Author Topic: Psychics That I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED To  (Read 10984 times)


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« on: March 24, 2012, 12:22:22 PM »
Well I just wanted to post about some readers that I should have taken their advice. I should have listened to. I don't know about you guys, but I actually have had readers to tell me the truth and at the time I didn't want to hear it. These mostly were from readers when I was calling like a mad woman back in 2010 but here goes. Maybe it will help someone.

Psychic Power Network (PPN) Readers. I used since 2005 I didn't know about California Psychics or any other network until 2011. I found them in the back of a Cosmo Mag and had just used them until I heard about the others.

Raphael- He was very accurate. I didn't want to hear what he was saying not at all. He told me that Lyle (SM) was my soulmate and that he will always be my soulmate, but that he will take me through a lot of pain and agony. He told me that I would be in a relationship at the end of 2010. Which I was, and it was with Lyle. He told me that an ex boyfriend would be in my life until 2013. I said NO WAY the ex stalked me and made my life hell for a few month. He said that he would change and I would hear from him until 2013 when he would move home b/c he would realize then after 3 years that I'm not coming back. He told me to take the next 2 years 2010 -2012 and just date because several men would come into my life. He said I would not marry until 2013. He said Lyle would remain in my life, he would never leave if I allow him. He would offer me marriage, but not to accept it b/c the relationship would be very rocky. Our relationship would have lot's of jealousy and he would become possessive of me because he would always be afraid of losing me again. He is in love with me and will always be, but DO NOT get involved with him I would cry for many nights and lot's of women are attracted to him and he loves the attention. He told me I can't change him, but I will try. He told me other readers will tell me the positive side of this relationship about the intense love the chemistry and how we are meant to be together. He said the dreams the signs everything will indicate that He is THE ONE, but its too much for Lyle to handle emotionally. I can have him and be miserable or wait for 3 years for the next (SM) and that's what he suggested I do. However, I didn't listen and well I won't go into every single detail, but he was right!

LadyVivienne- Told me that I would be caught between two (SM) and to please let Lyle go. Because once I start with him it will be difficult to end. I'm the best thing that has ever happened to him, but he is not the best thing that has happened to me. I will feel euphoric everytime I'm with him, but when he's not around I will feel so lost and empty. Do not get involved with him. He is like a drug. I didn't listen..yes he is like a drug, and I'm trying to kick the habit. Been sober for 2 months now with no communication from Lyle.

Lilane- Told me in May of last year after I called b/c Lyle and I had a fight and he stopped talking to me that I wouldn't see him at all the remainder of 2011. She was right I didn't that was the last time that I would see him in 2011. Told me it would be a year before I see him again. Well, I haven't seen him yet. Told me to date other people and not to wait on him, because I would have a mental breakdown. I did in July/August 2011 3 weeks stayed in bed crying and was depressed.

Sorche- I called her about a job. She told me that I would not get the job, every other reader told me I would. She said I would be working a ton of hours at the job I currently have and would be offered for advancement. I thought she was wrong, but yeap I spoke to her in 2010 and in 2011 I got offered another position at my current job and was working a LOT MORE

Dody- Told me not to accept the position from a female (Talked to her in May 2011)because they would offer me the position with more pay, but when I accept it the money wouldn't come in and I would be doing the work of 3 people. Well I didn't listen because my supervisor told me it was a sure thing on the raise. Then at the very last minute the funding didn't come in and I was stuck in a position working  10 to 12 hours a day traveling a lot and just overwhelmed. I didn't listen.

Lilth Morgaine- Told me I need to be careful driving b/c I would be going to court and getting traffic tickets. My driving record was superb! I laughed at her. She told me this in Dec. 2010. Well April, May, June, and July I got traffic tickets. Back to back! for everything imaginable. I had to go to court and finally got everything taken care of in January of this year!

Madeline-  I talked to her in June 2011.Told me there would be deceit involving my soulmate and money and we would break up due to this. I wouldn't find out until later. Well I found out in January2012.She said it would involve other people. She said if I forgive him then we would be back together, but to think about that in terms of marriage. She said b/c he would keep things from you as well if you were to marry. Well the deception about money came last summer. We did break up. I just found out about the deception in January, and I have not spoken to Lyle since then!

Trish Helm- Told me Lyle and I would go back and forth for months until I just finally would have enough. Told me he would see other women in the Fall of 2011 and he would be done with them in Spring of 2012 and would come back to me, but not to accept him back because he won't get his act together until his late 30's. He's now 34 and he wants me to wait around till he does. Everytime she told me that he would be out of my  life he has been. She told me he would come back in December- HE DID and then leave in January- HE DID and would be gone until a little while in the Spring -WHICH IS NOW.

Thea Wooddruff- Told me in May 2010 that if I began a relationnship with Lyle it wouldn't be under ideal conditions. He has a lot of hurt and emotional damage from as a child. It would take years to work. I would have to overcome a lot with him and compromise beyond belief. It would be very difficult. He loves you, and you love him, however she doesn't advise couples unless they are married and have kids and built a life together to go through the sort of pain and agony that she sees me going through. It's not worth it, however she told me that its my choice if I go through with it. I will not be happy. She is warning me the next 2 years will be bad with him if I do. So far she was right.

Sir Char- Told me to run the opposite direction in 2010. He said this guy will take me through pure hell Emotionally. He wants to be in my life forever, but the cost is great. Don't start a relationship with him. Just be friends. I didn't listen! He told me about (2) ther guys and what he said turned out to be correct also.

Psychic Access

Kimberly- Told me that Lyle and I will go back and forth for 6 to 8 months starting and stopping the relationship. Starting and stopping communication. That I will get sick and tired and it will literally wreak havoc on me emotionally. He won't get his act together until later. She too was right she told me this in May 2011.

California Psychics

Mona- Told me in Septemeber 2011 that this guy wants to marry me, but not right now. He will sleep with other women in the mean time. He will be in and out of my life until March of 2012 and he will come back and want to marry me suddenly and quickly. Do not try to be with him or reason with him or listen to his promises. I will be hurt. YES, she too was correct!!

Well that's my little tidbit of Readers who I wish I would have listened to, and that would have saved me some of the pain and frustration I went through over the last 2 years. I didn't and now. I realize that yes, I could have the outcome that I have wanted for so long it's my choice. I know Lyle intends on proposing, I have confirmed this. but for now I'm not accepting his calls or emails. He lives 3 hours away so I really am not concerned about him popping up just yet. He works an opposite schedule from me. His family has invited me to their home for Easter Weekend. I know what they are up too. I have told them no, they are relentless in asking me. Part of me wants to go and its taking major effort on my part not too. So for now I sit and reflect on my past and how I want my future to be different.  What readers have any of you had that you wished you listened too?

Offline Luckystar

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« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2012, 09:32:56 PM »
Hello everyone.

This message is for everyone who is a part of this website but mostly for the people who have been here since the beginning.....libra, healer, sunshinegirl, etc.....i just want to update everyone and keep it brief. I was so addicted to calling psychics in a time of pain and now i am so glad i can keep my readings to once every few months. I have read with many readers on california psychics and still to this day, the same psychics that were right for me have still been right with their predictions. This includes Jean, Seha, and Eden. Jean was better at getting an overall picture but still knew random things that would happen for me. Eden is awesome, i can't tell you how great of an empath she is and her predictions have been pretty correct as well. I know there are a few people who dont believe in Seha, but she has been correct for me on just about everything. Even her timing is unbelievable. I havent read with her since Nov. and i strongly suggest that when you find a reader or readers who seem to be accurate for you, to SPACE the readings out. Psychics have been more accurate for alot of people if they are done sporadically and not all the time. This even applies to a reader i sometimes speak with in my hometown. She is expensive and is more accurate if i only see her every six months or so. All other readers on California Psychics were either not that great or just OKAY in picking up some information. I feel like alot of them guess and play with odds according to the information given to them. I will also say that i did read with Ellen Hartwell and she was very wrong for me. Not only was she negative, but very wrong. This past winter my sm actually wanted to be back with me but i told him to TAKE A HIKE. I did this because i was trying to protect myself and walk away. It did not work though. Ellen had told me that he was going to "fall off the face of the earth"-well firstly, he couldnt do that we live in close proximity and have mutual friends. Second, he came BACK around and tried to talk me into having some sort of relationship with him. I fear that he is unwilling to completely commit at this time and so i am distancing myself. I started dating someone in december and the only person who said this would happen was Eden. I had to break it off with him because i still love my SM....but as of right now all three of those psychics still have about the same predictions for me this year. Here is to hoping for the best for everyone, i will update in the near future.

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« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 06:06:39 AM »
I completely agree about some psychics doing so much better when you do readings sporadically, especially Jean. I liked my readings with her so much that I started doing them often and she started to just become wrong, wrong, wrong. So then I completely backed off. Several months down the road, I tried her one more time. Well, hell, she predicted a job offer 4 weeks later accurately and she predicted my guy scenario accurately. I also love Eden. I just need to stop calling CA Psychics when I get into a panic...depending on the reader, I feel so stupid afterwards for wasting money. :(

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« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2012, 02:51:38 PM »
"I completely agree about some psychics doing so much better when you do readings sporadically, especially Jean. I liked my readings with her so much that I started doing them often and she started to just become wrong, wrong, wrong. So then I completely backed off. Several months down the road, I tried her one more time. Well, hell, she predicted a job offer 4 weeks later accurately and she predicted my guy scenario accurately. I also love Eden. I just need to stop calling CA Psychics when I get into a panic...depending on the reader, I feel so stupid afterwards for wasting money. "

Both Jean and Eden have been correct for me. Jean was much better the first few times i called her, but maybe that was because i started calling her more frequently. Eden has been one of the only CP readers who has been consistently correct for me with specific predictions.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 02:53:50 PM by Luckystar »

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« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2012, 04:01:40 AM »
is this the Eden you are talking about?

Psychic Eden ext. 5259


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« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2012, 06:37:39 AM »
Lucky -
I envy you  :) I, too, have read with Seha, Jean & Eden.  I absolutely loved Seha's disposition, the warmth in her voice and her analogies.  I actually read with her twice in 2011 (spring & summer).  Both times, she didn't waiver in her predictions, but regretfully, none of them came to pass - she had predicted July and October (2011) timeframes.

I read with Eden in Jan 2012 and she really impressed me with nailing my SM's personality & how we met.  However, she told me it's a matter of "when" and not "if" for us.  She told me that the summer is important and that June would be a turning point.  Regretfully, nothing.  She even gave me a career prediction which also didn't pan out.  I enjoyed the reading with her b/c she seemed truly geniune in her approach.

I read with Jean in the tailend of April 2012.  She was quick and said that SM & I are apart now b/c he's learning lessons and he & I have a karmic past.  She saw us getting married and that we just got off track.  She even made a reference to something like I've done "time in the classroom, received the education and now I'm awaiting the grade." (not sure what all that means!)  She told me that May 24-25 is when we'd see eachother and that things will go from a standstill to moving forward.  Again, unfortunately, nothing came to pass.

Oh, how I wish Seha's vision came true.  She gave me the most beautiful analogy (she said that I need to have blind faith and that if my SM & I weren't going to be together, then it didn't make sense for her to tell me to wait).  She said that he's catching his breath, like he's been through a war, but there is energy around him and that our situation is like a cake that is baking in the oven.  There's nothing I can do except wait, just like you have to wait for the cake to fully bake in an oven.  She said that she saw me going on in my life and his hand seemlessly coming into mine.

A couple of times I have thought of calling Eden again; for a couple of reasons.  I know that you (Lucky) have been a huge advocate of hers.  Also, I must say, she was precise in her description of how we met and the circumstances surrounding that (which albeit is unique & no reader has gotten that).  So, I believe there is a gift.  I've only had one reading with her so I can't say that it didn't pan out b/c I've had multiple readings (I know some of you were referencing that).  When you had predictions pan out with Eden (or even Jean), was it from stuff she had told you in your initial reading with her?

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« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2012, 03:22:08 PM »
When you had predictions pan out with Eden (or even Jean), was it from stuff she had told you in your initial reading with her?

You know i am not sure if the actual predictions were all from initial readings but i will say i think my initial readings with them were the best. All three of those readers got a few things right, which were either detaild or specific enough to know that they were not guessing or making something up.

*Before reading this please note that most CP readers are fairytale readers*
With Seha, she got the timing right on the end of a relationship, she was correct about my number being blocked on someones phone, and she was correct about me initially not liking a new job that i had gotten. She also said "i am getting alot of sexual energy between you two" in regards to the guy i was a mess over. Well that is how we initially connected, we were VERY physical with each other, and there were a few other little things she said that made me think she was a pretty good empath.

With Jean, she was only right about a few things, and most of the time they were random. She knew that something big, she called it an "icebreaker" was coming in Nov. of 2010 and that is when things blew up between my guy and the girl he had a relationship with at the time. Then when i called her in Dec. i was sort interested in another guy and she told me i was going to see him the weekend before christmas. Well, i thought she was making that up because i hardly ever saw this guy.....but sure enough he took an extra ticket that a friend of ours had and came to a hockey game with a group of our friends. She was also the only one who told me i would not get the job at the company my cousin worked at. She said "no i see you working with a different company, and i see you working independently"-she was correct on those things.

With Eden, some of the very words out of her mouth have been said to me by the people i asked her about. She is one of the best empaths IMO. She just can tap into others' feelings. In my first reading with her i asked her about my guy and his current relationship (he dated someone immediately after trying to cut me out of his life). The first thing she said was "did this girl just re-locate?" She had JUST moved back up to Canada after being here in the states for school. She basically told me that he thought he really liked her but realized that he had much stronger feelings for me so he was coming back. I asked her about my ex-boyfriend and she said "well you wouldn't marry him would you? I am picking up a more mature energy here and it seems as if he is older"- my ex was 2 years older than me, and he had talked about getting married but i knew i didn't want to marry him at the end of our relationship. Fast forward into Nov. 2010 when the mess happened and the girlfriend found out he was texting me all the time and wanting to meet up with me (all the while kept her as a safety net in case i hurt his feelings, which happened several times). I told him i didn't want anything to do with him for trying to keep her on the side and come back to me, i was not having it. So then he blocks my number, and a few weeks later i called Eden again (by the way, during this time i was going insane and i called Abrielle, Alison, and all those other "great" CP psychics). So Eden tells me that he isn't that interested in her but she is doing a great job of distracting him so he will stay in the relationship but in the end the "ball will be in my court" and he will "feel like an idiot" break up about 4 months later and he slowly starts trying to talk to me and in a conversation i ask him what the hell he was thinking and he just says  "I am an idiot." Since then we have been back and forth. When i called Eden in March (this year) after i broke up with a different guy (i dated someone from Dec.2011-March 2012), i was still missing him so i asked her if i would see him when we had a mutual friend come in town. She said if i saw him it would be at a sports bar. A week later we were at sports bar. Then i called her in April and she said that he would reach out to me "on a trip in June"....well guys, i took a trip to Florida with my family this June and he started texting me again while i was there!!. Anyways, she said this would be a long process but that she thought we would end up getting together in the end and said she felt marriage energy.

I still have yet to see a solid effort from him towards a reconnection (most of it is because he just isn't ready to be serious apparently-his words). My thing is, after going through all of that bull and feeling so depressed, why should i wait until he feels it is time? I have a hard time dealing with the fact that he isn't afraid to lose me to another guy. Eden said he was jealous but that he would never admit it, but would think that if a guy really really doesn't want to lose that connection that he would step up somehow. So in the meantime, i have been dating a few guys and exploring my options. I'd be lying if i said i didn't think about him everyday though.

P.S. It should be mentioned here that Eden is the only CP reader that i use now, even though Seha and Jean got a few things correct.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 06:00:31 PM by Luckystar »