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Cindy Dubray

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@kandyna hahahhaha I hope not, because if that's the case, then I've been bamboozled LOL


--- Quote from: kandyna on September 06, 2024, 05:19:05 PM ---is this self promoting? lol JK maybe :D

--- End quote ---

Definitely not, I’m a real customer. I can send screenshots if need be.  I found her by mistake actually. I was going to get a reading from Abundant Visions originally. Because I’m on her mailing list and she sends free minutes. She wasn’t available and I saw I had some money left in my click4advisor account so I just looked around for someone online and Cindy seemed interesting so I picked her.

I read with her about a job situation (she gave me 2/3 for financial improvement and 2 for new position) and a POI situation. Not sure if she was right about POI - we were due to meet up next week and she said he was all over the place but would be happy to hear from me and to just go ahead and ask.. but she didn’t give me any outcome on that. Well we are not able to meet up bc he says he can’t (not sure if he’s actually busy or just being an ass) and I laid into him so idk about that one 😂😂
It’s okay

But let’s see on the job!

Hey guys! The one that read with her… how long after you see the sunflower your contact happened.
So today I visited a new city, without any knowledge of how the city looks like or what it produces, I went across a field full is sunflowers.
I got freezes 🥶
Can someone enlighten me


--- Quote from: Florallover87 on September 07, 2024, 05:42:04 PM ---Hey guys! The one that read with her… how long after you see the sunflower your contact happened.
So today I visited a new city, without any knowledge of how the city looks like or what it produces, I went across a field full is sunflowers.
I got freezes 🥶
Can someone enlighten me

--- End quote ---

When I first saw a sunflower contact was maybe in an hour or 2. But now I’ve been seeing sunflowers in the weirdest spots almost daily. So I’m not sure if that means more to come or I’m just now reading into it too hard now? lol


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