Notacrystalfreak - I had a similar convo on here with someone before, but one of my biggest mistakes in life was deciding to study a course which TAROT recommended me. It was the most miserable time of my life! And a waste of money.
However, this sounds like something you genuinely want and would enjoy, so a very good investment of time + money!
Try asking for a sign in your dream or do some breath wok/meditation on it? If you feel like it's too soon, then it probably is. Just do it when it feels right. And please ignore what people are saying, if it feels right in your heart, then it IS! In fact, getting a second or even a third or a fourth degree is AWESOME. I will be on the track to get my third degree soon and can't wait to learn a lot of new things. It keeps your brain young, you gain new knowledge... life should be about constant growth and learning anyways! Getting out of that comfort zone. Some family members are also telling me that getting another degree is too much, but they haven't learnt new skills or language in YEARS. To me THAT is too much.

I read a great quote just a few days ago Comfort zone is a beautiful place! But nothing ever grows there.
Good luck with your journey!!