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But that's her "specialty"... ;)

--- Quote from: ANF353 on July 28, 2024, 09:16:36 PM ---I’ve spoken to her a few times and she has never been correct, especially on timing.

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Her reviews are wild. She seems quite popular

Charging $20 a minute is just disgusting. She's online 24 hrs a day .. seems shady af.

It's not ideal. The last advisor I spoke with on Keen shared that the platform is taking something like 60% of what they charge just trying to make a decent wage. Sucks for everyone-readers and clients. The ones who have been charging 50-60 per minute from day one? I honestly don't know who pays that kind of money.

--- Quote from: TulipsAndSunflowers on July 29, 2024, 01:54:40 AM ---Charging $20 a minute is just disgusting. She's online 24 hrs a day .. seems shady af.

--- End quote ---

lol I honestly can’t believe I paid that price at one time but she was right! She told me the following  just by names:

“Well if you guys are not already going through a little bit of a stagnant period, I want you to expect that to happen”. She was right, at the time I got this reading we hadn’t talked since March 31st and that was when I met his family and he went ghost.

She said “I fully expect things to re-harmonize between the two of you within the next 14 so that’s within the next 14 days or one to four weeks” … it took 4 weeks for him to reach out again from this date smh.

She also said “But before we get to that point, I do want you to expect a little bit of an emotional roller coaster with quite a few periods of hot and cold, and moment in which he seems almost withdrawn completely”. True…

Said he was hyper focused on finances and relationships aren’t the forefront of his thinking… I can’t verify this because when he came back he didn’t explain what happened just apologized, said he was wrong, flew me out to make up for things.

She also said “you should know though that in 2024 you will be presented with a couple of other options that are very well suited for you not only energetically But also from Love language, perspective and communication perspective will be very well suited for you” I am currently talking to two other men besides him so she was right about that. I ended up having options. Both of them are definitely better than him in regards to communication.

Was she right about all of this? YEA but would I spend $20 a minute again? Absolutely not 😭 I’m sorry… that’s just ridiculous. Not for a man anyway but maybe for career predictions idk.


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