Author Topic: POI Readings  (Read 1444 times)

Offline Chocolate

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POI Readings
« on: December 14, 2024, 09:02:32 AM »
Hi all. Some thoughts on POI (person of interest) readings. I am stating the obvious but thinking about these type of readings has helped me cut down.

A lot of phone readers will tell you that your POI is coming back to keep you hooked on ringing again if they don’t come back. Also, if you don’t know where you stand with someone it’s likely things are not completely finished and your POI may make some sort of contact on social media even if it’s not a direct message.

With online dating it seems a lot of people (men and women) don’t want a relationship. They don’t have to commit to get intimacy and even emotional support. You could have a fantastic time with someone, feel you have lots in common and the attraction is mutual and they could still be keeping their options open. This can be really confusing so you may ring a psychic to
find out what’s going on.

If you are on and off with someone who doesn’t want to commit you are on a path of highs and lows. If you feel low you may ring a psychic to feel better as most of them will tell you that you will hear from the POI again and soon.

When psychics tell you someone had feelings for you who they are either making it up or picking up on feelings of mutual attraction which is a whole other thing.

Overall the way dating is today can make you feel insecure, confused and dent your confidence. Psychics and dating coaches are taking in money from this.

Lastly be kind to yourself. Dating isn’t easy and you have to be resilient. I do think there are some genuine psychics and mediums out there but in my experience most will give you the fairytale outcome

Offline sai07

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Re: POI Readings
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2024, 03:44:21 PM »
Good post, Chocolate. Agreed.

Offline sugarsky

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Re: POI Readings
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2024, 05:37:48 PM »
Solid point, chocolate!

It’s very common and very easy for many of these readers to simply say yes you will receive contact again. Yes, he likes you but blah blah blah . Yes, he has 1 foot in one foot out. Yes he’s going through stress etc etc

But you know what girls? You gotta put the focus back on you.
You really have to look at yourself and decide what it is that you want in your life and whether or not that person is owning up to your needs and your expectations and also your future self.

I think as women we have a tendency to put others before us, but it’s really unhealthy to do that

I was stuck on a guy for years and justified his poor behavior by attributing to his mental state.. but when I really sat down and took responsibility for what I was doing to myself and stopped acting like a victim… I started to snap into it and started getting over him. Did I really deserve to be treated like an option? Was I only worthy of the occasional drunk text and the back-and-forth bullshit with maybe a twice a year visit? Hell no. I can honestly say I’m a very good person and treat everybody in my life that I can with respect. So why do we tolerate it from people just because we think we love them or we think we’re compatible with them when it’s just the pain speaking? You think you’re compatible with a version that you’re creating in your mind .. it is not who they actually are.

I had the most random encounter soon after I started waking up with a man who is an bit older than me - we are only friends, but spiritually we connect so much. He is honest, respectful, hard-working, interesting, and stable in ways that this loser I was pining over could never be. I may not ever be in a relationship with this guy because of the age difference, but he really helped me shift my perspective and understand that there are people out there who align with my lifestyle — there ARE people who have a good amount of the qualities I want and who are capable of giving me the respect that I deserve.

This man was totally unexpected and no Psychic ever picked up on a new connection in my life that would give me this friendship and outlook

All I’m saying is take responsibility for the pain that many of you have put yourselves through and open up your life.. stop shorting yourself for somebody who cannot see your worth.. I know the Internet is inundated with stupid self-help quotes that we have all heard before, but you guys are made for a greater purpose and you are meant to both give and receive love

Let yourself receive it
This life is short and you are meant for so much


Offline Chocolate

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Re: POI Readings
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2024, 07:23:41 PM »
Thank you both and Sugarsky well done for moving on (not always easy)

Offline sugarsky

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Re: POI Readings
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2024, 07:34:11 PM »

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: POI Readings
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2024, 08:40:17 PM »
I think as women we have a tendency to put others before us, but it’s really unhealthy to do that

So beautifully put, sugarsky! ❤️

Offline sugarsky

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Re: POI Readings
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2024, 09:37:36 PM »
I think as women we have a tendency to put others before us, but it’s really unhealthy to do that

So beautifully put, sugarsky! ❤️


