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Inner Angel

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any updates on this reader? I have recently read with her. I read much less these days (0 readings in September, yay! One in August... three in October... ) and enjoy spending my money on all sorts of other things ... but I couldn't help but call in October, even though three readings is still kinda OK..  I liked her, but cannot validate anything as of yet. She was very nice and did not deliver any fairytales.

Hi TulipsAndSunflowers

I had liked my reading with her as well. She had picked up the situation and the current energy really well. However my prediction is still pending so cannot validate that. It seems like most readers can real read the present energy if they are really good and may be a little into the immediate future. No one can really see the whole picture, can they?

When is your prediction due? Glad you liked reading with her. I should be able to update in couple of months or so. 🙏🤞

I think sometimes they can see the whole picture, although it’s probably not always possible. Not sure, but I believe that where something is REALLY meant to be, the gifted ones can see it. Like yes, you’ll get this job or you’ll marry this person because that’s meant to be - then a good psychic will see that. But maybe they can’t always see what isn’t set in stone in the future / like for instance,  we may get together with our ex for a short period of time, but it’ll then fall apart again anyway - so they might see that it won’t work out as a solid relationship, but might not be able to see that there will still be a small romance between us down  the line … the things where we do have a free will. That’s just my opinion though, I don’t quite know for sure :)
I still think that there are a lot of fakes,  and those who have a gift but only see the present and not the big picture tho.

Thanks Tulip. My prediction is  rather long term- 6 months or so. However some developments are due end of this year so will see. Yes that is my concept of a real psychic, that they should be able to see the end. But most of those who I come across say free will influences what they see. All the best for your outcomes!

Please do come and update! If you’d be comfortable to share more via pm, that would be great. Hope things work out for you!


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