Bitwine individually directly pays the psychic upfront. Whatever you didn’t spend is refunded back into your card 15-20 min later. This would be a per min rate, usually which agreed upon before the start of the reading. A timer will also be set and you can see that number go down, along with the amount of initially money added.
Advisors can also charge per “deal” at their own set price like $10 for 1 question or 5 min for $20; usually it’s under their deals. Some advisors there are quite “odd” or “niche”
These are some notable mentions:
Autumn Rivers -she charges per 3 question or 5 questions. So it doesn’t “flow” but can take 5 min or 20 min; and I can never understand how to ask clarification questions. She usually prefers to end once she gives an answer.
Miss Ann- generally charges per card spread
MusicalTarot by ElegantWarrior- charges per song with reading.
Terry Mitchell- charges per future event. And no questions.
So bitwine seems to allow advisor be very specific but it attracts a lot of odd ways of readings via their deals
The timer is then turned off on their end, so you won’t see a number go down, with the amount you put down- BUT this is where an advisor can rip a customer off if there is a disconnection with internet and/or they can not give the full deal they promised… there are some notable offenders who do do this intentionally.
If you were charged the per min rate it will refund back