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Predictions that Came True: Multiple Hits on Contact Prediction
Absolutely shocked that I’m looking back on my notes and can confirm several hits regarding a recent POI.
Background: This is who I will refer to as POI #2 as he was the second man I was genuinely interested in as I re-entered the dating scene. There has since been a 3rd and the 1st I called same people for predictions on but none happened. I think every one of the readers I called said I would at least have contact with POI 2 again and to my absolute shock they were all correct. We were only talking very briefly but very intensely and I looked back on the whole thing wondering if it was just sort of a love bombing. Because our last communication had been at the end of August and he just flat out ghosted me just before we were making solid plans to meet for a first date. I messaged him several times on the app we chatted on. For a bit there was no response. Then I noticed a read receipt on the old messages I sent him. So I sent a couple more spaced out. He read those. Then he stopped again and then all of the sudden on 10/25 I got an actual message from him and we’ve been chatting a bit now again but I’m not at all sure where it’s headed and really not that emotionally invested. But… here’s who got it right and some specific things they each were right about (and who got timing wrong - most of them).
Venus (CP): Overall the most accurate but a couple things I can’t verify (yet). Stated contact would be over a month away and I read with her at end of August right when I put together that I thought he was ghosting me. She said he was focused on other things (he confirmed this) and that there was a 3rd party involved (he also confirmed that since we had last spoke he started seeing someone). She said this woman was from his past and that our reconnection would be short lived (both I have yet to confirm if true).
Uli (CP): Correct that I would hear from him and picked up on that he felt like he owed me a response (he basically said that). Also was right that he wasn’t really focused on relationships but other things. She didn’t provide any timing for contact but was sure I would hear from him. She made it sound like it was kind of up to me if I wanted to be - and there is a feel of “this is my situation I’m not sure what to do about it” as in him sort of asking me…
Saaqi (Keen): She actually picked up that he had something going on emotionally and that the distraction was in some ways related to his “inner world.” He did say that an obstacle in our meeting was due to life and his own mind getting in the way. So I was pretty shocked looking back in my notes that she got that right. She also said he’d want to pick up where we left off and that he’d come back with a lot of passion (both true). She said initially that even though there would be passion the “hot pursuit” part wouldn’t happen right away (again also seems true). She got timing wrong though by a month. She thought we’d reconnect in Sept and then things would develop more in October.
Trinity’s Revalation (Keen): Was correct we would be in contact again and also picked up that it was going to be unexpected. She was right I definitely didn’t expect it. She got timing wrong though and said it would be September.
Sincerity (Keen): Was confident we would reconnect and said he has commitment issues (general but in this case true). She said I’m the one that’s going to need to decide how far I really want it to go (kind of same vibe as Uli). I don’t think she gave me timing.
Mattie (CP): Correct that we would have contact again with 5 - in this case it was the 25th of the month. I don’t know how much weight I put on that or if it was coincidence but gotta give a little credit there. She also said he was talking to other women and that it probably wouldn’t lead to a commitment and that he was juggling options.
There you go. To sum up all of the above were right with receiving contact again. Mattie and Venus were kinda sorta right with timing. Mattie and Venus also correctly picked up specifically a 3rd party but the others all gave some hint around that too (commitment issues or distraction).
I am pretty floored actually but am much more interested in hoping things work out with POI 3 since I never heard back from POI 1 again and I really had a much better connection overall with POI 3.
I never had predictions happen when I called years ago so I’m pretty floored. I don’t think this means they are all reliable readers for anyone and everyone and every situation. But somehow for this situation they at least got a lot right about the reconnection. Whether he ghosts me again or whatever else happens, these predictions still stand as accurate anyway to my absolute shock.
I want to add that Venus, Saaqi, and Sincerity all made pretty solid predictions about POI 1 and I reconnecting and that was a good while back now. So if they turn out to be right about that I’ll come back here. They were very confident about it. Uli and Mattie also thought I would hear from POI 1 but didn’t give me as much about it. I didn’t read with Trinity’s Revalation about him. So just goes to show even though they got this right they appear as of now to have been wrong about the other guy. We’ll see how POI 3 predictions pan out and I’ll update here later.
--- Quote from: flora0250 on October 27, 2024, 08:54:40 PM ---
Venus (CP): Overall the most accurate but a couple things I can’t verify (yet). Stated contact would be over a month away and I read with her at end of August right when I put together that I thought he was ghosting me. She said he was focused on other things (he confirmed this) and that there was a 3rd party involved (he also confirmed that since we had last spoke he started seeing someone). She said this woman was from his past and that our reconnection would be short lived (both I have yet to confirm if true).
--- End quote ---
Coming back to update on this one. Still don’t know if the 3rd party was someone from his past. But it appears that she was right that it would be short lived. Also I guess Sincerity and Uli were right in a way in saying it was kind of up to me what direction I wanted to go with it. Without getting into too much detail I basically realized that I was definitely not being treated as a priority with this guy and in sticking with my new behavior of rejecting what I don’t want to make way for what I do, I called him out on that and said look, I know I’m not a priority here and I don’t think I can just be in the background. He responded a few days later basically saying I was right and he didn’t have it in him to be committed to me the way I needed / wanted. We haven’t had any communication since and I sort of said goodbye and wished him well but also said I was sad the connection ended and I would be open to reconnecting in the future if the dynamics changed.
Maybe that will happen… maybe we’ll reconnect as friends down the line .. or maybe one of the other predictions from someone else will come into play and we will eventually work around to getting into a committed relationship. But for now, I think Venus was right about it being a short reconnection.
Well I’ll be. POI 3 messaged me today. What it will turn into is yet to be seen. But I will have a number of updates here as to who correctly predicted contact and timing. But here’s the downside. It seems like it was a reach out bc he had me as a potential connection on an app bc I guess he still had my phone number in his phone. My username on this app is no where close to my name. And so he reached out and was like who is this? So it didn’t appear to be intentional. Then when I told him who I was he was like oh it’s been a while. And then continued the conversation and asked me to send him a picture. Which is nuts, we were last in contact at the beginning of October and went on our only date in mid September. I mean it was a while ago but my gosh he didn’t remember me even by my name?!? Or was he just kidding with me?!? I sent the picture and said “Maybe you didn’t remember me?? 🫣🤔” … and he said “yeah I do.” And that was a little bit ago. Note, not yeah I DID. Yeah I DO.
But here are a couple little wild tidbits.
Gemini Moon Readings (Bitwine) - picked up that there was going to be something negative about the initial contact. That it would be bad before it got better. That he would say something that upset me somehow.
And Shamanic Arawak Priestess (private site) said something totally wild. That contact would be something like a butt dial. Which I thought was totally weird but it was like that. For timing she was a bit off but pretty close. All of the rest of her reading would be yet to play out if she is right which I would be shocked. But maybe 🤔. She was the only one I think that said that vs contacting me directly through text or dating app although also
IrishFamilyPsychics (Etsy) did say: I sense he will contact you or you will see him ,this shows to be quite a random meet or contact. (Timing correct but gave me like a 5 month window!)
So both of those I was like huh?!?
Someone else said we would see each other at a mutual friends event or somehow connect through mutual friends but that’s not really quite the same.
Also Venus said she saw very short communication by the end of November via text and that I wouldn’t really understand if he was just interested me in a friend or what. That I would be confused by the communication. Now she made other predictions with him with contact and timing that didn’t happen, but this did!
I will try to pick my jaw up off the floor and not get too wrapped up and attached to anything and give you all a better summary of who got contact right when I can.
Again who knows - there is no indication at this point that he’s actually still interested in me. But the door has been opened so if nothing else I will know one way or another - he has another opportunity to further the connection if he’s interested and I can kind of decide if I am too.
Oh one more wild one to add. Mattie!! Said when we had first started one of our calls that there was something with my tooth. Do you have something going on with your tooth?!? I said nooooo. Then she said later okay well maybe that will come up. Maybe it’s something to do with timing. Then she also said she was hearing “goosey goosey gander” and asked me when we have goose in America. And at the time I thought she might be thinking Thanksgiving. But she said Christmas and then she said she thought it might mean he was looking at my social media like spying on me. But I kind of heard it as having to do with timing.
Well I’m a bit shook. Sunday I had a whole crown and filllng come out of my tooth when I was eating candy. And I thought huh. And remembered what Mattie said. Went to the dentist and I have to have the whole thing extracted. And he contacted me today. A couple days before Thanksgiving.
I honestly hope she’s not right about the other predictions but I would call that very solid contact prediction hit.
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