Notacrystalfreak- I think maybe it was one of those moments where I was supposed to go with my intuition and not rely on what 'some' cards tell me.. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for my tarot cards, they have been with me since I were a kid, but they were totally wrong on this... I could have studied for free, but instead I chose a university that I ended up hating and took out a huge student loan, while my degree is useless... but, I was very young then and did not quite understand the consequences of my actions.

something similar happened when I needed to choose some sub tenants for a flat I was living in- I listened to the cards when my intuition was saying something else- and cards ended up being wrong... I have since then gone with my intuition where it feels strong and only read own tarot sporadically where I feel like I need guidance. Not sure if this makes sense. Sometimes we have the answers within us, we just need to listen. That's just my opinion though of course