Author Topic: Spirituality/Faith  (Read 4532 times)

Offline sai07

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« on: June 22, 2024, 05:46:06 PM »
Hi all, I didn't know where to post this.

Also please note that if this triggers you, kindly do not engage. I respect everyone's individual thoughts/ beliefs. This is only if you relate/resonate.

As I move away from psychic readings, I want to lean more on faith. But the truth is, I feel very scattered. It has just been so disappointing - the entire thing - the journey with POI - I love someone very toxic - that I feel like very disconnected from faith atm, but I do know I need to get back on track. Anyways, as a way of coping, I want to move more towards faith. I realize everyone has different belief systems but I would love to hear about how you moved closer to your faith/beliefs.

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Spirituality/Faith
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2024, 06:09:30 PM »
Hey Sai,

No step you take is too small when it comes to getting closer to God. The beautiful thing about God is that he meets us where we are and when we are ready, never forcing himself onto us. Know that there is no wrong or right way to do this - as long as you get into the word, you won't go wrong.

For me, I started with visiting different churches some 7 months ago. I found a pastor on TikTok I really enjoyed watching and follow (he goes live daily to preach), and I got a woman's study bible that has helped me understand certain parables. One of the churches provided me a guideline of how to read the Bible (the order of books) for someone who has been away from it for almost 2 decades. I also tried doing a spiritual fast a few months ago with ZERO sugar, God literally spoke to me in a dream on the third day, and he was the most perfect feeling/voice/message. It was very specific to me and literally changed my life.

Anyway, I say this all to say: God loves ALL of us and he has not forgotten about anyone. The most important thing is to get in the word (aka - read your Bible) and secondly, get into the habit of praying as its the best way to begin your relationship with God. After all, the best relationships have great communication - and this one is no different.

Offline sai07

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Re: Spirituality/Faith
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2024, 06:35:17 PM »
Hey Sai,

No step you take is too small when it comes to getting closer to God. The beautiful thing about God is that he meets us where we are and when we are ready, never forcing himself onto us. Know that there is no wrong or right way to do this - as long as you get into the word, you won't go wrong.

For me, I started with visiting different churches some 7 months ago. I found a pastor on TikTok I really enjoyed watching and follow (he goes live daily to preach), and I got a woman's study bible that has helped me understand certain parables. One of the churches provided me a guideline of how to read the Bible (the order of books) for someone who has been away from it for almost 2 decades. I also tried doing a spiritual fast a few months ago with ZERO sugar, God literally spoke to me in a dream on the third day, and he was the most perfect feeling/voice/message. It was very specific to me and literally changed my life.

Anyway, I say this all to say: God loves ALL of us and he has not forgotten about anyone. The most important thing is to get in the word (aka - read your Bible) and secondly, get into the habit of praying as its the best way to begin your relationship with God. After all, the best relationships have great communication - and this one is no different.

Thanks so much, Serena. I have been praying but not as often as I should, I stopped the rosary a while ago bc I don’t know - I didn’t feel worthy I suppose. Why would God want me or forgive me. I feel like a fraud sometimes. At the same time I want to be at peace. But you’re right that comes from small steps. I am going to keep up with the prayers - sometimes I talk to God - I do hope He hears me bc it feels very lonely. You bring up a good point about fasting as well. I’m going to try. Thank you so much. I needed to hear this!