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Has anyone read with Cashew? I just read with her and she was incredible, I’ve read with all the top rated psychics and she has been the most realistic with her predictions and the information just flows and flows. So many details. I always appreciate when a psychic can flow with no information from me and get so many details right. I’m wondering what others have experienced with her.

How long did it take for you to be able to get into her queue? She looks to be full up/6 people in the queue currently. I'm hoping to give her a try.

I somehow found an opening, got in, but then it bumped me to 8th in queue (didn’t even know there was an eighth slot). Not sure if this was a glitch

I read with her and can agree she’s absolutely one of the realist readers , up there with Mattie . All I gave her was a name and from there she knew exactly why I called her and gather everything I was not even expecting to receive. She was really good and now it’s just for the prediction to play out as she says.

I'm glad to hear she's been so good for everyone! I'm hopeful/optimistic. I was able to get an appointment for 1am tonight  ;D I'm off work at 11:30pm so it's no big thing; not sure where she's located but I figured why not, let's try her out.


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