Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions >

Lorrie C

<< < (5/8) > >>

Update: Part 2 was would my guy pick me up from the airport or see me upon my return from the holidays. Her answer for the airport was "maybe". He did not pick me up. However, he did come over one hour later and was as she had described very happy to see me and expressing all the feelings of missing me, attachment, etc!

So awesome! Hopeful for her predictions for me. We’ll see.

--- Quote from: poorprincess on January 05, 2025, 03:58:48 PM ---Update: Part 2 was would my guy pick me up from the airport or see me upon my return from the holidays. Her answer for the airport was "maybe". He did not pick me up. However, he did come over one hour later and was as she had described very happy to see me and expressing all the feelings of missing me, attachment, etc!

--- End quote ---

Any updates?

Seems this reader is good for relationship/empath readings only?

I have a prediction pending for 2-3days and then more to come "near future". I'll be back!

Honestly, seems like she's 50/50 for you (and that's generous) and I don't see how that's helpful because life in general can go one way or the other. We know this and look to "readers"  to provide insight. Doesn't seem like you'v gotten that, but continue to give credit when it's really not due.


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