Well in all this time I had never read with Pilar. I know she has a lot of mixed reviews and a lot of negative but she did say a couple things that floored me. Really in relation to me specifically that seems very individual. She said I needed to keep it short when I responded to my POI. She said a few times, he’s going to communicate in writing and you need to remember KEEP IT SHORT. lol. So funny because in case you couldn’t tell I am SO long winded. Now is this a cold reader tactic?

I mean I don’t think so. Is that common enough that she was just throwing it out there? It didn’t seem like it to me unless I have subjective goggles on where I can’t see it. She also talked a lot about my own self talk. That I talk myself out of thinking positively about the connection because of my past triggers. And again she is exactly right. Again though is that a cold reader tactic?? It didn’t seem like it but I may be biased…
We’ll see how she is on timing … I don’t even want to say what she said because I have this terrible feeling I’ll jinx it all lol.
Anyway… I thought it seemed like a good reading. She also picked up some things about job changes. Will have to wait and see if any of these things come to pass but was pretty shook by the “keep it short” comment lol.