Author Topic: Psychicangel1  (Read 229 times)

Offline Novachild1018

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« on: June 23, 2024, 12:29:43 AM »
Has anyone read with this reader?

I was looking back at my chat history from 2023 from this guy I was dating before and she was so accurate now that I’m looking back.

So in 2023, I was dealing with this guy and we never made it official but we were casually seeing eachother for months. I asked about his thoughts about me/our connection and the future of the connection. This is what she told me:

“so, it feels pretty slow to me, mostly he is unsure how much and how far he wants to go into a more committed thing. he has also had another girl, he spoke with in january, but they did not sleep 2 gether, and it through him off course a bit, they did not continue. but it through his ideas off course . and made him doubt more. in my reading, i would not count on him moving quick to next level“

This was crazy because I didn’t know about another girl during January (thought he was exclusively seeing me) but when I got the reading, I was aware he was talking to other girls because a girl called his phone while I was with him so I was gonna ask her if there was another girl in his life next but she beat me to it. She picked up on all that info without me giving nothing but names and our status.

Has anyone else read with her? Was she accurate for you? I also got another reading today since she was spot on the last time but her predictions are much more longer (late 2025???) so idk…