Author Topic: CURE for PSYCHIC ADDICTION  (Read 242 times)

Offline Need2knownow

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« on: February 08, 2025, 01:10:06 AM »
Reading, studying and believing the Bible will help you stop your addiction.  OMG i've called for over 30 years and so much bad stuff would happen including $$$$$ i stopped counting but God is right with us,  that's how I stopped.  Now i have to disagree that reading your astrology or tarot are bad because I don't worship planets nor the stars nor tarot.  Actually there is alot of symbols from the Bible in the tarot cards.  Creators of AE Riderswaithe was a Christian Mystic and Pamela Waithe was a Catholic - anyways.  THe problem is not to get addicted, which is worshipping because at times of sorrow, defeat, or just the worst times of your life where you are alone lonely and scared, we're supposed to talk to God.  I think the problem here is how to stop, what helped me was Mattew 6:6  6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.  Also, Tarot was created in 1500s, Bible existed way before that but the concept here is that we have to go to God FIRST!!  thAT'S WHY WE MUST KEEP GOD #1.  Torah and the Bible.  becuase we will end in a trap of believing something someone says when it's is GOD that knows everything, not other humans because he gave them their gifts.  its a mystery why but maybe the whole point, is a test .  For me, it led me to the bible and omg, many of psychic predictions - sure a few were true like day or time poi called/texted but outcome is not set in stone.  Only God knows what is for us and what is not, and that is the word of the Lord.  Psalms 1:2 and Deuteronomy 17:19-20 says to read the bible daily, even if its a verse a day but amazingly studying and absorbing the Bible and journalize and pray about it (talking to GOd having a relationship with him who is by our side at all times) will help cure your addiction.  but you have to want to - by giving your love to GOD, because he LOVED US FIRST!!

