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Yes she was wrong for me too on all I asked her about recently - career, POIs.. I don’t get her reviews?

Went on a date recently and she told me there would be a timing issue - that he or I would be late

I think she does that, acts all very confident and then her predictions don’t pass. She’s probably gotten 2 or 3 out of 10 right after me spending $500 with her across keen and bitwine.

And lol a timeline expert but can’t even get a short term prediction like how a date will go correctly. Sorry you wasted your $$ too.

I honestly think she might inflate her reviews or something idk. I will say I have left 1 good review with her on bitwine but it was when she got something minor right and I’m sure others do the same but she probably starts being wrong for them too.

Idk why she thinks she’s worthy of her price though.

These were exactly my feelings too when I read with her around July of last year! She provided no validation or details in her reading and was wrong on predictions too! She told me she was not a remote viewer but then gave me physical descriptions, job designation of someone I would meet before a certain date in September 2024, which ofcourse never happened.

I was suspicious of the feedback on other platforms outside of Keen. Someone posted on Reddit I think that she is the only Keen advisor who is the most accurate! We know that this is not true. I felt she may have planted that comment herself or via a close contact.
Given what she charges she should be able to make predictions which are 100%correct, especially the timelines!

I wish I had spent that kind of money on Mattie back then!


--- Quote from: SGVues on February 25, 2025, 10:48:40 AM ---These were exactly my feelings too when I read with her around July of last year! She provided no validation or details in her reading and was wrong on predictions too! She told me she was not a remote viewer but then gave me physical descriptions, job designation of someone I would meet before a certain date in September 2024, which ofcourse never happened.

I was suspicious of the feedback on other platforms outside of Keen. Someone posted on Reddit I think that she is the only Keen advisor who is the most accurate! We know that this is not true. I felt she may have planted that comment herself or via a close contact.
Given what she charges she should be able to make predictions which her 100%correct, especially the timelines!

I wish I had spent that kind of money on Mattie back then!

--- End quote ---

She is RIDICULOUSLY expensive for what she is !


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