Relationship Psychology Discussions > My Story

Sharing my story - who has been right and who was totally off?!

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It is, but I recently read on Psychic Source for the first time and they also record calls so who knows, maybe they, too, listen  ... Psychic Access record them when you select the option to record, but the owner dude defo listens at times, because you can HEAR it on the phone and, if you have energy sensitivities, you simply FEEL that as well. I also mentioned it to one of the readers (cannot mention whom, just to be safe) and they also said that they sometimes felt that but tried not to pay attention to it.... this keeps me away from the site tbh (although vast majority of the readers on there are NOT good, aside from like 2-3). ::)

Other what? Other people who call in at the same time? or...other entities  :'(

--- Quote from: Kate on June 18, 2024, 08:15:53 AM ---
--- Quote from: dragonflyer on June 18, 2024, 12:50:15 AM ---
--- Quote from: TulipsAndSunflowers on June 11, 2024, 09:06:10 PM ---
Kinda not too keen on Psychic Access anyway cause of the owner being a bit rude and just awkward and he also LISTENS to phonecalls, I can literally HEAR when he is listening and it makes me very uncomfortable.... there are some threads on him on here if you wanna read more...

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That's so creepy... Can they really do that? Listening to your reading? Isn't that a violation of privacy?

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Not only that, but other energies on the call would mess up the reading...

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Soooo.... more than five weeks of no contact! I was doing well, letting go, focusing on work and spirituality, but the last few days I have been sad ::) I was pretty certain he wouldn't forget to at least message on my birthday ... but nope!! That was truly disappointing tbh, enough to ruin the entire day  ::) (which is kind of ridiculous, but it's what it is  ::) :P ) ... my last hope is Cheyenne Skye, I called her for a quick reading and she got a '2' - if that isn't tomorrow, then it defo isnt  happening and I will have to acknowledge that the negative readers were the ones who were right...  :-\


--- Quote from: TulipsAndSunflowers on July 01, 2024, 09:21:35 PM ---Soooo.... more than five weeks of no contact! I was doing well, letting go, focusing on work and spirituality, but the last few days I have been sad ::) I was pretty certain he wouldn't forget to at least message on my birthday ... but nope!! That was truly disappointing tbh, enough to ruin the entire day  ::) (which is kind of ridiculous, but it's what it is  ::) :P ) ... my last hope is Cheyenne Skye, I called her for a quick reading and she got a '2' - if that isn't tomorrow, then it defo isnt  happening and I will have to acknowledge that the negative readers were the ones who were right...  :-\

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When was your birthday? Happy birthday 🩷🩷🩷🩷 I have been in your shoes before and it’s very hurtful. All I can say is please don’t put your life or emotions on hold for someone who has no grasp on their own 🩷
Have you met this man in person already 


When was your birthday? Happy birthday 🩷🩷🩷🩷 I have been in your shoes before and it’s very hurtful. All I can say is please don’t put your life or emotions on hold for someone who has no grasp on their own 🩷
Have you met this man in person already

Thank you, sugarsky, you're so sweet  :-* It was today!! I even switched my phone off for 18 hours and just worked all day, helped me to get distracted!
Defo not putting my life on hold, but it's been difficult to manage emotions, I even started crying on the street lol. ME! The woman who's been dating without getting too emotionally involved since 2018 - until now! Yes, we met many times and it went from great to wonderful, also he was very blunt from the start, he'd talk about other women in his life and so on, never promising me anything ... until towards the end, when he even mentioned the L word and started promising things ...  ::) I never initiated any of that, it was all his doing! I went into it without expectations. Ugh.He was so kind and loving-  and I still believe he was genuine the whole time - so no idea what broke in the stupid head of his, but oh well ...  ::) The worst part is that I will definitely find it very difficult to trust anyone ever again after this .... which sucks ( and all the readers that said super positive things about the relationship didn't help!!) ...  :o I also really want to shout at him a little... and get the frustration out. But can't even do this when he's not talking to me,  ;D  Now all I've got is anxiety, empty box of chocolates and flowers I got for myself.  ;D    .... How are things for you now btw? Hope there is no more heartache? xx


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