Author Topic: Miscah  (Read 10678 times)

Offline Mina

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Re: Miscah
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2024, 03:11:27 PM »
Dang it Miscah got something else right! It wasn’t bad but it was very vague she said something on Oct 6 would change the energy; and looking back I did forget I DID reach out to my person on that date stating a boundary. But I can’t make out my notes! When I take notes with her they’re very hard to write out, I don’t like recording, so I don’t know what I meant! And the call ended; it was so short because of the connection.

Ugh 😑 and I saw she was on for cheaper rate.

Yet I’m practicing something extremely new, and hard: exposure therapy.
Basically, if uncertainty, anxiety, wanting clarification, a hot new trending psychic to call, possibly 3rd parties, my favorite psychic to catch up with, never seeing my SP again, dying alone with no cats to soothe my soul, IF all of it bugs me: LET IT!
Ugh- and this bug me so much 😑… which is so annoying but will probably be soooo good later. But yeah getting off on the things that bug me and not reacting or giving into them… and it is so frggin hard right now (and once I post this it will be even harder!)

But from my experience every time
I ask for some kind of clarity, or date, it just hooks me, I’m left looking harder “where is it?” And so far it is best to just process my feelings of “what I am making this thing mean about me?” instead of distracting “looking for it”, trying to placate my instant feelings clarification, getting depressed, or really happy- really embracing: UNCERTAINTY. So if I’m making this mean:
I’m rejected, unlovable -cool 😎!
I never get what I want-😎
I’ve been forgotten -cool cool 😎😎
Crap I dunno how things will be - 😎😎😎

And while there has not been much movement since my SP reached out and we talked, and even saw each other; i know I can be there for me and it feels so goooooooood. Doesn’t mean there aren’t bad days; this one could be. But again- it feels so good, when I get thru it. And this isn’t to gloat… this to admit it is frigging haaaaaaard! I also got paid early because of the holiday, and instead am a paying bills, listening to this book “the existential kink” which talks about getting off on the things that bug you (it’s badly written but the concept is helping).

But also trying to really unhook myself - i don’t need another psychic to put on pedestal and then dethrone … sigh again easier said than done.

Welp if I give in I’ll post about in a month

Offline Mina

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Re: Miscah
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2024, 09:46:23 PM »
Welp miscah predictions finally missed. I’m finally part of that group.
So I was having some back and forth with ex/POI, in September, seeing positive movement he “seemed” to be coming forward, we had run into each other even talked… but it seems he retreated back to his shell hole and communication dropped. Which is not what miscah saw from this last read.

I did try her again… and I’m regretting it for lots of reasons, one was because I felt like “oh well I don’t need a follow up lah la lah” but then gave in anyway, even though I was willing to deal with the disappointment of the prediction not happening. And now im kicking myself for giving in. Plus it feels the same reading with dates pushed back.

This kinda does put a somber note but I know it’s not the end of all be all.

Go back to what has been working and that’s getting grounded with myself, and checking in with myself as a source reassurance.

Offline Novachild1018

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Re: Miscah
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2024, 02:58:26 AM »
Micah was completely wrong regarding love lol
I read with her when POI wasn’t around and I started briefly dating someone else. She said that POI that wasn’t around at the time was dealing with someone from his past and that by the time he comes around I would have someone else. She said he would reach out in October. She also said the new guy I started dating, we would end up together.

Well this is how it actually went…
The new guy and I stopped talking because it was clear he wasn’t looking for anything serious. We had one date and spent most of our time texting but then he started to taper off into slower texts and go days without texting. We tried to plan a movie date and he couldn’t even stay on top of that so that never happened. Nothing was ever going to come from this obviously…it wasn’t even a month yet and he was already slacking off.

Now, POI actually came back in September so her October prediction was wrong. I did not and do not have anyone else that’s serious right now…just dealing with him mainly and then sometimes I do casual dates since POI hasn’t made it official.. but again her prediction was wrong about those things.

As far as career prediction, she was kinda right.
She said my job would be remote after I asked her would it be and she said maybe I will go onsite if there are big events and in my new job I have been on-site for big events.
She said I would find a job by September and would start by 9/8 and I did start interviewing for the job end of September but I was not offered it until 2nd week of October.
She also said she saw me meeting a guy at work…no none of them are attractive and I work in HR, no thank you.

Overall, would never read with her again because this was way too inaccurate for my liking. I wish J did my research more on her before I just blindly got a reading. I think I saw one good review on her on here and just jumped on it without being more thorough. But yep here’s my update