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Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
--- Quote from: serenejoy on July 01, 2024, 07:38:29 PM ---QoC has been accurate on multiple occasions, always short-term predictions though. Barbara has been like 20% right? it's hard to say as she throws a lot of "random" stuff out, but tells you to "remember that" ;D
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QOC never got anything right for me but she was nice when I spoke to her. I called her 3 or 4 times. Barbara has been good only when i ask what she gets on her own.
I can't say much for Barbara other than I read with her 10 years ago. I ended up blocking her because she was not correct.
QofC has been a good empath reader for me. If I do call her, it's only once or twice a year as her predictions seldom happen. But, good empath.
I used to like Angelic Dream but stopped reading with her as I thought her fairytale readings were irresponsible. She told me things that were over the top and never happened.
QOC hands down.. She is a great empath and has been mostly accurate for me with regards to feelings/thoughts/intentions of a person.
angelic dream is fairy tale reader- i waited so so long because she kept saying it will work or he will contact me and that never happened - no for queen of cups always negative reading so by default she is correct and barbara - when i spoke to her it also felt like she connected but nothing she said came to pass - she did pick up on someone that i would cross path but thats all about it - nothing happened with that guy either
Yehhh I'm starting to feel the same tbh.
The complete opposite is happening to what they've all said
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