. From memory, Samantha had mentioned that she will not do a reading for less than three minutes or something like that. I was planning on having a conversation with her for at least five minutes. So when the call connected, we greeted each other and I told Samantha about the glitch right away and politely stated that when the line disconnects I will call her back. Samantha asked me to hang up so that I am not charged(by then two minutes was almost over) and not to call her back!
I felt so humiliated and contacted Keen customer care whom then issued me a refund.

I found Samantha to be rigid and mentioned this to customer care and that even if she was to offer  to read me for free, I would never read with her.

While both Samantha and Zadalia might have their reasons for prescreening readings, I guess their delivery of the message lacks sensitivity and that is where it hurts.
I am sorry you had to go though this.

Unpopular opinion, but this woman was a grade A jerk to me, and 100% wrong to boot! I will leave the chat here, word for word, leaving nothing out (except names) and you all can judge for yourself:

HER: hi how are you ?

HER: anyone there lol

ME:  Hello, my name is ------ and I'm good, thanks. Hope you are as well. My POI is ----- I was wondering how is she emotionally. What's she going thru?

HER: I need something more specific than what is she going through, like what are you really asking

HER: I sent mins to see if we connect and if I can't read on it , I will let you know

ME: How is she in life in general?

HER: you're asking about whether she's interesting in a long term relationship, right ?

ME: Okay let me ask this.....What are her current feelings about me?

HER: there's someone else in the pic

HER: please be more honest in your questions, this is time wasting

And then she ended the chat without warning. I am leaving this info here to counter her raving reviews and to warn others, as I was unable to leave feedback on Keen due to the brievity of the chat. And I am also HOPING she sees this so she can know how rude I found her. Lady, I wasn't being indirect. I was not asking if she was interested in a long term relationship. I was asking you exactly what I was asking you. The best part? You were completely wrong anyway. I don't know who you think you are, but your people skills need some serious work, especially with you being in the trauma business, dealing with people who are usually at their worst when they contact you. Thankfully, Keen refunded me.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 11:25:07 AM by SGVues »

Offline SkepticOne321

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2025, 11:32:20 AM »
Thank you. I'm sorry for your experience as well. I had no pre screening requirements for Zadalia, I just clicked the button and the reading began. Being direct is not the issue. I have no problem with being direct. But direct is not a synonym for insensitive, and no matter how anyone tries to flip it, hanging up in mid-read is simply rude. And her telling me I need to be honest with my questions (implying I am lying) is flat out offensive. She THINKS she knows my situation, she THINKS I'm beating around the bush, and she THINKS she knows the answer. She can keep her presumptuous attitude and wrong connections to herself. I agree with your earlier statement you said about Samantha...I wouldn't go back to Zadalia again if it was free, lol.

Offline jackY

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2025, 03:59:16 PM »
I don't know if Zadalia still does this, but I remember there was a time when she stated that she didn't accept new clients. I never read with her, but my take on that is the reader has repeat callers that they can lead on for a while. Once they know someone's story, they can just keep building on what's being fed to them. And "pre-screening"? Pahleese! AKA-let me see if this is a gullible person.

Offline sai07

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2025, 05:52:58 PM »
TBH I didn’t find her pleasant either and I was blocked, maybe also because I was new and not a regular. No regrets being blocked though.

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2025, 09:32:43 PM »

TBH I didn’t find her pleasant either and I was blocked, maybe also because I was new and not a regular. No regrets being blocked though.

Offline Novachild1018

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2025, 03:18:15 AM »
She asks for people to message her with details to confirm a connection first and I did and she ignored it. I’m like OK maybe she has a lot of emails or not taking new clients. I asked again from another account if she was taking new callers and she rudely said yes and called out how I didn’t provide the information. So I provided the information and she ignored me again. If you are asking people to reach out to you to confirm if there is a connection, be respectful enough to respond “yes or no”. Don’t just ignore purposefully. She seems so entitled.

Offline sai07

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2025, 04:50:28 AM »
Unpopular opinion, but this woman was a grade A jerk to me, and 100% wrong to boot! I will leave the chat here, word for word, leaving nothing out (except names) and you all can judge for yourself:

HER: hi how are you ?

HER: anyone there lol

ME:  Hello, my name is ------ and I'm good, thanks. Hope you are as well. My POI is ----- I was wondering how is she emotionally. What's she going thru?

HER: I need something more specific than what is she going through, like what are you really asking

HER: I sent mins to see if we connect and if I can't read on it , I will let you know

ME: How is she in life in general?

HER: you're asking about whether she's interesting in a long term relationship, right ?

ME: Okay let me ask this.....What are her current feelings about me?

HER: there's someone else in the pic

HER: please be more honest in your questions, this is time wasting

And then she ended the chat without warning. I am leaving this info here to counter her raving reviews and to warn others, as I was unable to leave feedback on Keen due to the brievity of the chat. And I am also HOPING she sees this so she can know how rude I found her. Lady, I wasn't being indirect. I was not asking if she was interested in a long term relationship. I was asking you exactly what I was asking you. The best part? You were completely wrong anyway. I don't know who you think you are, but your people skills need some serious work, especially with you being in the trauma business, dealing with people who are usually at their worst when they contact you. Thankfully, Keen refunded me.

I re-read your transcript and I think you could’ve been more direct butttt the reader can definitely help you rephrase questions and help guide you towards a specific area. Good and truly empathetic readers will do that. I’ve had readers help me with that. I mean you’re paying for their time and expertise too! She acted like it’s a waste of time two mins into the reading. I like direct readers and have read with a few that can be direct and professional. She was just plain rude. Probably had a long day and didn’t have the patience to go through the exercise with you. I’m sorry you had to go through this.

Also yeah the pre-screening process is cumbersome. I get why she does it but it’s not a great experience sounds like. I don’t know how I got her on chat the one time I chatted with her. But anyways, hope you get your q’s answered with someone that you can connect with.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 04:54:11 AM by sai07 »

Offline Florallover87

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2025, 07:34:40 AM »
Something similar happened to me with Tajah from CP. The first time I called, she started telling me that he had a new interest and that was the reason he wasn’t reaching out. I immediately thought, That’s not possible—he just told me he loved me. And then… she hung up on me. It was the first time a reader had ever hung up on me.

I tried reaching back via text, and she replied, I think we’re not connecting, and I don’t want you to waste your time. I’d rather hang up.

Zada is a special case. Two years ago, I had my last reading with her. Every time I booked through her private site, she would ask me to provide my information and the precise question I wanted answered. Then, she would get back to me to confirm whether she could read for me.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 12:47:29 PM by Florallover87 »

Offline sai07

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2025, 03:37:58 PM »
I’ve had a couple other readers cut me off at the three min mark - one was adia lee bc I knew she wasn’t correct and called her out on it (as in I said no, that can’t be right)and I think she recognized I caught on and she cut off our chat at three mins. The other one was K I R A ? I think. She usually reads negative and wasn’t pleasant either. She didn’t want to read further and cut it off at 3 mins too.

In both cases I was pleasant but based on those experiences I never went back.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Zadalia (unpopular opinion)
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2025, 12:29:55 AM »
Zada is a special case. Two years ago, I had my last reading with her. Every time I booked through her private site, she would ask me to provide my information and the precise question I wanted answered. Then, she would get back to me to confirm whether she could read for me.

IMO, that's her standard MO. She wants to make sure she connects and not waste your time so she meditates about it. This is what she did through keen in my case.