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Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846

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That is so insulting. Same answers based on a cold reading. Nope.

--- Quote from: Chitowngirl on November 26, 2024, 10:37:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: unluckycharacter22 on September 03, 2024, 10:26:39 PM ---I spoke to Angelic Dream about what was going on with my POI. She asked if I was worried that he was secretly married and then started going on about him dealing with baby mama drama. I can confirm that he is not and has never been married, nor does he have a child.

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Okay, I had some money on my Keen account so I decided to give this Angelic Dream person a go and she said the exact same thing to me! And she was also wrong, because this guy has never been married nor is he a father. Weird, wouldn't recommend her. She also didn't make a ton of sense, seemed to just throw random stuff out there like, "I see distance but we're in Mercury Retrograde right now so wait until this is over." Then she told me this guy is guarded with me and has trust issues that there is gossip going around about me. Maybe he has trust issues but don't we all? There's definitely no gossip going around about me though. Very odd commentary.

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This makes me feel a bit better because she told me things opposite of QoC who I trust a lot more.


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