I've looked back on plenty of my readings and I am back here to say this lady is the real deal. I don't know how she does it, but if she sees something and you don't quite get it at the time of the reading WRITE IT DOWN. Similar to Queene of Cups Anne, she gets random messages that there's no way she could possibly just make up and they do come true, Kelly does not give fairytale readings. Her style is very direct, but I would say if you were nice to her, she's nice to you. The only thing that I will say don't rely on too much is her timing. She might give you a specific month, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's that year.
Kelly is accurate, S I N C E R I T Y is my absolute favorite, but she is pricey and again she's similar to Kelly with the timing, Queen of Cups Anne accurate, but very limited with the details, Zadalia another one of my absolute favorite readers she is an empath and she's just the best. With Z, you definitely need to let her do her thing no need to jump in and explain your situation. She will definitely pick up on it. Miss Ann from BITWINE accurate.
I am not saying there aren't other readers that are good, but in my opinion those advisors are batting almost 100%. QoC has been wrong for me here and there, but 2 times out of maybe 15 isn't terrible. She's definitely gifted.