Author Topic: Fiverr Readers part 2  (Read 2928 times)

Offline Frideswide

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Fiverr Readers part 2
« on: February 13, 2023, 11:38:44 PM »
Here is part 2

Mathgus: told me I needed a positive mindset and I was too paranoid. If I wasn't so paranoid, my POI and I would have a great relationship. That person, I found out months later, had lied to me about being married with children. I would not recommend

Me_and_Jupiter: this person's reading was not accurate

Happyspace: she has her own form of reading playing cards which she calls tzeka and she was brutally honest about my POI. Looking back, the cards were very accurate so I would recommend her.

Africanseer, unfortunately, this person is no longer active but he did say if I pursue the relationship with POI it would only cause me pain and suffering. This turned out to be true

Heychrisfox: provided a positive outcome for a relationship that ended badly after the reading

A nightlight: she is a reader who needs a back story and needs to know all the details before conducting the reading. Unfortunately, since the POI had been lying to me (I thought we were in a long distance relationship when we were not) the reading was also effected but I think a good card reader would be able to pick up that the person was being dishonest
She provided a prediction based on her opinion of long distance relationships basically, so I wouldn't use this reader again

Andehardy: I think this reader is legit as it was accurate
They predicted we would lose interest in each other. I did after he came back and tried to cause me problems, they did predict he would end up viewing me as a mean person, which is true and I hope he continues to feel that way

Kasjay: this is an astrologer who basically downloads a generic transit report from a computer program. I can do that myself and save $5. I would not recommend their astrology reports

LunaMoon98, she is a lenormand reader but I don't think a very good one as her reading was far from accurate.

Mahakala97, I would not recommend
They offer cheap readings then try to sucker you in by saying if you don't do this or that ritual or spell, you will not get your partner back and then will try to offer you an expensive ritual

Ciganaaurora, she predicted that "jealousy" would effect our relationship in the future and if I cut out the jealousy then we can have a good relationship. I later found out that this guy I was seeing was married and was fooling several other vulnerable single women. So, she was accurate that there would be jealousy but I don't think it was unwarranted or that I was the problem

Begum_Farhat: nothing she said came to pass

applejenny: not accurate

Golden_Astraea: not accurate for me

GypsyJanine: she described a fairytale which did not come true

Sarahwooldridge: I ordered a general 3 month reading ahead and none of the predictions happened or made any sense

Mojovibes: I have had a few readings with her
I don't think she is accurate after all. She will always say your ex has moved on and there is a new great guy you will meet in the fall. I did another reading for a different person of interest 1 year later and she said the same thing. She is basically just a wannabe therapist.

Lurifel: she was oddly accurate but is no longer active

Omanpsychic: they provide general cookie cutter responses based on the tarot from a generated report. You can get the same thing for free on a Tarot app. I would not recommend

Frankiegurl, she was accurate but unfortunately, no longer active

EmpathicMel: I was seeing good reviews for her so I tried her, unfortunately, nothing she predicted came to pass. She is really sweet though and maybe she will work for someone else.

DebbieDuncan2, she weirded me out because I do think she is tuning into something. She did give me an LOA ritual for free and it did work but with negative consequences
You get what you wish for
So yes, she is accurate but her advice is bad or she is talking to bad spirits that provide bad advice. I dunno
Try her at your own risk

Pisces02, she predicted we would get back together but he would only want to meet up for sex. This did not pan out but I do think she is a good empath and picked up POI true intentions

Giftedbeam, she is gifted, however, I would not ask her for a specific person reading, I think just let her speak based on whatever info comes to her. I asked about my boyfriend and she read from his picture
Instead she triggered me as she was repeating everything a bully boss I had at work at the time had said to me that day and the week prior. I don't think she picked up my POI at all but my boss, even if was not her intention.

I have pending predictions so will be providing feedback. I like to wait a year or two.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2023, 11:42:42 PM by Frideswide »

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Fiverr Readers part 2
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2023, 06:35:08 PM »
What happened to ladygoldenangel?

Offline Frideswide

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Re: Fiverr Readers part 2
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2023, 04:14:15 AM »
I never heard of her.

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Fiverr Readers part 2
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2025, 11:40:56 AM »
Sarahwooldridge - too much filler. I didnt realize it at the time but she says 1 prediction then the rest is filler

