Author Topic: Readers w/feedback that predictions happened?  (Read 8003 times)

Offline dragonflyer

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Re: Readers w/feedback that predictions happened?
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2024, 08:26:23 PM »
About that, if we say " what do you see us reconnecting", that might give the readers a hint that we are expecting a reconnection. If I want to know about the future, I always asked them " how do you see things unfold in the next 3 month?" or " what do you see lying in the future?" So they don't know what I am exactly expecting. It's an open-ended question.
It's just my personal opinion. Hope it helps.
There were definitely times when the readers tried to fish information from me. I tried me best to dodge those questions, or just hung up. Sometimes I even asked the reader to read my feelings and thoughts to test if they were really connecting. I might be too naughty about that, LOL.

Those are great suggestions and come backs - definitely going to use them! I have gone with “what do you see about me and so and so reconnecting” or “what’s the potential for a relationship with” but even that gives too much info. I also have always fallen into telling them when our last contact is. Which in retrospect is foolish of me.

My strategy is always to give the minimum information to readers. For example, the moment the reader pick up the phone, I would go straight asking "what's so and so thinking about our relationship/connection?" even when we are not talking or separated and there is no relationship. Good ones will pick up there is a separation.
If the reader asked me "when was the last communication?" I would say "a while ago" or "quite some time", instead of giving them a specific time.
Sometimes the reader would test me with "is there a female energy around this person?" "do they xxx?" "are they doing xxx?" I always say "I don't know. Please let me know whatever you feel."
I will also ask open-ended questions, instead of giving them options to choose.

So when I’m trying to find a new reader to try, what I’m looking for is if their feedback states that predictions have passed. Not “oh they’re so helpful” or “oh they were accurate” but specifically that predictions passed and the more detail the better. And not from the same accounts over and over. Anyone have any recommendations that have that kind of feedback?

I have taken a chance on a few I never tried before and will advise if any predictions come to pass.

This may be a totally unpopular opinion but after all my readings, I just don't think, at least on Keen, there are people that can predict the future. I am not saying there are people that do not have a gift, I just don't believe anyone can see that far out with accuracy and precision every single time. I look for the same, Flora, but I have given up.

To Mattsmom's point, I sometimes do wonder if readers note-share bc sometimes I have readers tell me the exact same things + timelines and then of course, things don't pan out even though I think, well, oh, I heard that consistent feedback from a number of readers.

Interesting take, I often wonder if readers are simply just reading our mind/thoughts as oppose to predicting a future outcome.

I was literally thinking this today bc some readers have just fed off what I said and some even changed their prediction based on me changing my mind about the POI, for example, if I say to them, I am very frustrated and thinking of walking away, they will echo that sentiment. And then they use the 'free will' card. Yes, everyone has free will but ....shouldn't a prediction stand despite free-will? Isn't there really one outcome that unfolds? Like you're either with the person or you're not at the end of it all. You either get the job or you don't. That's why I think long-term predictions, people just can't seem to get them right.

Sorry, went off an a mini-rant, LOL. Feel free to provide another POV.

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Readers w/feedback that predictions happened?
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2024, 08:27:07 PM »

Those are great suggestions and come backs - definitely going to use them! I have gone with “what do you see about me and so and so reconnecting” or “what’s the potential for a relationship with” but even that gives too much info. I also have always fallen into telling them when our last contact is. Which in retrospect is foolish of me.

My strategy is always to give the minimum information to readers. For example, the moment the reader pick up the phone, I would go straight asking "what's so and so thinking about our relationship/connection?" even when we are not talking or separated and there is no relationship. Good ones will pick up there is a separation.
If the reader asked me "when was the last communication?" I would say "a while ago" or "quite some time", instead of giving them a specific time.
Sometimes the reader would test me with "is there a female energy around this person?" "do they xxx?" "are they doing xxx?" I always say "I don't know. Please let me know whatever you feel."
I will also ask open-ended questions, instead of giving them options to choose.

So when I’m trying to find a new reader to try, what I’m looking for is if their feedback states that predictions have passed. Not “oh they’re so helpful” or “oh they were accurate” but specifically that predictions passed and the more detail the better. And not from the same accounts over and over. Anyone have any recommendations that have that kind of feedback?

I have taken a chance on a few I never tried before and will advise if any predictions come to pass.

This may be a totally unpopular opinion but after all my readings, I just don't think, at least on Keen, there are people that can predict the future. I am not saying there are people that do not have a gift, I just don't believe anyone can see that far out with accuracy and precision every single time. I look for the same, Flora, but I have given up.

To Mattsmom's point, I sometimes do wonder if readers note-share bc sometimes I have readers tell me the exact same things + timelines and then of course, things don't pan out even though I think, well, oh, I heard that consistent feedback from a number of readers.

Interesting take, I often wonder if readers are simply just reading our mind/thoughts as oppose to predicting a future outcome.

I was literally thinking this today bc some readers have just fed off what I said and some even changed their prediction based on me changing my mind about the POI, for example, if I say to them, I am very frustrated and thinking of walking away, they will echo that sentiment. And then they use the 'free will' card. Yes, everyone has free will but ....shouldn't a prediction stand despite free-will? Isn't there really one outcome that unfolds? Like you're either with the person or you're not at the end of it all. You either get the job or you don't. That's why I think long-term predictions, people just can't seem to get them right.

Sorry, went off an a mini-rant, LOL. Feel free to provide another POV.

Yeah I usually always go with, "What do you see coming up for X and I?" but I HATE when they ask the question of last communication. If I say 2 days ago then my reading will be totally different than if I say 2 months ago.

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Readers w/feedback that predictions happened?
« Reply #32 on: November 21, 2024, 08:45:27 PM »
Haha very nice dragonfly those are really good tips. I Haye wheb they ask you wheb was your last communication? Like why? Aren't you suppose to know ..then they ask you on I wanted to connect with energy ..that's big red flag if they asked me that... when I call Mattie I don't have to say anything she just picks up right away again not that she is 100% correct... but I know she is real deal.

Offline jackY

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Re: Readers w/feedback that predictions happened?
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2024, 10:49:29 PM »
THIS. Red flag when they ask that.

Those are great suggestions and come backs - definitely going to use them! I have gone with “what do you see about me and so and so reconnecting” or “what’s the potential for a relationship with” but even that gives too much info. I also have always fallen into telling them when our last contact is. Which in retrospect is foolish of me.

My strategy is always to give the minimum information to readers. For example, the moment the reader pick up the phone, I would go straight asking "what's so and so thinking about our relationship/connection?" even when we are not talking or separated and there is no relationship. Good ones will pick up there is a separation.
If the reader asked me "when was the last communication?" I would say "a while ago" or "quite some time", instead of giving them a specific time.
Sometimes the reader would test me with "is there a female energy around this person?" "do they xxx?" "are they doing xxx?" I always say "I don't know. Please let me know whatever you feel."
I will also ask open-ended questions, instead of giving them options to choose.

So when I’m trying to find a new reader to try, what I’m looking for is if their feedback states that predictions have passed. Not “oh they’re so helpful” or “oh they were accurate” but specifically that predictions passed and the more detail the better. And not from the same accounts over and over. Anyone have any recommendations that have that kind of feedback?

I have taken a chance on a few I never tried before and will advise if any predictions come to pass.

This may be a totally unpopular opinion but after all my readings, I just don't think, at least on Keen, there are people that can predict the future. I am not saying there are people that do not have a gift, I just don't believe anyone can see that far out with accuracy and precision every single time. I look for the same, Flora, but I have given up.

To Mattsmom's point, I sometimes do wonder if readers note-share bc sometimes I have readers tell me the exact same things + timelines and then of course, things don't pan out even though I think, well, oh, I heard that consistent feedback from a number of readers.

Interesting take, I often wonder if readers are simply just reading our mind/thoughts as oppose to predicting a future outcome.

I was literally thinking this today bc some readers have just fed off what I said and some even changed their prediction based on me changing my mind about the POI, for example, if I say to them, I am very frustrated and thinking of walking away, they will echo that sentiment. And then they use the 'free will' card. Yes, everyone has free will but ....shouldn't a prediction stand despite free-will? Isn't there really one outcome that unfolds? Like you're either with the person or you're not at the end of it all. You either get the job or you don't. That's why I think long-term predictions, people just can't seem to get them right.

Sorry, went off an a mini-rant, LOL. Feel free to provide another POV.

Yeah I usually always go with, "What do you see coming up for X and I?" but I HATE when they ask the question of last communication. If I say 2 days ago then my reading will be totally different than if I say 2 months ago.

Offline esthere2017

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Re: Readers w/feedback that predictions happened?
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2024, 01:36:30 AM »
So when I’m trying to find a new reader to try, what I’m looking for is if their feedback states that predictions have passed. Not “oh they’re so helpful” or “oh they were accurate” but specifically that predictions passed and the more detail the better. And not from the same accounts over and over. Anyone have any recommendations that have that kind of feedback?

I have taken a chance on a few I never tried before and will advise if any predictions come to pass.

This may be a totally unpopular opinion but after all my readings, I just don't think, at least on Keen, there are people that can predict the future. I am not saying there are people that do not have a gift, I just don't believe anyone can see that far out with accuracy and precision every single time. I look for the same, Flora, but I have given up.

I completely agree with this statement. It's why I don't ask for predictions and discourage them from wasting minutes doing them. I use them all for energetic readings only, what is the other person thinking etc. I think it is insane to try to predict when you will have contact with a person, my god think of all the factors that go into that. I do believe there are big life events that are pre-destined and there are soul contracts and I think there are people on the earth, true psychics - who can tap into that stuff, but they are pretty few and far between.
Let's face it, a lot of this dating BS is pretty formulaic, just watch a few videos on dating an avoidant on youtube to see that there is almost a rote timeline for that kind of emotional process that someone pulls away and then returns. I think it is a combination of that, some intuition/empathic abilities, the cues the tarot give, reading our energy too and they are off to the races.

Offline skyline

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Re: Readers w/feedback that predictions happened?
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2024, 07:38:40 PM »
I've given up on predictions and rarely call Keen anymore even when they give me free money.

Still haven't given up completely. I'll get a reading now and then when I see a psychic that piques my interest.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Readers w/feedback that predictions happened?
« Reply #36 on: December 26, 2024, 06:04:52 AM »
This is a great thread. Just want to share my 2 cents for what it's worth. I've been getting readings for about 17 years. Not consistently, but always pending what bs I'm going through at the time. There are times I've gone on binges due to the severe emotional pain and not having any support network or anyone to talk to about it. I have spoken to HUNDREDS (pathetically) of psychics over this time period. The amount of money spent on them is sickening over this period of time. Here's my breakdown of the history.

1. 1st relationship/POI I started calling about way back in 2010, I can't count how many readers I read with and only TWO of them were correct. One was from Etsy and I don't even remember her reading but she said that relationship would end. The second person was Kisha aka Aries Intuition which was the first time I ever spoke to her. She also said it wouldn't last and the reason why it wouldn't. She ended up being so right but I didn't call her again after that because I was in denial about reality. But when it actually ended, I remembered her. I found her on Keen. What a rare find that one was.

2. 2nd relationship/POI which started in 2012, I didn't call Kisha but I called everyone else under the sun. Thousands of dollars spent. Only ONE person told me it would end, WhiteLightAngel on keen. She was the only one correct. The problem with her readings is that they aren't detailed and it's like pulling teeth getting info from her so I didn't call her again even though she was right. I did start calling another reader and she didn't say it was totally over with this POI but she did say it was a very very slow moving energy and that by the time he'd come back around I wouldn't want him anymore and then proceeded to tell me about another relationship I'd be in and even said the name of the person that would be entering my life. She was right about both. The only issue with this reader is that if you talk to her too often, she starts using psychology rather than readings and gets many things wrong. Can only talk to that one like once every few months.

3. 3rd relationship/POI which began in 2014, I started calling Kisha about this one. While her readings were always accurate with things that were coming down the pipeline, pretty much every single event came to pass, she didn't see the actual ending of the relationship until it was pretty much a few months away, so for 5 years. When that POI finally did leave, he got into another relationship, even married. Kisha said it would end but not for a couple of years. She was right. They were divorced after 3 years of marriage. She did start seeing a new person for me though starting in 2018. That person stepped into my life 3 years later. She was right about everything on that one other than the awfulness it would turn into. More to come on that later. The other reader I started using about the 2nd POI above also saw the same exact new guy stepping in, physical description and all, but she also failed to see the nightmare and heartache it would become shortly thereafter. This 3rd relationship did indeed end nearly 6 years later.

4. 4th and current relationship/POI began in 2021. Kisha was right about him at first. The other reader was also right about him at first. But neither saw the 180 the relationship would take just a few months in until it actually happened. Kisha said it wasn't supposed to be happening that way, which I agreed, but it did. Kisha was the only one I read with regarding this relationship up until she retired in 2023. I still have three readings pending from Kisha from 2021, 2022, and 2023 that haven't happened yet but I know she sees years out so I'm not worried about it. I then started reading with a new reader, Sincerity, from Keen which I posted in another thread. All of her predictions have happened for me so far, one of which is unfolding as we speak (the painful one), and the other part of this is still pending for the early part of the new year. I'm having a very hard time seeing the second part actually happen as it's positive but I don't believe it right now as everything that is happening is soooooooo opposite. I'm very empathic myself and I feel a complete energetic disconnect from this relationship at the moment. To her credit, she DID say that he wouldn't be paying attention or hearing me and basically just ignoring everything as he was on a mission for himself and I wasn't a priority for him at the moment. She definitely didn't sugar coat. She said there'd be a brief pause between us in the early part of the new year but between the time of the reading (November 14, 2024) and March of 2025, he'd turn around and make a full proper commitment. No more hot and cold, back and forth blah blah. She also said he was going to move out but then in the same sentence said he would threaten it but then would end up staying and dealing with the situation. As I write this, he's moved half of his things out but he still returns here once a week or so. For now anyway. It feels like he's just slowly moving bits and pieces out at a time but maybe he'll stop moving stuff out and return? I don't know anymore. It isn't the new year yet and I don't know how long this "pause" will be. I don't know the definition of 'brief" because remember, time does not exist in the spiritual realms which is why timing is often not accurate.

At this moment in time, the only reader I ever trusted 100% and NEVER doubted was Kisha. Everything around me could be crumbling down but I would take comfort and trust in knowing what she saw happening would happen at some point so it didn't matter. I don't have that comfort anymore. She did say in her second to last reading to me that someone was going to want to marry me but it was left hanging cause she couldn't see who or when or the relationship that took place in between. She was even confused by that one but she did say it was after an ending. An ending that I'm actually experiencing right now. So now, I just talk to Sincerity here and there in hopes that she will end up being as accurate as Kisha was so that I'd have someone I could fully trust again but that takes time and I'll have to experience 99% of her readings come to pass before I'll trust like that.

I do call new readers that are cheaper to try to find a good one for less money and so far, I'm up in the air. I have to see things happen first. My take on how readings were are as follows.

1. Timing - As I stated above, time does not exist in the spiritual realm so it can be very hard to pin down timing for a reader. Some readers can seriously see years out but aren't even aware that they are seeing YEARS out and they may think it's days/weeks/months out. What matters is if said event actually happens. Now, if it's regarding a reconciliation of an ex and it hasn't happened within 6 months or less, my advice is to let it go because it probably isn't ever going to happen. There are rare occasions it happens a year or more later, but I definitely wouldn't be calling a psychic over an ex that I've had zero contact with for more than 6 months. I'd hold no more hope for that.

2. I do NOT use Tarot readers. Tarot is only decent for the here and now energies but are NOT good for long term events. I actually will not use a reader that uses any tools at all. To me, if they have to use any kind of tools, they aren't spiritually developed enough FOR ME (just me, not speaking for anyone else).

3. I do believe there are fated events and I fully expect a reader to provide me with that information. I know free will exists but, for example, a reconciliation is a fated event in my opinion. A new relationship with a specific person is also a fated event. Job stuff, career stuff, all fated events. Free will comes in to play when it comes to the timing. Because other factors are at play, it can take longer or it can be faster. Just depends on all parties involved. A clairvoyant is supposed to be able to see the fated events. So I don't really even like to use the term "predictions" because that holds the same definition as "best guess" to me but for the sake of this forum and readings, I'll keep using that term. If someone is a REAL clairvoyant, they don't need to know when you spoke to someone last. They should already know. A REAL clairvoyant will pretty much always be right with their "predictions" because they are seeing fated events taking place.

4. Empaths are only good for tapping into here and now energies/feelings/thoughts, but not for ANY kind of predictions unless they are also clairvoyants too.

5. Mediums are best used to connect with loved ones that have passed. They are literally a medium being used for communication between this world and the next.

6. If I call a reader and they ask me for dates of birth, last communication, blah blah, it's a hard NO for me. I'm not even gonna let them "read". Nothing should be asked other than the person's name.

7. Feedback for readers - If someone calls once and says they'll be back to leave feedback if a prediction happens, and you never see that person's feedback again, it's either because the prediction happened and they have no further need to call back, or because it didn't happen and they aren't going to call that reader again. I know on Keen you can't leave feedback after 7 days from the reading, which is unfair as it should be at least 30 days after because most predictions are further out than just 7 days. So you really have no choice but to go off of the frequent caller's feedback. They wouldn't be frequent callers if that reader sucked so there's that. I always look for feedback that contains predictions happened in them but they have be big ones, not just tiny ones.

8. Lastly, not everyone will connect with every reader. There are also a shit load of unevolved readers, aka beginners that haven't really honed their skills, or just straight up fakes that use human psychology coupled with a little intuition or best guesses.

Readers that have been accurate for me so far that I can verify things happened were Kisha but she's retired, Sincerity, and one other one but she's sort of 50/50 and I'm not going to mention her name on this forum. I've spoken to three other readers but their predictions are pending so I'll update if their predictions pass.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Readers w/feedback that predictions happened?
« Reply #37 on: December 26, 2024, 10:46:36 PM »
I love this post!

I do tend to favor no tools readers over tarot, HOWEVER, if you aren't careful, you could get confused with them.

I believe they offer a bit more detail to what they actually SEE, than tarot readers, especially those that are Clairvoyant and Remote View.
Remote Viewers are phenomenal.

Now, the confusing part is down to INTERPRETATION and TIMING. Some part of the prediction could come true, but not in the way you think.

Here is my general advice on No tools readers

1. Do not take anything they say as LITERAL. Specifically for no tools readers. Sometimes what they describe are metaphors in a way - keep that in mind.

For example the following statements mention over many years of reading I found had meanings like this:

- Pregnancy/baby = Unprotected Sex

- Sincerity = Honesty

- Move = Moving on (with anything, job, love, not necessarily an actual relocation)

- Engagement = Commitment

- Trip = Driving a long distance or just driving

- Promotion = positive changes at work, or shift in higher responsibility

2. Sometimes energy is mixed when 2 people are around at the same time

3. Sometimes they will see the energy of a new person altogether - but YOU won't know this. You may call reading on one person, and it ends up being the next person after that.

I do call new readers that are cheaper to try to find a good one for less money and so far, I'm up in the air. I have to see things happen first. My take on how readings were are as follows.

1. Timing - As I stated above, time does not exist in the spiritual realm so it can be very hard to pin down timing for a reader. Some readers can seriously see years out but aren't even aware that they are seeing YEARS out and they may think it's days/weeks/months out. What matters is if said event actually happens. Now, if it's regarding a reconciliation of an ex and it hasn't happened within 6 months or less, my advice is to let it go because it probably isn't ever going to happen. There are rare occasions it happens a year or more later, but I definitely wouldn't be calling a psychic over an ex that I've had zero contact with for more than 6 months. I'd hold no more hope for that.

2. I do NOT use Tarot readers. Tarot is only decent for the here and now energies but are NOT good for long term events. I actually will not use a reader that uses any tools at all. To me, if they have to use any kind of tools, they aren't spiritually developed enough FOR ME (just me, not speaking for anyone else).

3. I do believe there are fated events and I fully expect a reader to provide me with that information. I know free will exists but, for example, a reconciliation is a fated event in my opinion. A new relationship with a specific person is also a fated event. Job stuff, career stuff, all fated events. Free will comes in to play when it comes to the timing. Because other factors are at play, it can take longer or it can be faster. Just depends on all parties involved. A clairvoyant is supposed to be able to see the fated events. So I don't really even like to use the term "predictions" because that holds the same definition as "best guess" to me but for the sake of this forum and readings, I'll keep using that term. If someone is a REAL clairvoyant, they don't need to know when you spoke to someone last. They should already know. A REAL clairvoyant will pretty much always be right with their "predictions" because they are seeing fated events taking place.

4. Empaths are only good for tapping into here and now energies/feelings/thoughts, but not for ANY kind of predictions unless they are also clairvoyants too.

5. Mediums are best used to connect with loved ones that have passed. They are literally a medium being used for communication between this world and the next.

6. If I call a reader and they ask me for dates of birth, last communication, blah blah, it's a hard NO for me. I'm not even gonna let them "read". Nothing should be asked other than the person's name.

7. Feedback for readers - If someone calls once and says they'll be back to leave feedback if a prediction happens, and you never see that person's feedback again, it's either because the prediction happened and they have no further need to call back, or because it didn't happen and they aren't going to call that reader again. I know on Keen you can't leave feedback after 7 days from the reading, which is unfair as it should be at least 30 days after because most predictions are further out than just 7 days. So you really have no choice but to go off of the frequent caller's feedback. They wouldn't be frequent callers if that reader sucked so there's that. I always look for feedback that contains predictions happened in them but they have be big ones, not just tiny ones.

8. Lastly, not everyone will connect with every reader. There are also a shit load of unevolved readers, aka beginners that haven't really honed their skills, or just straight up fakes that use human psychology coupled with a little intuition or best guesses.

Readers that have been accurate for me so far that I can verify things happened were Kisha but she's retired, Sincerity, and one other one but she's sort of 50/50 and I'm not going to mention her name on this forum. I've spoken to three other readers but their predictions are pending so I'll update if their predictions pass.

