Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Cindy Dubray

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So Kika asked if the reader mentioned something about a sunflower then sarah says OMG-she told me about a sunflower... Ummmm.... what up with that?

Once u see the sunflower on anything that's when communication is going to happen. She gave me a time frame.

Oh, okay. How detailed was your answer to 1 question? Not asking for details of the reading-just was it worth $25.

--- Quote from: kika on September 06, 2024, 01:28:59 AM ---Once u see the sunflower on anything that's when communication is going to happen. She gave me a time frame.

--- End quote ---

She did not know I was going on a trip. She just happened to bring it up, and she did not know my birthday either. I feel like she did give me a 2 on contact timeframe… AND she did bring up the sunflower. I mean, I still saw one… but I have a real issue with psychics who tell people the same thing? Now I don’t think I do want to try her again lmao.

If the prediction happens I will update it. She stated 2/3 days or weeks and months. Pending at this moment.


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