Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions >
LOL! I wouldn't read with anyone who actually chose to call themselves that....
--- Quote from: Beans9224 on January 04, 2025, 05:57:23 PM ---Definitely not a real name lol.
I read with her twice, once I asked specific questions and the other I asked for a general read. I had called from a different account on the second call so there was no way to associate the two. I asked about reconciliation with my former POI and she said there would be a reconciliation, there wasn’t. We broke up. She picked up this same POI in the second reading months later and without me asking about reconciliation she said there wouldn’t be. She then picked up a new guy coming in but literally described my old POI. I think she is really great with past and present (lots of details) but future is still pending. Her new predictions sound like they are very future predictions as far as new guy and career. I have a feeling she is like Mattie or Yona seeing years out but she is too new to see how accurate these future predictions are.
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