I'm in the process of letting go of my main POI. I am starting to feel like I may have jinxed it all by getting too many readings... there is a post on this group somewhere, where this person talks about the same thing - how reading too much on one person can ruin it all...
I very much love this POI and most of the psychics I spoke to were SO convincing in telling me how much of a strong connection we have - and how much potential there is for it to grow. This was the very first time EVER my favourite psychics told me that. In the past, they saw everyone else as being temporary and were correct... I believed them this time and was excited about the idea of having found my 'true love'.
But now, we haven't been in contact in almost 4 weeks, and I have been trying to move on ...Whilst we never officially ended things, I love myself enough to know that waiting for him is unhealthy for my soul. Let's be honest here - if they like you, they will want to reach out to you, regardless of how much shit they have going on in their life... So - I deleted his number, removed our photo from my cork board and put it in a box, and have been trying to focus on what is in front of me right now instead.. I feel sad, defeated, disappointed, even angry at myself a little - but that's OK. I know I will be OK someday - been there, done that - used to think some silly ex from the past was the one and I would never get over him - and yet I did- so I am sure I will eventually get over this one, too. I know he will reach out soon, because my birthday is coming up - but I also really dont want to talk to him, because I feel hurt by his silence and don't think I see a way out of this ..
I have also been in some form of a 'hermit mode' for about three weeks now, doing lots of meditating, self-reflection, reading- eating and sleeping lol. Anyway... I wanted to share this video with you guys, I highly recommend it to those of you who cannot let go.. it's painfully correct about how we perceive love and relationship ... and how relying/clinging onto someone is so bad for us AND them...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yah-abKb96g&t=608sI have also read the book called : The Power of Now - and highly recommend you read it too - or at least the chapter: Enlightened Relationships , starting on page 120. If you message me, I will share pics of the pages if you like. It's been helping me get through the emotional pain.

Hopefully it'll help someone as much as it has helped me. I've also not had a reading since I read/watched this! Bought a huge box of strawberries and cherries instead of getting a reading today lol. Money well spent - unlike the ££ I have wasted on psychics since April.

If anyone is struggling with letting go or over binging on psychics and wants some support, feel free to reach out! we're in this together!!

I will update my main thread in a month or two, when I know who was right/wrong overall, but somehow I know already what it's going to be...