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--- Quote from: Novachild1018 on September 19, 2024, 05:42:23 PM --- :) I was reflecting on other points that were left in this thread if you were paying attention and I started off with your comment since you had very potent statements on the subject.
Again, just because an expert isn’t getting your situation right doesn’t mean they are not an expert. When you can find a psychic that is your delusional definition of an expert for everyone on this forum please post a thread so everyone can read with them and get their timelines accurate since that is what will happen. I would really love that so everyone can just stick to that one psychic and will never have to waste money on other keen advisors again. I totally agree that we can differing opinions though, good luck!

--- Quote from: sai07 on September 19, 2024, 04:57:40 PM ---
--- Quote from: Novachild1018 on September 19, 2024, 02:29:09 PM ---lol…an expert is just someone who has extensive knowledge or ability on something. An expert doesn’t mean you’re 100% one should simply put 100%of their faith into a psychic that’s crazy. If we are doing comparing and contrasting even the quote on quote top “psychics/readers” like Queen of cups and cookie and Barbara have still been wrong for people despite them being called the best of the best on Keen.

As much as it may seem like it, this forum isn’t the majority. Just like I was told by previous psychics something as small as continuing to get readings and obsessing over a timeline after someone provides you with one can change the outcome.

And again, nothing in her profile says specializing in general reads or remote viewing nor does it say anything about guaranteed. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend anyone get a reading on a future person coming into their life because it makes no sense to obsess about a person coming who you don’t even know yet. Plus free will accounts for a majority of that. You can actually be set to meet someone at a grocery store and end up stopping for gas before you go and then you end up missing that chance. But those are just my two cents, the good thing is everyone has the right to do what they want to do.

--- Quote from: sai07 on September 19, 2024, 03:47:10 AM ---
--- Quote from: Novachild1018 on September 18, 2024, 03:55:34 AM ---
She’s also been a reader since 2006 so it would make sense why she has tons of readings. If you search her name, someone even gave her great feedback on Reddit which is not even a psychic review site so she works for some people.

I also think people should wait for a timeline to pass before claiming someone is not gifted. If one psychic says someone is not going to reach out and you would need to reach out and then other psychics say he will reach out by a certain timeline…wait until the other psychics timeline and see if what they say is correct.

If by that time your POI didn’t reach out then you ultimately can say that the psychic who said POI wasn’t going to reach out was correct.

--- Quote from: sai07 on September 18, 2024, 01:05:20 AM ---I don’t think she’s gifted tbh, the number of positive reviews vs total readings is not a great ratio.
Also not being able to connect with you vs not a very gifted reader - there has to be a correlation in some cases.

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Her timeline failed for me. If we go by the rationale that timing is fluid and psychics don’t connect with everyone - she shouldn’t be advertising that she’s a timeline expert. That’s false advertising and it’s taking advantage of people, especially those newer to psychics.

Also the description she gave me of my potential person, which btw never happened, was total garbage.

I’m sorry to disagree with you but I feel everyone has a right to know both if a reader did work or did not work so that they have all the information before spending time and money on a reader.

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I think we are on different pages. Also I never asked her for a reading on a mysterious stranger, it just came up. I am not obsessing on timelines. I am actually on my way off of psychics and dealing with things in a healthier way. I think she's not a good "psychic" and that's just my take. An expert gets things wrong only so many times. That said, there's no point going back and forth on this tbh. Your opinion and mine just will not line up.

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The use of the word expert sounds ridiculous in this context. But yeah, good luck.

Update: she was so on point again. Here’s our chat transcript:

 Alexa Bloome
well we do see some ups and downs no doubt
Sep 14, 2024   21:33 PM 
  Alexa Bloome
but overall i would say yes

  Sep 14, 2024   21:33 PM 
  Alexa Bloome
good good

  Sep 14, 2024   21:33 PM 
Do you know where the ups and down refer to
Sep 14, 2024   21:33 PM 
  Alexa Bloome
well yes one coming upi before Oct 4th - little wrinkle a few days worth of

  Sep 14, 2024   21:34 PM 
  Alexa Bloome
nothing to write home about though

  Sep 14, 2024   21:34 PM 
Ahhh will it be from his side or will i be upset

  Sep 14, 2024   21:34 PM 
  Alexa Bloome
I honestly think it's a little bit of the both I'm seeing people dancing tango, so I believe both of you will be a little moody and kind of take it out on one another

Well…it’s Oct 4, POI called me on the phone because he’s been asking to see eachother. Some of us message privately so some of you guys know that I’ve been worried about letting POI back in fully and I’m worried he could ghost again so I’ve been saying IDK, basically putting it off. Our convo on the phone was basically him saying it’s hard for him to make up for things since we’re long distance if I’m not allowing him to prove his actions in person. He said he was willing to just fly in and do dinner no expectations but he wasn’t going to force me and is willing to be patient. But on the phone we’re talking and he said he doesn’t give mind giving me space because he’s not clingy and I told him I like clingy in a joking manner. He then said he’s only clingy when he’s in a relationship or really likes someone. We kept conversing and I ignored that but then we got off the phone and I got really upset.

This was the text I sent:
Hey, thinking about our conversation today and I think you said some things that clarified that I had more respect and care for you than you did/do for me. I want to be around someone who genuinely likes me and can just match my energy of respect, care and honesty. I think it's best if we just stop talking altogether so you can focus on pursuing something that aligns with what you genuinely want
I do not take for granted our memories for sure though and I appreciate our time together always

He responded:
I don't necessarily think that's true and I'm sorry if what I said didn't come off correctly but I respect you and want you to ultimately make decisions that you feel are best for you so if you feel like I hold no value in your life that's your decision. I do love and care about you and hope one day l'll have an opportunity to really show you that. Always here for you no matter what.

So she was definitely right about us having this downward but I’m not sure if it’s just a wrinkle. I’m really upset and I probably sent the message impulsively but idk. Her prediction for a relationship said 3 months but idk if i can wait that long nor do I want to be disappointed. That comment really made me mad and I know he has a habit of saying things and it coming out wrong but still…idk

Sorry for the venting session but I’m still in awe on how she predicted this. I couldn’t even predict this, things were fine so far.

Interesting to see how some readers work so well for some and just not at all for others!

Agree! I wish I knew the secret recipe as to why that happens. It’s definitely always a gamble when trying to find that one psychic that gets it right.

--- Quote from: Dejatu on October 04, 2024, 05:05:06 PM ---Interesting to see how some readers work so well for some and just not at all for others!

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I feel like she is really fast though which I like and also didn't me fairytale ... said there's 30% chance pio will reach out by so ans do..but I don't vouch for that..bc it's just 30% and sure enough it hasn't happened..she has mix reviews and also too expensive for me.


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