Author Topic: I'm letting go  (Read 9750 times)

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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I'm letting go
« on: June 19, 2024, 10:10:01 PM »
I'm in the process of letting go of my main POI. I am starting to feel like I may have jinxed it all by getting too many readings... there is a post on this group somewhere, where this person talks about the same thing - how reading too much on one person can ruin it all...
I very much love this POI and most of the psychics I spoke to were SO convincing in telling me how much of a strong connection we have - and how much potential there is for it to grow. This was the very first time EVER my favourite psychics told me that. In the past, they saw everyone else as being temporary and were correct... I believed them this time and was excited about the idea of having found my 'true love'.
But now, we haven't been in contact in almost 4 weeks, and I have been trying to move on ...Whilst we never officially ended things, I love myself enough to know that waiting for him is unhealthy for my soul. Let's be honest here - if they like you, they will want to reach out to you, regardless of how much shit they have going on in their life... So - I deleted his number, removed our photo from my cork board and put it in a box, and have been trying to focus on what is in front of me right now instead.. I feel sad, defeated, disappointed, even angry at myself a little - but that's OK. I know I will be OK someday - been there, done that - used to think some silly ex from the past was the one and I would never get over him - and yet I did- so I am sure I will eventually get over this one, too. I know he will reach out soon, because my birthday is coming up - but I also really dont want to talk to him, because I feel hurt by his silence and don't think I see a way out of this ..
I have also been in some form of a 'hermit mode' for about three weeks now, doing lots of meditating, self-reflection, reading- eating and sleeping lol. Anyway... I wanted to share this video with you guys, I highly recommend it to those of you who cannot let go.. it's painfully correct about how we perceive love and relationship ... and how relying/clinging onto someone is so bad for us AND them...
I have also read the book called : The Power of Now - and highly recommend you read it too - or at least the chapter: Enlightened Relationships , starting on page 120. If you message me, I will share pics of the pages if you like. It's been helping me get through the emotional pain. :)
Hopefully it'll help someone as much as it has helped me. I've also not had a reading since I read/watched this! Bought a huge box of strawberries and cherries instead of getting a reading today lol. Money well spent - unlike the ££ I have wasted on psychics since April.  ;)
If anyone is struggling with letting go or over binging on psychics and wants some support, feel free to reach out! we're in this together!!   :-*
I will update my main thread in a month or two, when I know who was right/wrong overall, but somehow I know already what it's going to be...
« Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 11:06:38 AM by TulipsAndSunflowers »

Offline Chocolate

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2024, 08:03:43 PM »
Hi. I don’t think you can change or jinx the outcome of something with having readings unless it influences your actions. I think it can affect our abilities to use our own intuition and gut feelings though. Well done for staying strong and not contacting your POI.

The way I think about readings now is I am basically paying someone to tell me a load of crap and deceive me. Why would I do that? There are a few good readers around but usually with relationship stuff they predict happy endings that don’t come true for me.

I had a tough day today but didn’t give in and have a reading. I feel better for saving my money

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2024, 01:23:24 AM »
Thank you! Well done on not giving in either! Stay strong:))  ;)
I have read a lot since April - and yet only recorded ONE reading out of ... quite a few lol. Why do I always forget to record them...  :o
Thankfully I have kept notes, which helps me stay away from getting more readings!
I think it's just the overall energy/aura/whatever you want to call it that gets affected if one gets too many readings on the same topic... not sure how to explain it, but everything was pretty good UNTIL I started getting all the bloody readings ... It's almost like I am subconsciously trying to sabotage my own happiness.  ::)

Offline Chocolate

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2024, 07:09:51 AM »
Thank you. I was having readings on the UK site Ask the Answer where you can listen to recorded readings for about a month and get discounts as a Purple Hearts member. This has helped me cut down on readings quite a bit but it still gives me false hope!

I seemed to manage better with relationships before I had loads of readings. I was listening to what partners/POIs were really saying rather than listening to psychics giving me the happy ending and not facing up to the reality of situations

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2024, 10:22:04 PM »
haven't read on that site, will do my best to avoid them! Are they fairytale readers? Hope you have managed to stay away from readings?

I have, unfortunately, had two readings. Uh oh.  ::) Keen gave me some dollars to spend... and it went from there, but I have spent $70 in total, which isn't so bad. also went to a spiritual workshop today, which was GREAT, and it felt SO nice to spend money on that, but I kinda enjoyed the reading too. No more readings until at least July....  8)!

I feel the same - about managing relationships better when one has no readings.- or at least very limited readings! I feel like if I were paying cash for the readings, it would also make a difference, paying digitally, you don't see th money leaving your account right away, so it doesn't feel as bad - until you open your bank statements ..  :-\
« Last Edit: June 22, 2024, 10:24:43 PM by TulipsAndSunflowers »

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2024, 11:55:19 AM »
Hi. Some of the readers on Ask the Answer give a positive spin on relationship stuff yes. So reductions are quite hit and miss. I thought I’d found a good reader last year as a prediction came true but the next time I read with her it was all fairytale crap.

Don’t beat yourself up about having the readings. Just cutting down can be an achievement. True what you said about paying for readings in cash. Maybe if I just had the occasional face to face reading it might help me cut down more. I no longer have readings where it goes on my phone bill so I can track what I am spending more easily

Offline Chocolate

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2024, 11:58:34 AM »
Predictions not reductions ha ha

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2024, 08:38:10 PM »
That doesn't sound very optimistic! The website you are using... hope you're doing well!

I am not overly upset about the readings, as it was just a few minutes and I felt like I needed the emotional support.... no contact from main POI, so everyone was totally wrong, but I know that a contact will come at some point, just not sure how much I want it at this point ...  letting go takes quite a lot of dedication lol.

Instead of getting readings, I bought this awesome but expensive mug! Would've spent the same on a 10 min psychic reading, but I'm excited about this mug, been meaning to buy it for a while, so money well spent.  :P

There are quite a few markets where I live, and almost all of them have a tarot reader there, but they're all awful and soooo full of shit! There's also a spiritual festival coming up this weekend, which I might go to, as there are meant to be psychics, card readers, but also energy workers, lots of dancing and sole traders selling their spiritual goodies, cards, crystals etc. Thinking of making my way there if I behave and have no readings until then! :) do you have any decent face to face readers where you live?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2024, 08:48:46 PM by TulipsAndSunflowers »

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2024, 10:10:05 PM »
A really helpful video for anyone who is trying (but struggling) to let them go ... :)

It's approx five mins long, and I found it really helpful, thought I'd share! ❤️❤️

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2024, 12:56:45 AM »
This is the most difficult 'letting go' I have ever gone through. Taking it easy, baby steps, all was OK, until I saw him on social media - he doesn't have social media and I hardly ever use it myself, but I follow an organisation for which he volunteers - and there he was, giving a speech ... looking pretty good (unfortunately:). Anyway, why am I posting this? Well, seeing this made me upset ... I decided to call a reader, someone new ... Someone on this forum recommended Miscah. I called her and she was really good with past and present, like super duper accurate - only Gab and Lotus Grace got such specific details about him, including third party (Gab and Miscah also knew about his kids etc...). Now, the contact predictions given by Gab and Miscah pretty much align ... Gab said 3 weeks (2weeks ago) and Miscah said between 5-10 August (but felt strongly about 10 August). I am still somehow doubting that this will happen, but will update if it does. They both also  gave the exact same reason as to why he has not been in touch in so long ... (I will write it on here later on, don't want to share too many details..). BUT - their outcome is the complete opposite... Gab said I'd never see him again and Miscah said I'd see him in September (two days ago, I got a confirmation that I will be travelling to his city in September! my plan was to wait. until end of august, message him then and ask him to meet me in person for closure!). Gab said nothing will ever come out of it - Miscah said that we are not over, because the connection is too strong... she said some things that were so spot on about our connection, but I just don't want to put my hopes up again and be heartbroken all over ... Will update on here by August 10. :) In the meantime - I am going to be playing, flirting and enjoying the single life to the best of my abilities!  8) ;)

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2024, 11:47:11 AM »
Adding  to this little monologue here ... I have not had a reading in two weeks. Just when I thought I was doing well, I got a reminder about a reading coming up, which I booked OVER A YEAR AGO!  ;D and forgot about! This psychic  is meant to be amazing - hence the 1 year wait list. I hope it won't make me spiral out of control again ... my bank account has really appreciated the reduced spending - and so have I ..

Offline jackY

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2024, 05:18:07 PM »
Definitely let us know how it goes! I hope the wait will be worth it :).

Adding  to this little monologue here ... I have not had a reading in two weeks. Just when I thought I was doing well, I got a reminder about a reading coming up, which I booked OVER A YEAR AGO!  ;D and forgot about! This psychic  is meant to be amazing - hence the 1 year wait list. I hope it won't make me spiral out of control again ... my bank account has really appreciated the reduced spending - and so have I ..

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2024, 05:32:30 PM »
Thanks, Jacky xx I hope so too... this reader has come HIGHLY recommended, so let's see... Will be updating on here for sure... x

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2024, 08:07:06 PM »
An update for those who wish to read it. As this post has been viewed quite a few times, I feel like I should write this. To anyone who is having a hard time letting go of your POIs... . you WILL get there, I promise. It just takes time. Allow yourself to be sad, but do not waste your precious time by waiting on predictions to happen. Because, as a lot of us on here have learnt the hard way - they often don't come to pass. And it can hurt even more than the ghosting, rejection etc combined...

I had so many readers give me a fairytale and really believed me and this dude were meant to be. All was perfect for a while - until it wasn't. I already posted about the readers who were right vs wrong and will update even more in due course. I am only updating this thread, because I can see how many lovely people are struggling and getting more and more readings , because it feels better - but the feeling is short lived - so then we try another reader.. and another one .. and forget to actually live our lives.. while our POIs are often out there, living their best lives..

I hate to say this but no one was 100% correct on this POI, but there has been some 75%-80% accuracy (with maybe 2 or 3 readers out of 11-12?). Me and him are now very close, talking regularly, but we are nothing but friends, which will never change (there are circumstances which prevent us from ever being together and it's probably for the better). He has recently been opening up about how badly he feels about hurting me and I really appreciate this. It has also helped me heal - although it still hurts a tad!

His ghosting has been explained and his reasons were valid. He admitted he was not planning on messaging me, because he was a coward (his words) who knew he had let me down and was too afraid to face what he had done. Guys - This all happened because I REACHED OUT. Four months of no contact and most readers' contact predictions were just off... I have to admit that I felt a little humiliated to be reaching out at first (since I was the one who got ghosted...), but then I went for it and just messaged him, because I felt like I deserved closure... got way more than I bargained for by us becoming friends, but guess that's just a nice bonus. I am saying this, because maybe someone on here needs to know that MESSAGING FIRST is NOT a sign of weakness - quite the opposite! And, there is nothing wrong with admitting you are feeling vulnerable. If he isn't messaging and you feel hurt by it - what is the worst that can happen if you reach out first? Rejection? Well... at least that can help you to get your answers and move on.

We often act like we don't have an expiry date, but we all know that that's not the case.... I was sad all summer, such a waste!!  ::)

Watching the philosophical videos I shared earlier and delving into numerous older threads on this forum genuinely helped me feel more grounded and reduce my need for constant readings. If you feel an urge to get a reading, I’d highly recommend browsing some of the older posts on here. Many members describe having consulted dozens—sometimes hundreds—of psychics, only to find out that none of them were accurate. Reading stories about people who were advised to 'wait' for years, only for their POIs to move on, marry, or start families, was both eye-opening and quite frankly - heartbreaking. These posts have helped me avoid going down the same path....

« Last Edit: November 04, 2024, 08:13:57 PM by TulipsAndSunflowers »

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: I'm letting go
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2024, 09:27:48 PM »
Proud of you @tulip 😊 I know you are brave! And very valid points. I also like what dragonflyer put quote ...we didn't win, we are just alone! Haha
Loved it!!
I also want to add Chose you first always and great opportunity to revisit out childhood trauma and start therapy. And I no perfect either but over time I have realized i have been carrying "I m not enough baggage" and I hope to dump all of that away into the garbage.

