Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions >

Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846

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I can't say much for Barbara other than I read with her 10 years ago. I ended up blocking her because she was not correct.

QofC has been a good empath reader for me. If I do call her, it's only once or twice a year as her predictions seldom happen. But, good empath.

I used to like Angelic Dream but stopped reading with her as I thought her fairytale readings were irresponsible. She told me things that were over the top and never happened.

QOC hands down.. She is a great empath and has been mostly accurate for me with regards to feelings/thoughts/intentions of a person.

angelic dream is fairy tale reader- i waited so so long because she kept saying it will work or he will contact me and that never happened - no for queen of cups always negative reading so by default she is correct and barbara - when i spoke to her it also felt like she connected but nothing she said came to pass - she did pick up on someone that i would cross path but thats all about it - nothing happened with that guy either

Yehhh I'm starting to feel the same tbh.

The complete opposite is happening to what they've all said

So are you all saying Qof Cups would be able to Predict something and chances are it will pass?


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