Author Topic: Donna Rose  (Read 362 times)

Offline gemmaasks

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Donna Rose
« on: June 29, 2024, 04:22:04 AM »
I've started to read with Donna Rose back in 2017 due to some work place issues and boys issues. At first, she gave realistic readings and was right on few things with feelings and actions. Her predictions on when "I will meet the one" has never came true though. But I would say she was a good empath for me in the beginning. Beginning of 2024, I read with her about a poi. She told me that he changed his mind about me and decided to pursue someone else. I was shocked because the poi and I were actively dating in fall of 2023. Granted, he wanted to stop dating and wanted to be FWB in Nov 2023 because he wanted to focus on school and he was very depressed. My poi came back in Jan 2024 on his own. We still hang out from time to time right now.

 Anyways, Donna rose gave me this whole story about him changing his mind and wants another girl. However, this girl has her eyes on another man so she's going to reject him.

I decide to have a reading on this poi with Cleo at California psychic. And she picked up almost the exact same things that Donna Rose was picking up on. I did tell Cleo that another psychic told me he decided to pursue someone else and I wanted to know if that was true. They both picked up number 3. This girl has her eyes on someone else. My poi is going to be in a dark place. So yes, I was gutted to hear my poi didn't choose me.

Ive come to realized over the years that there were a handful of predictions that Donna Rose missed like how she didn't think I wasn't gonna get let go from a job but I ultimately did. There were a couple of guys that I asked about before I went out on a date with them. She always picked up positively then once I give her some info, the readings alway turn to he's never ready, he has committed issues, etc. Some even ghosted me before the date.

Have you guys had a reading with Donna Rose where you thought she might be making up stories to keep you on the line/add money? OR have experienced 2 different psychics give you the same exact story but turn out to be false/all made up?

Offline Sasha414

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Re: Donna Rose
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2024, 10:46:35 AM »
Too many times! I posted why I found this form on the home page but truly if you are searching, Starman is the place! His  approach is flawless. He is a busy man but very flexible in his scheduling! I also love that I can get a reading right away
In a queue or schedule for a specific time. I hope you find the one that is just right for you!

Offline gemmaasks

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Re: Donna Rose
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2024, 11:17:00 PM »
Thank you for the recommendation. Unfortunately, his prediction didn't come true for me before.

Offline Sasha414

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Re: Donna Rose
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2024, 10:30:50 PM »
That's unfortunate. Do you think some people can read for some but not others? I've always wondered this myself, but truly have no understanding. My family and friends are very against readings so I don't really have anyone to talk to about this. I joined to understand others and was not welcomed very well. Lol

Offline Sasha414

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Re: Donna Rose
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2024, 10:33:19 PM »
Also have you tried Lolas Love Tarot on Purple Ocean/Garden? She is my fave woman reader. She makes me feel comfortable, and she was the most honest about the fact that it was going to be a long time before things changed. 

Offline gemmaasks

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Re: Donna Rose
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2024, 11:40:05 PM »
Yes, I truly do believe some readers connect better compare to others. I think the red flags are when they started to give you a cold general reading. My biggest mistakes when reading is I tend to give them too much info because I was trying to explain myself about the situation. Now, I just say No or yes, that's correct.

Have you had a reading with Donna Rose before?

Offline Sasha414

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Re: Donna Rose
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2024, 11:53:38 PM »
I have not read with Donna Rose but I have Cleo. That's what brought me to your comment. I have tried PO, Meet Your Psychic, California Psychics and truly found that as I spent money and more money I needed to take a huge step away. I like hearing from a few different people because I want to see that they align. I'm very uneducated when it comes to what to ask or say for psychics or astrology when I first started getting readings it was bad, bad and more bad I didn't even know what to believe, I feel like some of them ruined things for me. I had to just believe what was meant to be would be.

Offline Sasha414

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Re: Donna Rose
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2024, 11:59:31 PM »
But now I have a couple people that work for me. I think what I am struggling with is when people have not worked well with my people and then my brain starts to stray. I know the mind is a powerful thing so I try not to spend to much of my energy wondering or doubting.

Offline gemmaasks

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Re: Donna Rose
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2024, 06:18:17 AM »
Im happy to share more of my experience in a message here. I want to keep this thread clean just for Donna Rose as she is getting very popular on Keen (5 stars). I really hope people share their experiences about her.