Author Topic: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!  (Read 17015 times)

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2024, 09:13:23 PM »
Thank you so much you guys  :'( ❤️❤️❤️ so sweet of you!
And thanks a lot for the encouragement, sugarsky! I trust what you are saying.. things will get better again:) Glad you're doing well, enjoying and LIVING every little moment! ❤️❤️

Offline kika

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2024, 03:19:18 PM »
I just want to share a reader from. You tube.  She's known as bluehill tarot. She's awesome!!! She connects with your energy and all her donations go to her animals that she cares for. She gives u a free reading being a new subscriber. She's down to earth. She's on the weekends. Her name is Lanier and she's in Florida.  I read with her every weekend. She did a reading on this past superbowl game and boy I wish I had bet because she predicted the winner and very close spread numbers. She does a reading on Taylor swift lol. Check her out She's trying to grow her channel for all the animals she takes care of. ❤️💓💗💕

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2024, 10:13:33 PM »
Hi, just checking in on this. You wrote such an awesome detailed post about everyone you've read with, any updates now that it's been a few weeks? Anyone stick out to you as right or wrong?

I have just updated this, sorry for the delay. Quite a few things still pending, but only 2-3 weeks away from being able to say more on accuracy. :) Can't believe how fast the past couple of months have gone.  :P

Will update the post as soon as anything else changes, will add 3-4 more readers as well . :) Hope you are well.

Offline Sasha414

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2024, 02:32:57 PM »
Thank you for sharing your whole story. I'm having a hard time understanding the balance between reviews, every psychic has bad reviews, I have the hardest time understanding if someone is truly gifted why their predictions would be inaccurate. Do you believe that some work for some people but not others! If so why? I have had amazing experiences with two advisors on Purple Garden then one of them just disappeared, the other became very bland in her readings. I found the other one on a private site, I am guessing he branched off, but the reviews about purple ocean and purple garden from old advisors says that they are so strict on the delivery of reading. I have spent so much money 🤑 doing this and wonder if the platforms aren't holding them back. Keen Bitwine and California Psychics have not panned out for me, except one person who literally told me "your laying on the couch right now, scrolling and listening to songs" blah blah blah, it's like she was a fly on the wall she knew everything I was doing in that moment down to a journal entry I just wrote but again then just disappeared!!!!

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2024, 10:34:49 PM »
Sorry, I have only just seen this. I also do not understand how some psychics can be SO right but also SO wrong... I am yet to understand this, however I believe that where someone is a genuine psychic with pure intentions and gifts, they will always get the bigger picture... they might not be always correct on the smaller things, but they will know the "outcome". Not sure if this makes sense.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2025, 09:26:05 PM by TulipsAndSunflowers »

Offline dragonflyer

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2025, 04:37:35 AM »
Now looking back, White Lotus got a few things right for me but also gave me the most fairy tale reading. I think the issue with her is her delivery. She made it sound like it's all Love and Light, everyone loves everyone. The soul is full of pure love. Nothing comes out of bad intention.

I have now deleted the first part of this post... as it contained too much personal info.. I have also updated this post and am sad to say that most readers got things totally wrong .. but, some deserve recognition and have been correct on a few things.. overall, no one has been 100%, not even 80% accurate for me..

Long story short, I met a POI with whom I had a great connection, but things then went downhill and he stopped communicating with me. It eventually got better, he was dealing with some pretty dark stuff I didn't know about  and things are now pretty good between us, but only as friends. He is very good at keeping in touch , has found a therapist and been very kind to me ever since. He has also attempted to make a move on me at one point, but it just isn't possible for me to do anything with him at this stage. Having said that- I guess it is still a developing story, but a lot of things have been happening, incl. new POIs entering the scene!

I am updating this thread again in Jan 2025, it is now clearer who was right vs wrong. I also have some new ish predictions pending from new readers.


[b]Phoenix Burning (keen)[/b] - First called her very early June 24. I have seen some members on here say that her predictions panned out after a while, not when she said they would. She correctly predicted quite a few things past/present, but her future predictions were not overly impressive. I mention this often, but I find tarot very limiting simply because it shows current energies and where things MAY be headed... She is a kind person.

She got this right: Saw geographical distance between me and POI and that he had been quiet. Said emotions were there, which he has confirmed multiple times since.
She also said:   "reunion coming soon and even if "you start walking away, he will resurface again" … I "will have a choice and ultimately it will all depend on me… how this will end or continue... So, the reunion came months later, I would hardly call that "soon", but it is true that I was ready for closure, but he convinced me to stay in each other's lives. He also tried doing more than just friends stuff, but I pushed him away. So, she was correct in that I will have the option to choose. However, she made me believe that this could turn into something with potential and I simply don't see this happening.

Other POIs- Was quite correct on one of my casual POIs, that he has tendencies to kinda just pop up " like hey whats up .". pretty much what always does. Is is obvious he has feelings and he himself told me he needs to protect his feelings so sometimes pulls away..  Phoenix Burning said nothing major will come out of it, which is true. He is in and out of my life to this day.
She said she saw multiple other POIs coming into my life, which is true.

Argument with a friend: Had a huge fight with a good friend of mine beginning of June- and Nicole said that this friend doesn't want us to be over (even tho we kinda said we were) and that she will reach out in about two weeks - she reached out in two days - and that things will be very awkward at first - they weren't awkward for me. This friend has reached out a few times since but I am not sure if I want to have her in my life due to her undiagnosed borderline disorder affecting the friendship. Nicole was right tho, the friend does not seem to want to lose the friendship.

She got this wrong: Said in June that POI would contact me within a few days. This was in fact the starting point of him ghosting me. We did not talk for about three months and I was the one to have reached out! She did not pick up on the fact that he was going through a horrible time in his life and that was the reason why he went silent...
At the time of calling her, I had sent my CV over to an acquaintance of mine, contemplating career changes. She said they would offer me a temporary contract within two months and that she saw good cards with good finances. This never happened. Another reader said the CV will get misplaced and urged me to contact the acquittance, but I decided to leave this be...

Still pending:

Business with a friend-  trying to do business with someone and she told me that it'll be good for us but not to trust him with everything as he's a gossip - TRUE!!! - and that he will be trying to pursue me - he already IS! Said that aside from that, business wise, we will do well together! This I am not sure about, as he is not very proactive and I need a 50/50 partner in this...

Starfish Insights (Keen)- I think she is honestly too expensive. only does chat and her predictions were not the best. She was correct on a few things though and seems genuinely lovely. I gave names and dates of birth (she does astrology) and let her do the typing.
Contacted her beginning of June 24.

What she got right:

*She correctly picked up on me and my main POI not really communicating right now, and that it is bothering me.
Said he was a very moody person - true. Said he's "very attracted to you and filled with desire!" he worries whether he's ready to take all the responsibility but the desire is there! Said it's important that I trust him, as he isn't always able to articulate words to reassure me. (I do trust him to be truthful, THAT is not an issue for me, his lack of communication was).
She also said that he sees me as someone he's gonna keep going with and wants to. True.
Said that POI might not stick to promise about our next travels, that he is procrastinating and unsure of the next step - true.
*When asked about my casual POI, she said the connection is nice, but I have to again do most of the work which I don't really want to do. More of a friendly connection - we ended things a few weeks later. So she was right on this. And I do value him a lot as a friend and human being and I know that this is mutual - he has also been in and out of my life since, no drama, all very respectful.

What she got wrong:

* Saw that POI and I are having a moment of 'pause' but she sees that changing soon, and that we will be 'moving forward' together. Again, not really the case since that was the beginning of him ghosting me.  ::)

* Said she saw contact end of the week or first of next, she also said that she doesn't normally do timings but this felt FAST, so it's safe to say she wasn't correct- I contacted him MONTHS later, asking for closure - as I have explained elsewhere, he said he didn't want to lose me and we have been consistently back in each other's life, but she was so WRONG on this.

*Asked about a job opportunity, she said things are moving slowly but she sees a progress around my birthday in the summer and that I 'might' get this opportunity around that time, as she sees good news coming in regards to this. In line with almost everyone else, but it was NOT TRUE. Never happened, no good news came through in the summer in regards to this job. I call bs, sorry girl.

She gives a lot of personality descriptions which I couldn't care less about, especially not at $9 per minute, but she did send me 5 free minutes and I believe she is a genuinely lovely and bubbly person. She says she doesn't do predictions, only 'trajectories'. I do believe she has a gift/talent, she clearly got details right that clearly prove it, but was off on two fairy big things, so I won't be calling her again.

Marie Green (keen) - I posted on her thread as well- So far from what I can confirm to date, she has not been correct for me whatsoever, except for ONE prediction, which may have been an easy guess.

What she got right:

* I would meet someone new in Nov/Dec. Met many new people, but nothing serious.

What she got wrong:

*Said me and POI would go abroad together, enjoy it and be intimate there  - we didnt go on that trip at all.

*Said casual POI would reach out by Monday (that was meant to be just a few days after the reading, but he instead reached out more than one month later!).

*She gave contact prediction from someone for June- didn't happen. I reached out to that person in early August - never heard back...

*Said me and current POI wouldn't last and that I'd slowly remove myself from the relationship and meet someone new Nov/Dec . It was POI that ghosted me and things got resolved between us in September and we are now in regular contact.

*Said I'd get a new job offer - and earn more than I am now (which I think is highly unlikely, as I am earning quite a bit of money now and doubt they would offer more) - never happened, never heard back from these people and my sales doubled in second half of the year, I doubt any potential employer would match that in offers tbh.

Empathic Emma (keen)

Lots of people on here have NOT had good experiences, but she has worked for me when describing new POIs and outcomes when I first started calling her. She also got A LOT of things wroooong.

What she got right:
*Said beginning of March that I’d see POI again ‘within this month’ = it was 5.5 weeks later but not a bad guess.
*Said he was developing feelings and wanted to meet again and would do his best to meet and do everything he can for me when I come to his country (he did and it was very cute and I was being looked after like a QUEEN).
*Said delayed uni coursework would be accepted and I would pass - true!
*Said casual POI would fade out as has other interests – true as there are other women, but we're casual so I dont care. We did eventually kind of fade out, but he has started coming back into my life recently and it is obvious he has feelings ..
*Correctly predicted that on my holiday in April, I would meet a lot of men and flirt, but wouldn't be involved with anyone, as all I will care about is main POI - true.
*Said a cute guy I met at the airport last month will NOT reach out again. She got this right.

What she got wrong:
However, she then got EVERYTHING WRONG after that when it comes to this POI.
*She was wrong on contact predictions EVERY TIME throughout April, May and June.
*Saw me and main POI meeting in June - NEVER HAPPENED, he has NOT been in touch. She then moved the dates and was wrong again.
*Said I would get a job offer abroad , would hear from them in July - in line with others... said money would not be much but I'd enjoy the job -NEVER HEARD FROM THIS POTENTIAL EMPLOYER.
*Said me and POI would travel end of May as planned- we didnt so she was wrong - quite a major wrong prediction tbh...

Saw marriage 1-2 years away, so now 0.5-1.5 years away (as of Jan 25), stay tuned.  ::) ;D

Angelic Heights (Psychic Access) I liked her, some big predictions are still pending. She did get feelings, energies and situations right for me, but I feel like she might have sold me a massive FAIRYTALE with my POI.  Also didn't pick up on third party and when I eventually pointed it out she said: "Oh darling I saw that..." Meh ::)..

What she got right:
*At first she said  "You’re really into him and he’s just a little behind that at the moment. He has feelings though... It’s kind of like; well this is very exciting and there could be more to it, but I'd like more time." This I believe was correct and POI was afraid of becoming too serious for various reasons I have discussed elsewhere on this and other threads.
*Saw casual's POI energy not far away - within a week of contacting - Update: it took two weeks but good enough.
But said he would be a turn off and we wouldn't last  - Update: we had some nice convos and intimate moments, but no real spark... more of a friendly connection ...still in and out of each other's lives, but it's more friendship than intimacy. She was right on this.
What she got wrong:
*Saw something happening with POI in June – like a trip. "You are going to work this where you will be seeing each other as often as possible. This is someone you could be with – life partner  – I would not walk past this man and ignore him … he is worth it… wedding isn't off the table with him, I see it happening … " she then also gave lots of sweet details ... got me all excited and that reading killed all the rational brain cells I had left ! It's so great to know wedding isn't off the table with a guy who has NOT contacted me in nearly three whole months.
*She also said he would reach out on my Bday (I feel like a proper clown cause I was SO confident that he would -  and that he would take me on the trip the had promised me - lol - joke is on me ... anyway she was wrong on this too... was correct at first but then it just all went downhill from there... fairytale after fairytale ...
*She also said I WILL get the job abroad and should hear from them in July as well - in line with everyone else, not sure what that was all about - I  have NOT heard from them.

Credit from the past: In the past, she saw a blonde woman around my toxic ex and even told me : but don't worry, even if they end up living together, they wont stay together ... LOL .. he was seeing me and her at the same time. I walked away after finding out, even though he was trying to get me to stay. As if!
Anyway - they then eventually lived together, although not sure if still the case.
I have to give her credit for this one, but she lost me as a client after giving me this fairytale about my POI...

White Lotus Grace(independent empath, also on keen and PA but don't think she goes there much).  She is an empath and a healer. She doesn't predict the future much (only when something comes through), but I have come to her a few times, because her readings are therapeutic for me, she is a very gentle and kind person and good with current energies. But one of the members on here told me that she tries to turn everything into a positive, which can be dangerous and I agree with this statement.

What she got right:
*She is the only one (aside from Gab) who picked up on POI's third party ... she gently asked : ' We haven't discussed this about him before but .. is there someone else? I'm sensing another energy ... ' well, she wasn't wrong.
*She did also say he was falling in love with me, described him very well, said he was thinking about me a lot ...when I asked at one point if he wanted to end things with me, because he had been silent and I was upset, she said he definitely wasn't thinking about us ending and that he would just say that to me and not ghost me ...  and he then said the same things to me verbatim when we spoke later on. (A FEW WEEKS LATER, HE STOPPED COMMUNICATING! More under "things she got wrong")
*I also have to say that she said, at the beginning of May that she saw me seeing my POI again in 4-6 months. I thought she was crazy and not seeing things straight, cause we had this whole big trip planned and so on. Which, as you now know, never happened. I saw him again in September.
*She also said that me and him would not be able to stay away from each other, as the connection is too strong - this made it sound like we were going to be two inseparable lovers. Instead, we are inseparable friends. So, she made it sound a little bit like fairytale, but the truth is that we do have feelings and he recently admitted we had "something special". He treats me right, but we currently cannot be more than friends anyway. She made me believe we could be. She was right on this, but it just isn't the way she made me believe it was going to be.

What she got wrong:
* Well she made it sound like me and POI were soulmates, saying he was falling in love with me and what not. This really is a little bit dangerous, because things didnt really go that way and I am not sure if they ever can. It is clear feelings are there and connection is there as she said - but no romance right now.
*She once got a minor prediction wrong about my job, but I don't even remember the details and not really worth mentioning. It was something to do with someone owing me money and she said they'd pay but they never did...

I still love her and her energy though and would probs go back to her.

The Irish Family Psychics (Etsy) -

What they got right:
* "Between yourself and POI I see you desire it more at this time, so some unrequitedness will creep in here. Your get more needing of this connection and he will get colder, throwing the balance off. I sense committment worries around him being the main thing to evolve past, and he won't be doing that quickly enough. He wants the real deal for his family, but he is just not ready. This meaning it will evolve by him putting blocks in place and lack of effort and discipline to the connection. So sorry for such bad news there in your reading my darling. You have much to look forward to with other connections in time"
They were correct on what was going on at the time with POI. Did not pick up on the fact that him and I would be close again but they got the immediate future right here.

* "Sending your CV to XXX (which I sent two months ago) will not result in a job offer from just that action, more would need to be done is what I sense here. That the CV has just been looked over due to being busy, so more would need to do more and also waiting for the right timing. But ultimately a job will not come in the near future around this my dear, I'm afraid to say so keep going and looking for other opportunity also."

UPDATE - they were CORRECT on the job prediction, no one ever reached out... I also believe the CV may have gotten misplaced, but I won't be pursuing this further anyway ...

What they got wrong:
* Said that my POI would not meet with me when I wanted to ask for closure - this was totally wrong, I wrote more about his on other threads, but he did meet with me without any problems whatsoever and things got way better between us from there.

That is all the readings I have had from them.

Psychic Medium Gab (keen) This lady definitely has a gift, but she always sounds bored when I talk to her and sometimes seems "lazy"? Not sure how to explain it, but she sometimes just quickly answers questions without even "tuning in" and that is so obvious. It is when she tunes in that predictions pan out for me, but otherwise things have also been off at times and she has also changed predictions a few times.

What she got right:
*She was the ONLY one to have picked up not only POI's third party but also knew how many kids he had.
*She said he'd try to be back in my life but he would then pull back again and basically told me that it's best for me to let him go... without judgement, without pressure. Said I can have intimacy with him, friendship, whatever you want to call it, but it will NEVER be a committed relationship. It really does seem like I have options with him but we can't be together.. also for now we are in frequent contact, but who knows, he might pull back again at some point.. this is still to be seen.
*Was correct about another POI with whom I am in frequent contact with, said he was married to his job, which seems to be true. Said we would have a good attraction, which is also true, but this is all quite vague...

Argument with friend - she told me that things are over between me and the friend with whom I had the argument nearly two months ago. I think she is right, but didn't pock up on the fact that this friend would try contact again and patch things up.

Family situation: She was CORRECT on TWO separate family issues... very specific on those as well.. going her credit for this, but don't want to mention details on here, happy to share in private messages.

She got this wrong:

*She said POI would reach out in three weeks (update: this was WRONG, he never reached out and I had to reach out myself)
*She said she does not see us meeting up again though. which kinda contradicts what she said in the first part, but I have a feeling she might have said it because I confirmed the third party, so she inserted her opinion into this a little ... also we DID end up meeting up multiple times after that and are in constant contact.
* i]New POIs[/i] - I asked about a new POI at the time and she said I would see him end of that week (didnt happen and I haven't heard from him since and I honestly think he has found someone else to play with!).
*Was also wrong on another POI and said we would meet in December but he had to travel in the end and then had no more time left off work, so we couldnt make it happen!

Pending: Said me and my friend would do very well together when we start our business soon (it's more of an expansion of what we are doing currently). Let's see...

Future relationships Said my main person is coming into my life later next year (2025) and this will be IT - someone I will settle down with. He is likely from abroad but we will figure out the logistics later...  I am not really focused on this,  as just trying to enjoy life for now, but she said some lovely things about this future dude, so let's see...

Psychic Light with Allie
She was very off for me, would not recommend, can see present, but her predictions were just a bunch of bs for me.

What she got right:
*She did pick up on present quite well, at first she said something about POI having a third party but then said "no, that's not it.." when in fact, there IS a third party.. she should've just gone with whatever it was she was receiving. She correctly picked up on him having massive work problems and that being the main reason why he went silent.

What she got wrong:
*She was off on future predictions and I did go into more detail on her thread.
*Said POI was too unpredictable and did not see him I my future at all. That was incredibly incorrect, as we are now fairly close and on friendly terms. I think she might have said it because I told her we had not communicated for months at that time and she let that info influence the reading
*She said a guy who had briefly pursued me was really into me and I should totally message him, because he will not "say no to such a beautiful woman.." blah blah blah.. I said no to that guy at first but then decided to message him based on Allie's 'predictions' - all I am going to say she was WAY OFF! She also said this guy was hard working and he is not - he is from a very wealthy family and basically just chilling 24/7.
*Said POI would not respond if I messaged him - wrong.


Marla Dawn (keen) - I liked her and she did get a few things right for me, especially when I first started reading with her (I would even say that she was like 80% right at that time!) but as of today, she's only  been 50% right / 50% off Im afraid. (And VERY wrong on my 2024 POI) !
I feel like she can really read things sometimes, but then when she can't, she'll just guess - rather than admit that she cannot read the situation. Bummer. She was correct when she said I would have problems at uni and that I'd eventually manage to resolve them. It really did happen and took a year to resolve, but I won my case... she even said I wasn't going to get a flat I wanted - which was true.  She also predicted I'd meet an Aries man with whom I'd be with temporarily - which did happen! But also said I'd meet 'the one' in 2022 - no! Met someone who ended up being an OK dude, but also kind of a liar by nature lol. Things didnt work out between us. She also correctly saw another POI not being monogamous and that he would always have lots of women around him (I later found out he paid for sex, especially when he travelled abroad for work etc...but he would never admit to that and I became worried about STI's and ended it...).
She said I'd buy a house in 2022. I believed that at the time, but it never happened and I dont even know if I want to buy anymore - given the state the world is in! :D
She was wrong on another POI - said he'd contact me but he ended up ghosting - I didnt like him anyway so didnt care. Was also incorrect on a work situation.
Again, when she truly reads things, she gets them right for me. I just wish she would say it when she cannot connect...

Empathic Emma (keen) -   In the past, she correctly predicted my moving situation + dates.
Correctly picked up on my ex POI being very manipulative and overly dominant, to the point where he was being abusive - yes! He used to try act as if he were Mr Christian Grey from Fifty Shades of Grey - he has the career, the money , but certainly knew nothing about how to be a Dom! Lol.
She read that guy really well and I have to give her credit for that, she even predicted what he'd say after an argument.
She was then incorrect on MOST job predictions.
So, to sum up - she reads my guys very well, but prediction wise 50/50 as well unfortunately, but I will probably still call her

Insight with Teresa - (keen) - she ended up being 50/50 for me, so I never called back. Nice lady though. Wrong on jobs. Correct on then POI - but wrong on future POI.

Prophet Angel (keen) - fake, scam, rude, wrong - HOW does he manage to get so many 5* reviews?! He was just so off...

Psychic Readings by Gail (keen)- Way too expensive for what she has to offer.  I was meant to be married by now - lol - didnt even ask her about that and she insisted she saw me with a ring on my finger by end of the year (that was like 2-3 years ago). She did however say that she saw a friend with dark hair helping me with a job  - which did happen - she also said me and then POI would only have 2-3 max years together - we broke it off after two years of knowing each other… So, not totally off here, but also not worth the $ I'm afraid.

TripleMoonGoddess (keen) - was very wrong on many things, including career (correct on some negatives regarding former POI, but she's known to be negative..?) - she's known on here to be quite rude and wrong anyway, so no need to add too much. I left some comments with details on her thread.

Lily Cade (keen) - 50/50 for me - Said I'd meed my soulmate in 2022 - nope. Said I'd get jobs I didn't get. Was also wrong on questions about university. Wrong about my ex - said I'd bump into him somewhere in 2022. It's 2024 - haven't seen him in years! however she also said that this ex was in a relationship with a woman who was very jealous of me and wouldn't let him speak with me - which is true - or at least was true at the time of the reading...
Said I will get offers after my two job interviews - which never happened.
Said my then POI is a nice person and we would have a great time together, but nothing serious  - this ended up being true.

Celestial Inspirations (keen) -  pleasant lady, had a few hits, but I am now thinking that these may have been random? ... Said my then POI was my soulmate and that we'd get married - he ended up turning into a complete a$$ after he wanted to do business together and left me very upset after we had signed some documents and I paid a big ish sum of money - only for him to just walk away from the deal, knowing I would never be refunded the money. He also never offered to pay for any of that and became very cruel instead. I told him to F off. We haven't spoken since. Also said I was going to get jobs I didn't get. Got the industry completely wrong.
However, she did say I would walk away from another POI - which I did do. Also saw a blonde man coming into my life - I did meet a blonde man with whom I had a nice time.

Amy (Psychic Access) very wrong about my old POI from 2015-18 - said we'd have such crazy, passionate  intimacy, he'd leave me 'unable to walk for days' - he literally had erectile dysfunction . She was wrong on everything else and blocked me after I had told her that things weren't going as she had predicted, lol. Scam!

Alexis (Psychic Access) WRONG! Very wrong.

Mystic Shelley (Psychic Access) - she knew NOTHING and it was just awkward tbh. She definitely didn't connect and was just producing utter nonsense. I have deleted a harsh sentence I wrote about her being inaccurate , and will leave it at this ...

Shani  (Psychic Access) - she is very nice, BUT ended up being WRONG on men, moving situation etc ... reads Tarot I believe. Only read with her twice, but was like 80% wrong unfortunately.

Isadora (Psychic Access) - very lovely lady, but was wrong on 80-90% of predictions. I even told her and she accepted it without being rude, which was a first lol. Other forum members on here have shared similar experience with her - lovely but not accurate.

Satya (Psychic Access) - she's had some good hits for me over the years, read some energies around me pretty well and was able to warn me, even tho I often didnt listen. She would tell me for years to leave the toxic ex... but she has recently been wrong on some pretty big stuff and she gets very defensive and quite arrogant when you tell her some of her predictions didn't pan out, so I kinda stopped calling. It's the attitude that counts tbh. She didnt pick up on former POI basically ripping me off and leaving me in shit and my wallet emptier (she instead told me she liked him and that things would go well).. However, she did also tell me current POI would be inconsistent with communication and that she saw me walking away, which I might be doing right now, BUT she told me it wouldn't be a particularly major connection and that I would not have feelings for him, which is untrue. He did express his love for me and treated me with so much respect and kindness- like no one ever did before! I would also argue that me crying for days over him means that I did in fact catch feelings lol - so she was wrong. I don't know if I will call her again, she's been like 50/50 with me lately, which is simply not good enough. Also said I would have to go to court over a landlord/tenant dispute, but I managed to resolve it without having to take legal action and got like 70% of my money back.. she was right for me on education related predictions and also one other former POI when she said I would only see him like four times that year -which was true .. due to his mental health struggles.

Kinda not too keen on Psychic Access anyway cause of the owner being a bit rude and just awkward and he also LISTENS to phonecalls, I can literally HEAR when he is listening and it makes me very uncomfortable.... there are some threads on him on here if you wanna read more...

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2025, 11:59:59 AM »
Yes, dragonflyer, she is such a gentle soul, she wants to see the best in everything, which is not ideal. But she did say "no" to a few POIs in the past, always a "no" with a pinch of sugar though.  ;D I do still like her.

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2025, 01:17:13 PM »
LOL, "a pinch of sugar", definitely!

Yes, dragonflyer, she is such a gentle soul, she wants to see the best in everything, which is not ideal. But she did say "no" to a few POIs in the past, always a "no" with a pinch of sugar though.  ;D I do still like her.

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2025, 01:05:16 AM »
I have just updated this thread after many more predictions have both passed or failed to come through.  :D It is very detailed but I like to give proper examples instead of saying : this one was wrong, this one was right. There is no doubt that a lot of readers have a genuine gift, but many get important things totally wrong. Some of the readers that were right for me didn't work for others and vice versa. There are about 3-4 readers I will be going back to.
I spent quite a bit of money in the summer, there were two months that were a bit tough and honestly the readings made things 1000x worse for me.But, since I cannot go back in time and get my money back, I have just taken this as lesson learnt. I have now been saving a lot and doing occasional readings with clear mindset and going on a very nice and lavish holiday soon.  :P No more donations to greedy Keen, aside from the occasional reading. They also haven't given me any discounts since June, cheapskates..  ::)
Safe to say that this forum has been an awesome help, some members have been truly great and I enjoyed sharing deets and opinions with some cool people on here!! Also reading some old posts from like 10+ years ago about how people's readings never came through really helped me open my eyes and be very selective when it comes to choosing the right readers.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2025, 01:08:36 AM by TulipsAndSunflowers »

Offline dragonflyer

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2025, 02:59:02 AM »
Thank you SO SO MUCH for sharing your experience so generously! I genuinely appreciate it! I am sure many others do too!

I have just updated this thread after many more predictions have both passed or failed to come through.  :D It is very detailed but I like to give proper examples instead of saying : this one was wrong, this one was right. There is no doubt that a lot of readers have a genuine gift, but many get important things totally wrong. Some of the readers that were right for me didn't work for others and vice versa. There are about 3-4 readers I will be going back to.
I spent quite a bit of money in the summer, there were two months that were a bit tough and honestly the readings made things 1000x worse for me.But, since I cannot go back in time and get my money back, I have just taken this as lesson learnt. I have now been saving a lot and doing occasional readings with clear mindset and going on a very nice and lavish holiday soon.  :P No more donations to greedy Keen, aside from the occasional reading. They also haven't given me any discounts since June, cheapskates..  ::)
Safe to say that this forum has been an awesome help, some members have been truly great and I enjoyed sharing deets and opinions with some cool people on here!! Also reading some old posts from like 10+ years ago about how people's readings never came through really helped me open my eyes and be very selective when it comes to choosing the right readers.

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2025, 07:43:21 PM »
You are an absolute saint for this!

I have just updated this thread after many more predictions have both passed or failed to come through.  :D It is very detailed but I like to give proper examples instead of saying : this one was wrong, this one was right. There is no doubt that a lot of readers have a genuine gift, but many get important things totally wrong. Some of the readers that were right for me didn't work for others and vice versa. There are about 3-4 readers I will be going back to.
I spent quite a bit of money in the summer, there were two months that were a bit tough and honestly the readings made things 1000x worse for me.But, since I cannot go back in time and get my money back, I have just taken this as lesson learnt. I have now been saving a lot and doing occasional readings with clear mindset and going on a very nice and lavish holiday soon.  :P No more donations to greedy Keen, aside from the occasional reading. They also haven't given me any discounts since June, cheapskates..  ::)
Safe to say that this forum has been an awesome help, some members have been truly great and I enjoyed sharing deets and opinions with some cool people on here!! Also reading some old posts from like 10+ years ago about how people's readings never came through really helped me open my eyes and be very selective when it comes to choosing the right readers.

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2025, 02:01:27 AM »
You are an absolute saint for this!
❤️❤️ I’m glad it’s helpful for some of you guys :)