Hi all 👋🏼
Made a few calls recently with Venus, Charlotte, Jeremiah, Millie & Callie. Have scoured the boards and looked for recent updates and found some info but was hoping I could reach out for additional updates on predictions.
I read with Jeremiah and Callie in the past, many years ago. Callie had made contact predictions that didn’t happen and I think she also made positive predictions about my POI at that time that never happened. Jeremiah I think was a good empath for me at the time but I can’t seem to find any notes on predictions of contact at that time.
None of the others were even available that long ago.
FYI also I read with lots of others long ago and ultimately my POI and I never spoke again. That was 6 years ago. There was never any contact at all even for closure even though most predicted at least some form of contact after some time. Including Mattie and Skye. Skye still I think was really great RIP.
Looking back Leo was really the one who was like nope. You’re never going to hear from him again. Maybe after a year or so but why wait for that? That’s what I have in my notes about him. But no more Leo on the site! I found some info on here about what people thought was him but I can’t be sure. Just wondering if anyone remembers him or knows for sure. He also wouldn’t read for me again when I called again because he said he couldn’t pick anything up which I thought seemed more ethical.
Anyway for now ….
I’m in a better place emotionally I think in that I’m not “binge” calling nearly like I have in the past. I feel much better about letting go of outcome. But still wanted to speak with those that might have a real gift.
So for my current POI, Venus and Charlotte both predicted very fast contact. Like this week. But I know about not trusting timing. Jeremiah predicted contact by towards the end of September. Most of the ones I’ve talked to predicted contact no later than end of Sept (including others from other platforms). So I won’t have too too long to see if that comes about. Those that leaned negative were very much coming from a place of “he’ll contact you but I would advise against ….” As in they saw him contacting me and then they gave their spin and advice on what they would recommend vs it being a solid prediction. So I kind of put that aside as I’m trying to focus on the present and opening up to the possibility of things changing.
Millie is new but I really enjoyed her reading overall. She took a lot of time to tune in but at her rate I’m okay with that and I really think it takes time to really connect. She was very, very on point with his behavior and character and what happened. But she was very much like “don’t get involved with this guy because he has issues”. Which again was very like more like a counselor and telling me I deserved better etc. Which is lovely and very kind and I know she was trying to be helpful but at the same time left me feeling like okay, well, I’m a big girl I can make these decisions as they come. I wanted to be like thanks but please don’t fill my head with negative assumptions when nothing has even happened yet.
I swear I shouldn’t even ask about future when I call but somehow I always end up asking.
Anyway any updates anyone has about these readers would be great please